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Galadriel at War, a Dwarven Princess, and Other Tidbits From the First Real Look at The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power


Galadriel at War, a Dwarven Princess, and Other Tidbits From the First Real Look at The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

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Galadriel at War, a Dwarven Princess, and Other Tidbits From the First Real Look at The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power


Published on February 10, 2022

Image: Amazon Prime Video
Image: Amazon Prime Video

Where Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is concerned, we’ve had little to go on—for years—but that hasn’t stopped anyone from speculating. Who is this show about? Will there be hobbits, even though there weren’t really hobbits in the Second Age, when the story is set? Will they drag Sauron into it even though he’s been lying low?

A big piece in Vanity Fair today offers, well, some answers (and fodder for a thousand more speculations, too). One thing is for sure: Now we know who some of those hands belong to.

The nifty elven armor belongs to Galadriel, who is in this era a warrior, “as angry and brash as she is clever” according to Vanity Fair. She has a plotline with a human, Halbrand (Charlie Vickers), who is one of the characters created for the show; he has a past he’s trying to escape from.

The series, as the name suggests, centers around the forging of the rings. “It’s the story of the creation of all those powers, where they came from, and what they did to each of those races,” said co-showrunner Patrick McKay, who explained the central question behind the series: “Can we come up with the novel Tolkien never wrote and do it as the mega-event series that could only happen now?”

Other new characters include Arondir, a silvan elf played by Ismael Cruz Córdova (he wears the striking tree-face armor), and the dwarf Princess Disa (Sophia Nomvete). Arondir has a forbidden human lover, Bronwyn (Nazanin Boniadi), who lives in the Southlands and is described as a single mother and healer.

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I don’t know what to tell you about Elrond; I can’t stop thinking how he borrowed his hairstyle from Steve Harrington in the first season of Stranger Things. But here he’s “a canny young elven architect and politician” in the city of Lindon.

As some have guessed, the show has not hobbits but harfoots, who are ancestors to hobbits as we know them. “Two lovable, curious harfoots, played by Megan Richards and Markella Kavenagh, encounter a mysterious lost man whose origin promises to be one of the show’s most enticing enigmas,” Vanity Fair says. Sir Lenny Henry plays a harfoot elder.

One of the most familiar names other than Galadriel or Elrond is Isildur (Maxim Baldry), who at this point is a sailor, not a warrior; it’s years until he cuts the One Ring from Sauron’s hand. The elven smith Celebrimbor (Charles Edwards) has an important part to play. And we’ll also meet Prince Durin IV (Owain Arthur) and see Khazad-dûm at its height.

And there’s one big thing the showrunners need viewers to know. Vanity Fair says, “In the novels, the aforementioned things take place over thousands of years, but Payne and McKay have compressed events into a single point in time. It is their biggest deviation from the text, and they know it’s a big swing.”

If that’s the biggest deviation, it’s one that makes sense, narratively speaking; thousands of years is a too-massive canvas for a show that may only have a few seasons to tell its story.

The first trailer for The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is set to debut during the Super Bowl this Sunday, February 13th.

About the Author

Molly Templeton


Molly Templeton has been a bookseller, an alt-weekly editor, and assistant managing editor of, among other things. She now lives and writes in Oregon, and spends as much time as possible in the woods.
Learn More About Molly
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2 years ago

This is looking more and more like compromised, corporate mess every day. :-( 

2 years ago

Dis was actually the name of the mother of Fili and Kili. Dwarf women didn’t get into the histories, according to Tolkien, because they seldom went abroad and when they did they made themselves look and sound exactly like the men. For protection perhaps? Dwarf women were scarce. But they were very self directed being as interested in craft as men and free to concentrate on their work rather than marry. Dwarf men may have been slightly henpecked. If so they didn’t mind.

Am I the only one thinking that maybe making the childlike forest people brown isn’t the best look?

2 years ago

P.S. the new character’s names are pretty awful. Arondir?? 

David Pirtle
2 years ago

Very excited for this. All the photos look amazing! Love the fact that there are POC dwarves and elves (Disa should for real have a beard, though :).

I am glad that they are saying up front that they are compressing the Second Age timeline, even though I really wanted them to stay true to it, because it gives me time to get over that and just enjoy the show. Like you say, a story spanning millenia probably wasn’t practical.

2 years ago

Looks nice to me.

2 years ago

The Lord of the Rings trilogy movies actually do condense quite a bit of the timeline as well, so I’m more or less okay with this, I think.  And given that Tolkien himself never really settled on what was canon for a lot of these things (even in his notes)  AND leaves a ton of gaps, I think I’m just mentally more prepared to accept a little more playing in the sandbox.

The concept of dwarf women is kind of neat even though I know it already is a bit of a departure (as they are supposed to be more reclusive and look enough like dwarvish men that outsiders can’t distinguish them).

2 years ago

@3: I recall that Tolkien canonically had a dwarven character called Groin.

2 years ago

The time compression is one of my only remaining concerns. Yes, it helps that there’s time to just process and accept it. I guess I’m just revising my concern to: are we talking about having the whole of the Second Age take place within Isildur’s lifetime? Are there are only going to be like one or two kings of Númenor? Elros . . . then Ar-Pharazôn? That’s how this is starting to feel. 

@2, where are you getting “childlike” from?

2 years ago

@7 Pronounced GROW-IN.

Isildur never had a sister. The Galadriel actress projects no power or strength (listen to her voiceover…ugh). Dwarven women have bears. I can’t wait to see what else they decided to “change for changes” sake.

2 years ago

Why the need to compress the timeline at all? We didn’t ”need” to have Isildur. We have plenty of interesting characters  without mashing the timeline to drag in one Numenorean. What Elrond and Galadriel weren’t recognizable enough? It seems like they’re trying to pull in all the major hits of the Second Age into one show, when the War of the Elves and Sauron would have sufficed.

This is going to be a mess.  Whether it will be enjoyable or exasperating has yet to be seen.

@@@@@ Agreed.  Tar-Palantir will probably take Tar-Minastir’s role if they include him at all.

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