The September 2012 issue of Locus Magazine lists a recent book sale by Patrick Rothfuss to his longtime editor (and 2012 Hugo winner) Betsy Wollheim at science fiction/fantasy publisher DAW Books. The sale is listed as “the first book in a new fantasy series” by the Kingkiller Chronicles author.
Rothfuss fans are currently eagerly awaiting the concluding volume to the Kingkiller Chronicles (currently being examined in incredible detail in Jo Walton’s Patrick Rothfuss reread), but this news is a welcome guarantee that fans have yet more to look forward to even after Kvothe/Kote’s story is concluded.
Although the sale is listed as a new fantasy series, could it be set in the same world as the Kingkiller Chronicles? If it is, what events or characters would you like to see take the spotlight?
Book 3 will now act out and get tantrummy to win back Rothfuss’s paternal attention.
I’d take a not so wild guess and say it will be the start of a new sequel trilogy in which Kote sheds his name and rediscovers his power – probably by picking up a lute.
I think I’d prefer it to not relate to Kvothe at all. Perhaps some of the history we’ve only guessed at, or the adventures of a traveling troupe of players or some of the more famous of the university…
Pat has said that he’s been interested in writing urban fantasy… Maybe the new series is urban fantasy set in Wisconsin?
I seem to remember on the first episode of STORYBOARD, Pat saying that he hasn’t written any urban fantasy “yet”. I wouldn’t be surprised if this new book was just that.
I would prefer he finish the series he is working on now. At the rate he comes out with publications he will be 70 by the time he finishes another set of books.
Anyone else kind of going…. “Duh.”?
No, Rikka. I’m too busy being excited.
Yay for more Patbooks!
Not a fan of urban fantasy, mostly because the few examples I’ve picked up have been horribly composed. If anyone could change my mind, it would be Patrick.
@Ranovr32, nobody said he was going to start a new series with “Kingkiller” unfinished. Chill pills are on aisle 5.