Allison Hourcade, of RockLove Jewelry, has created brass keychains and silver necklaces of our very own Stubby, the Rocket logo! To sport your own starfleet, please visit the RockLove website.
Each rocket is hand crafted by Allison. “I’ve been a serious sci-fi reader since childhood (back when you won stickers on the school chart for each book you finished); collaborating with has brought me full circle. My bookshelves have always boasted Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell, Ender’s Game, and Wheel of Time, and now my jewelry studio will be decorated with piles of Stubby Rockets in sterling and brass… those who can’t write carve little logo pendants!”
I am, of course, completely biased, but these wee rockets are super cool. I’ve gotten tons “oh, neat!” comments whenever I wear the necklace, whether they recognize it as Stubby or not.