We’re thrilled to share an excerpt from Otherworldly by F.T. Lukens, a young adult fantasy adventure out from Margaret K. McElderry Books on April 2.
Seventeen-year-old Ellery is a non-believer in a region where people swear the supernatural is real. Sure, they’ve been stuck in a five-year winter, but there’s got to be a scientific explanation. If goddesses were real, they wouldn’t abandon their charges like this, leaving farmers like Ellery’s family to scrape by.
Knox is a familiar from the Other World, a magical assistant sent to help humans who have made crossroads bargains. But it’s been years since he heard from his queen, and Knox is getting nervous about what he might find once he returns home. When the crossroads demons come to collect Knox, he panics and runs. A chance encounter down an alley finds Ellery coming to Knox’s rescue, successfully fending off his would-be abductors.
Ellery can’t quite believe what they’ve seen. And they definitely don’t believe the nonsense this unnervingly attractive guy spews about his paranormal origins. But Knox needs to make a deal with a human who can tether him to this realm, and Ellery needs to figure out how to stop this winter to help their family. Once their bargain is struck, there’s no backing out, and the growing connection between the two might just change everything.
Ellery closed their eyes. “And what is on the agenda for today?”
“A sleepover.”
Ellery glanced at the window. “It’s, like, ten in the morning.”
Knox shrugged. “Yes. Yes, I know. But it’s freezing out, and I have noticed that you are not a fan of being outside in the cold. Or anywhere really that’s not the apartment.”
“You’re not wrong.”
“Besides, it sounds fun. Staying in for the day. With you.” A blush swept across his cheekbones.
Ellery’s stomach fluttered. Their whole body went hot. “Okay. That’s fine. How do you envision your sleepover?”
Knox grinned. “Movies. Pizza. Ice cream. Doing each other’s makeup? Gossiping? A pillow fight?”
Ellery raised a finger. “Movies, pizza, and ice cream are fair game. I’m horrible at makeup; we’d need Zada for that. I have no gossip, as you and Zada and Charley are the only people I know. And you literally had a concussion last night, so a pillow fight is also out. But we can still make it fun.”
“Sounds great,” Knox said, making jazz hands.
Ellery shook their head and heaved a playful put-upon sigh. They crossed to the kitchen for a glass of water. “I can’t believe I get stuck with the familiar who wants to live out every teen drama fantasy,” they said as they filled their glass from the tap.
Knox laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “What? I’m technically a teenager.”
“You’re immortal.”
“So? I’m totally a teenager. I even have the weird adolescent impulses.”
Ellery choked on their drink, wheezing as the water went down the wrong pipe. They plunked their glass on the counter, coughing, eyes watering. “What?” they managed after a few seconds.
Knox’s brow furrowed. “I literally ran away from home. Are you okay? What did you think I meant?”
“Nothing!” Ellery said quickly, mopping up the spilled water. “How about you pick a movie or TV show and we get this party started?”
Ellery disappeared into the hallway and pressed a hand to their thundering heart, mouth open and cheeks flushed. They weren’t going to survive this day if Knox kept saying things like that and acting innocent on top of it.
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Zada wasn’t kidding about this crush business. Ellery’s emotions were out of control, but in the wildest, most exhilarating way. A small voice that sounded a lot like Charley reminded Ellery to be careful, that it was called a “crush” for a reason. And, to be fair to the voice, Knox had said something about having a secret last night. But he’d also told Ellery he liked them. And, for once, Ellery wanted to follow Charley’s advice to not make other people’s problems their own. Whatever the secret Knox had, it wasn’t their issue. And instead of worrying about the money they were losing by not working today, Ellery decided they’d enjoy the fact that they had a cute boy who liked them and a rare day off to spend with him. Ellery wanted to bask in the crush. They wanted it so badly.
After Ellery freshened up and changed out of their outfit from the night before into a pair of pajamas—because what else did you wear at a sleepover?—they placed a grocery order that included popcorn and ice cream and all sorts of toppings to go with it. Ellery knew they would be judged for ordering ice cream in the middle of a snow flurry, but well, it’d been snowing for years; there was no way that everyone gave up ice cream just because it was winter.
They went back into the living room and settled by Knox on the couch, feet up on the coffee table. Knox draped a blanket over both of their legs.
“What did you choose?” Ellery asked, hoping their voice came out even and not at all affected by Knox’s proximity.
“This scary television show about teen witches, werewolves, and wyverns,” Knox said, gesturing toward the screen. “Have you seen it?”
“No, I haven’t. But I heard it’s good.”
Knox grinned as he tapped the play button. “Let’s see if they get any of the lore correct.”
The groceries arrived during the second episode, and they paused the show to each make massive ice cream sundaes. After the fourth, Ellery ordered their pizza and made a face when Knox advocated for pineapple, but added it to half anyway.
During the fifth episode, with Knox leaning into their side, Ellery had seen enough. They threw up their hands. “Oh my goddess, don’t trust that guy!” they yelled at the screen. “He’s trying to lure you into the trap. Why are you believing him?”
Knox huffed in amusement. “You really think he’s the bad guy?”
“Of course! All signs point to that dude. He’s totally shady.”
“But he’s been nothing but nice. He’s given her no reason not to trust him.”
Ellery crossed their arms. “No, but she’s naïve to think he doesn’t have an ulterior motive. Blind belief only causes problems. And she’s just setting herself up to be hurt.”
Knox raised his eyebrows. Ellery dropped their hands and scrunched down in the blanket, blushing under Knox’s intense attention.
“I mean, maybe.”
A character screamed onscreen, but Knox didn’t look away from Ellery. “You said your family prays to the goddess, but you didn’t believe me when we first met.”
Ellery debated pulling the blanket completely over their head. “Belief is difficult for me,” they said.
