Some might say that living in the UK makes for a bit of a miserable existence, not dissimilar to spending length of time in limbo, assuming the skies there are still concrete grey in May… but putting aside the terrible weather, I say nay!
Never mind, for the moment, that Brits are made to wait weeks or months or even years for some of the United States’ finest genre fiction to come across the pond—not to mention the many and various novels which never ever make it—because of course that blade cuts both ways. And equally, as we will see, there are certain upsides to a literary life in the fundamentally uncomfortable little kingdom that I call home when I’m feeling particularly patriotic.
Incidentally, admitting that is half the battle hereabouts.
First of all—and foremostly, of course—we have some remarkable writers of our own, many of whom are tremendously successful exports. A quick look through my library later, you can count amongst that number J. K. Rowling, Joe Abercrombie, Ian McDonald, China Mieville, Neil Gaiman, Iain M. Banks, Peter. F Hamilton and Christopher Priest. I could go on, but we’d be here all day if I did!
On the other hand, however, there are those awesome authors of fantastic fiction whose work seems alarmingly undervalued further afield than here. After a quick consult on Twitter, I’d include Adam Roberts, Graham Joyce, Adam Nevill, Gwyneth Jones, Ken MacLeod, M. John Harrison, Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Chris Beckett and Tom Fletcher in that category—yet again, the list might as well be endless.
I’ve been reviewing books for for nearly two years now, and in that time, I have tried to bring a number of these brilliant writers to light. Truth be told, though, I’ve barely managed to scratch the surface… so when I was asked to consider contributing a column concerned with the state of speculative fiction in Britain, I saw an exciting opportunity to double down on my self-stated mandate. To establish an actual dialogue, rather than the occasional monologues I’ve offered. To talk more often, and more fully, about genre novels that you really need to be reading, whether they come from a quantity—or a country—known to you or not.
At bottom, that’s what the British Genre Fiction Focus is interested in. Expanding your horizons—and mine while we’re at it, because I most certainly do not know it all. Not even close, by jove! Thus, I would welcome all comers to comment with suggestions for stories that should feature in subsequent installments of the column. You never know; just leave a line or two in the box below.
I would also invite you to share any related recommendations, of new novels you’re keen to see discussed on, writers you’ve appreciated first-hand in the past, or perhaps wondered about from afar. Lastly, let me encourage any miscellaneous observations you care to make about genre fiction in the United Kingdom. All I’d ask is that we keep our conversation to books published in Great Britain—including those novels that have finally crossed the proverbial pond—and authors who hail from there.
In each edition of the British Genre Fiction Focus, we’ll count down through a number of notable news stories, including but not in the least limited to talk of awards, announcements, tour dates, cover reveals and conventions. Plus we’ll have a chance to take the temperature of any ongoing conversations that touch on speculative fiction in Britain.
I mean, furthermore, to treat all genres equally. So whether you’re a nerd for sci-fi, fantasy or horror, steampunk or the weird, you should find something of especial interest in the British Genre Fiction Focus. Whether you tend to get hot under the collar for alt-history, urban fantasy or paranormal romance, you’ll be welcome here, one and all.
I’ll also be putting together a shortlist of notable novels primed for release in the period between each edition of the British Genre Fiction Focus. In this, I’ll follow the time-tested tradition of Suzanne Johnson’s invaluable Fiction Affliction, so alongside the usual array of names and dates, expect artwork, cover copy, publication information and links to relevant websites where appropriate.
There will be an emphasis on authors and novels as yet little-known outside of the UK, but room enough too to include a few of my fair nation’s more famous fictioneers. Hopefully, you’ll find a representative cross-section of both sorts of novelist in this weekly series.
What else?
Actually, I think that’s it. All that remains to do now is kick this new column off properly. How fortuitous, then, that it begins… imminently!
Be you based in Britain or beyond, I’d love for you to come on this continuing mission with me, so please, keep your browsers pointed towards for the inaugural edition of the British Genre Fiction Focus.
Niall Alexander is an erstwhile English teacher who reads and writes about all things weird and wonderful for Strange Horizons, The Speculative Scotsman and On rare occasion he’s been seen to tweet about books, too.