Greetings, Cosmere Chickens, and welcome back to the climax of Elantris! In this week’s reread we finally reach the point where everything comes to a head, and it’s a glorious moment, to be sure. If you’ve been waiting on the edge of your seat for Raoden to find the answers he’s been seeking for the entirety of the book—well, this is the chapter for you. We’ll also be delving into the annotations to learn about some of the stuff that Brandon ultimately cut from the book… Won’t you join us?
Spoiler warning: This week’s article contains major spoilers from Mistborn: Eras 1 and 2. The spoilers are clearly marked, but proceed with caution if you haven’t read the books yet!
Last time on Elantris: STILL SANDERLANCHIN’…
We’ve reached the point of peak dramatic tension: Raoden has succumbed to his injuries and Galladon and Karata have carried him to the Pool. They are about to toss him in when he realizes what they need to do to save the Dor—but his startled shout surprises Galladon, who drops Raoden into the Pool. Meanwhile, Dilaf teleports Hrathen and Sarene to Teod, where he’s prepared to assassinate Eventeo and take the country by force. The prisoners back in Arendel and Elantris are about to be put to the sword or the torch. Things look very, very grim…
L: Gotta respect Hrathen for not only saving Sarene, who he’s got the hots for, but also the people of Teod.
P: Yes. Saving Sarene was one thing, he didn’t have to tell Eventeo what was happening. He truly does want to preserve life.
L: About time.
L: On the one hand, it’s awesome that Hrathen’s finally turned face and saved her at the eleventh hour. On the other, I so wish that Sarene could have saved herself and didn’t need to be turned into a damsel in distress.
P: True. But really, she had no chance against those monks. They’re beyond brutal. And really, she’s been saved like a damsel in distress a couple of times in this book so far.
L: Brandon does get better with his heroines as his writing career progresses (looking at you, Vin, Shallan, Jasnah) so we can look at this at the beginning of his “character” arc. All of us have to learn and grow as writers.
L: Oh, well that’s certainly interesting! Glowing, you say?
P: Oh, I like hints!
Back to Raoden, who has just burst out of the Pool, to everyone’s surprise:
P:I find this very interesting. Like the Sorting Hat in Harry Potter taking your wishes into account.
L: And this becomes a theme in Brandon’s work in general—one need only look at Dalinar and Kaladin to see that.
L: Looking back on this now, we have to laugh, because this is a Perpendicularity. Brandon may not have realized what he was doing at the time, but he linked it into the Cosmere eventually!
P: I really love this so much. “I’m going to put this random thing in my book to advance my plot but I have no idea how important it will become in my overarching universe.” Just perfect.
P: I knew this would happen! Good on Sarene and her lessons!
L: I love this so much. It’s bringing these women full circle, and fulfilling a promise made to the reader. Their sword lessons were Chekhov’s gun placed on the mantle for us—why show us learning to fight, if we weren’t ever going to see them use those skills?
P: Exactly! This is truly so satisfying to see. Their hard work during Sarene’s lessons is paying off!
Back to Sarene and Hrathen, who is discarding his heavy armor:
L: I do love a good antihero face-turn, and this one absolutely qualifies.
P: Or maybe it’s a calling that he no longer quite fits into. He’s grown past it.
L: And we see this exemplified a little later, in his conversation with Sarene:
P: Some of this religion’s ideas are funky but that’s a good baseline to have.
L: Hrathen doing his best romance-novel-cover impression here—maybe a last-ditch effort to try to seduce Sarene? All he needs is the long hair blowing in the wind. And maybe a kilt.
L: I guess we’ll forgive you this time, Past!Brandon. I’d say “don’t make a habit of it,” but, well. We all know how that holds up. (Mistborn spoiler:) Kelsier, Wayne… (End of spoiler)
P: Yes, and more beloved than Karata.
L: Finally!
P: Payoff, baby! It’s been such a long, painful wait since Raoden first started practicing the Dor!
L: So the shape of the city itself is the spell that makes the Dor work. Sort of like how the shape of the Shattered Plains in Words of Radiance has significance… Brandon seems like imbuing the topography or structure of his cities with magical importance.
P: I loved so much that the actual city was an Aon. It was just ::chef’s kiss::.
Raoden steps out of the light, and…
He lets them go?!
L: ::puts on Ninth Doctor hat::Just this once, Rose, everybody lives!
P: I really need to watch Doctor Who, don’t I?
L: I wasn’t aware that you hadn’t, so yes. Emphatically yes.
P: Ahh! I love this! Nobody is lost (except Karata, sad face)!
L: I’m with Past!Brandon on this one. That’s an awesome mental image.
P: Right? Glowing bodies emerging from the pyre. Very cool!
L: You know, Brandon may claim to not be gritty and dark, but then he comes out with this:
L: Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much. That’s pretty dark. (Not that I’m complaining! That monk had it coming!)
P: Oh, did he ever. They all did, really, for massacring the people of Kae. I’d have been like, “No mercy!”
L: Aon alert!
L: I do love that he gets to have a badass speech to go along with his “get off my lawn” proclamation.
P: “Get off my lawn…” OMG, you’re on it today! ::laughing some more::
L: Oh, this ought to be good. We’ve got to include this.
L: I’m going to be honest here… I could see this working well, if not maybe at this place in the novel. The whole “he betrayed his own people” twist could be really cool. But at this point there would have just been too much going on. It would have been overwhelming.
P: I agree with you. There’s a lot happening in this Sanderlanche and this would have been just too much for us to swallow.
L: Yeah, there’s that, I guess… but his own people in the present are dicks, so…
P: Indeed, they are. Wyrn is just evil incarnate.
L: A very fair point there. But I still think that it could have worked.
P: ::takes notes:: Any advice Brandon has to offer is good advice, in my opinion.
We’ll be leaving further speculation and discussion to you in the comments, and hope to join you there! Next week, we’ll be back with chapter 62.
About the Author
Paige Vest
Paige lives in New Mexico, of course, and loves the beautiful Southwest, though the summers are a bit too hot for her... she is a delicate flower, you know. But there are some thorns, so handle with care. She has been a Sanderson beta reader since 2016 and has lost count of how many books she’s worked on. She not only writes Sanderson-related articles for, but also writes flash fiction and short stories for competitions, and is now at work on the third novel of a YA/Crossover speculative fiction trilogy with a spicy protagonist. She has numerous flash fiction pieces or short stories in various anthologies, all of which can be found on her Amazon author page. Too many flash fiction pieces to count, as well as two complete novels, can be found on her Patreon.
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