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Marvel Reviving Neil Gaiman’s Miracleman in 2014


Marvel Reviving Neil Gaiman’s Miracleman in 2014

Home / Marvel Reviving Neil Gaiman’s Miracleman in 2014
Featured Essays NYCC 2013

Marvel Reviving Neil Gaiman’s Miracleman in 2014


Published on October 12, 2013


In the early 1990s, Neil Gaiman wrote several issues of the post-modern superhero comic series Miracleman for Eclipse Comics, taking over where Alan Moore left off. Gaiman had planned eightteen issues in total, but Eclipse collapsed after only eight were published, with the ninth still in-production.

The series was in limbo until Marvel purchased the rights to the character in 2009, and today at NYCC Marvel announced that they would begin reprinting Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman’s issues in 2014. But the even bigger news came from Gaiman (via video), who announced that he would be completing his nearly twenty-year old story! Gaiman added that he was excited to return to the series, which he considers some of his best work as a young writer. And now we’re excited to see what he has in store for Miracleman, Miraclewoman, and Kid Miracleman!

With both this and The Sandman: Overture, it looks like Gaiman is going to have yet another very busy year.

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Stubby the Rocket


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