I stumbled across these amazing art boxes through Gizmodo. AnnaTheRed makes these homemade bento boxes for her boyfriend (talk about one lucky guy!) and posts the process and photos online. The boxes are what’s called Kyaraben, or character bento. Each box takes about five hours to make. Here is Wall*E, made from an omelette. I love the egg Eve, and the tilt of his sad little eyes. The cubes are hamburger cubes, and his rollers are strips of seaweed.
But Wall*E is just the beginning. Take a look at this Yoshi & Pikachu bento, inspired by Super Smash Bros. She even included instructions for how to make your own Yoshi! That’s a bit intimidating of a task, but the Mario mushrooms seem much more manageable.
My Neighbor Totoro (two versions)
There are so many more of these over at her boyfriend’s Flickr gallery. A warning, though: you will spend hours poring over these gorgeous edible creations.