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Something More Than Night (Excerpt)

Ian Tregillis
Ian Tregillis
Science drone by day, writer by night.
Ian Tregillis lives near Santa Fe, New Mexico where he works as a physicist at Los Alamos Laboratory. He is a member of George R. R. Martin's "Wild Cards" writing collective.
"What Doctor Gottlieb Saw" is a "side story" to the events of his first novel, Bitter Seeds (Tor, 2010). The novel is the first of a trilogy, Milkweed, concerning a 20th century in which the determining conflicts of World War II were fought between scientifically-modified Nazi ubermenchen and elderly mad British warlocks.
“There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it.”
C.S. Lewis, The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader