The trailer for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies is here, and it looks like it’s going to be a doozy, for sure.
The use of Pippin’s version of “The Walking Song” is particularly effective. *tears*
Published on July 28, 2014
The trailer for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies is here, and it looks like it’s going to be a doozy, for sure.
The use of Pippin’s version of “The Walking Song” is particularly effective. *tears*
Can I purchase a ticket right now? Like, right now? :)
Family Christmas movie for sure.
OK, so we’ve been badly faked out by Hobbit trailers before (remember the first one???). But maybe, just maybe, is it possible that someone knocked into Jackson’s head that the end of the story is actually pretty black and that Thorin was never heroic?
Too bad no one ever knocked into his head to just make a 3-hour movie without extensions, and with plenty of tonally appropriate humor at the beginning to modulate the shift into this. But I more or less enjoyed the last one, even though I hated the first–maybe they are getting better? Or this (plus the Gollum scene) was the part Jackson always really wanted to make?
I particularly love the moment when the dwarves are marching single-file past Bilbo. That, and “I will have war.” Wow.
Two words: War Goats
Thorin is far less heroic as portrayed in the pre-Rings book, to be certain. But Thorin’s role at large in Tolkien’s legendarium is a bit more. I do hope that he’s portrayed (as he’s already ramping up to be) as greedy as he is heroic, though. He does get his comeuppance, after all.
I have to laugh in general anytime I see a headline that starts with “Get Ready For….”
Like, I have special shoes I’ve been saving for this occasion or something.
Ok, I’m ready.
@6, you certainly have a point, but (and I know I may be on controversial ground here), I think that the end of The Hobbit portrays Thorin’s one-sided traditional epic militarism and revenge mentality, however well they come across in fictive historical documents in the legendarium, as deeply morally flawed compared with the (ironically less archaic) values that Bilbo brings to the battle and ending. Doing conventionally heroic deeds in the legendarium is no absolute guarantee of moral value. Túrin? The sons of Feänor, for the most part? If we really want to get into the whole Elf/Dwarf mess, Thingol? (One of the few things I have really liked about the Hobbit movies is that we actually, without Jackson violating any of his intellectual property agreements that keep him away from The Silmarillion, get to see some Elves who are morally suspect instead of paragons who literally shine with white light into the lens.)
Mutantalbinocrocodile, you certainly make some excellent points! But I would actually rather see Elves portrayed more true to their literary counterparts, being generally more virtuous and by no means as vain-seeming as the movies suggest. I think already, in all the movies, Jackson has shown them to be more morally flexible. Elrond was never that standoffish in the books. He was a figure of healing and benevolence, but he’s a bit more brooding and bitter.
But I’m also generally happy to see new portrayals that reinterpret.
I can’t help be a bit sad that a third of the, what, 9 hour hobbit experience, is basically going to be taken up with dragon battles and the Battle of Five Armies. Neither of which really had much role in the novel, because our viewpoint Bilbo was absent for one and unconscious for the other! Tolkien had mercy on us; Jackson has none.