“Because my parents believed, and look where it got them. They prayed and prayed, and their prayers went unanswered. Instead of taking matters into their own hands, they waited for some mystical solution. One that never came. I grew up believing that they knew best because they were the adults, and it hurt when I realized that they didn’t. That I had to be the pragmatic one.”
Knox’s jaw clenched. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. You said you ran away. I basically did too. I came here to earn money for my family, but that wasn’t the only reason I left. I couldn’t handle it all anymore.”
“Do you think you’ll go back?”
“I don’t know. Maybe? Maybe not. It’s hard to trust them. It’s something that’s bled into my other relationships as well.” “With Charley and Zada.”
Ellery nodded. “I love them both. And I want to trust them when they tell me that they love me too, and that they want me here, or that it doesn’t bother them that I invaded their space. But like I said, it’s difficult.”
“I understand,” Knox said, though he sounded pained. “I know you don’t trust me.”
Oh. “I believe that you are what you say. And I trust that you’ll hold to our bargain.”
Knox frowned. “It’s signed in blood. I have to follow it.”
“I’m sorry,” Ellery hastened to add. “It’s a me thing. It’s not you. I promise. And for the record, I really—”
A knock at the door cut Ellery off, which was fortuitous because Ellery didn’t know how to navigate whatever situation would arise from blurting out their feelings. Especially if what Knox had said in his concussed haze the night prior was true—that he liked Ellery in return.
Ellery scrambled off the couch and opened the door to accept the pizza. They brought it over to the table and handed Knox one of the paper plates stacked on top.
“It’s fine,” Knox said, helping himself to a slice of pineapple pizza. “I understand.”
“Do you?”
“You’ve been hurt by people you loved. It’s made you wary. That’s nothing to apologize for.” He gestured toward the TV. “Just like August refuses to let Manny into the circle yet, because of her cheating ex-boyfriend.”
Ellery huffed in amusement. “Yeah. Something like that.”
Knox smiled. “Hopefully, though, once you get to know someone, you’ll be able to trust them.”
Ellery ducked their head. “I’m trying.”
“Now,” Knox said, settling back onto the couch, “let’s see if this other character is really the bad guy as you say.”
Within the next few episodes, Ellery was proven wrong: the character was not the bad guy, but he did wind up dead, and then undead. Sometime during the last few episodes of season one, Zada waltzed into the apartment and stopped short.
“Well, this is a mess,” she said, eyeing the pizza box, drink glasses, and empty bowls containing remnants of ice cream, pretzels, and popcorn. “Oh,” she said, pointing to the television, “is this that werewolves, witches, and wyverns show? I only made it to episode nine. Which one is this?”
“Eleven, but episode ten was filler,” Ellery said.
“Budge over,” she said, dropping onto the couch, effectively squishing Ellery closer into Knox’s side. Knox was forced to drape his arm over the back of the couch, so Ellery was snug against him. “I can’t believe that one guy wasn’t the evil one,” Zada said, eyes glued to the screen. “Too bad the writers killed him off.”
“He’s an undead now,” Knox offered helpfully. “Episode ten wasn’t completely filler.”
“Oh, awesome.” She jutted her chin at the pizza box. “Do I smell pineapple?”
“Excellent,” she said, stealing a slice. The episode opened with the characters at a loud house party dancing and drinking from red plastic cups, flashing lights bathing them in different colors, fast music overwhelming the speakers.
“That looks fun,” Knox said. Ellery didn’t miss his wistful tone, and apparently neither did Zada.
“A party?”
“Yes. I don’t think I’ve ever participated in something like that. With humans,” he clarified.
Zada hummed in acknowledgment.
That’s how Charley found them hours later, the three of them huddled together on the couch, Ellery half asleep on Knox’s chest, Zada curled into Ellery’s other side, and Knox with wide eyes watching the final episode of the season.
“What’s this?” she asked.
Zada waved her hand and shushed her. “Almost over, babe.”
“Is this that dragons show?” she asked, squeezing into the tiny space left on the couch. Ellery grunted as Zada knocked in their side, which forced them to squeeze closer into Knox, which was not such a hardship.
“Wyverns,” Knox corrected.
“Oh, I wanted to watch this,” she said, settling in.
“Spoilers, babe. This is the last episode.”
Charley shrugged. “No worries. I’ll watch from the beginning later.”
Ellery lifted their head. “You are literally chaos in human form, aren’t you?”
Charley beamed. “You’re just now realizing?”
Knox and Zada shushed them both as the episode reached its climax. Five minutes later, they all stared at the screen. Knox’s mouth hung open.
“That’s it?”
“They didn’t reveal the killer,” Zada said in disbelief. She gestured at the screen. “And they left Grant stuck in the cave with Manny, and it’s about to be a full moon!”
“And Pala doesn’t know their magic won’t work against the wyverns and is walking straight into a nest,” Knox said. “Ugh.” He jabbed the off button on the remote. “Cliffhangers are so disappointing.”
“Well,” Charley said gently. “I heard it was renewed for a season two. That’s good news, right?”
“Unless it’s filming right now, it won’t air anytime soon,” Zada said, bottom lip in a pout, arms crossed over her chest. “And Knox . . .” She trailed off.
Knox’s body went taut under Ellery. Ellery peeled themself from where they’d been draped over him.
“Oh,” Zada said, hand over her mouth. “I didn’t—”
“It’s okay,” he said with a forced smile. “Anyway, at least the show has given me an idea,” he added, rubbing his hands together, “for my next human experience.”
Ellery’s heart sank, because they already knew. “A party?” they hazarded.
Knox grinned. “A party.”
Excerpted from Otherworldly , copyright © 2024 by F.T. Lukens.