If you’re looking for a way to while away the hours in self-isolation, it might be a good time to definitively find out—once and for all—all the pop culture characters you have jostling for sovereignty inside of you. That was the idea at (the now-virtual) Tor.com HQ at least, where we all took the Open-Source Psychometrics’ Project’s Statistical “Which Character” Personality Quiz.
Go take it, and click through for the Tor.com staff and contributors’ results!
As the website’s creator explained, this isn’t like a Buzzfeed quiz, where you answer questions and get told which of a set number of characters you are from a specific work. Instead, you’re presented with a spectrum labeled at both ends (e.g. “modest” vs. “flamboyant”, or “trusting” vs. “suspicious”), and asked to adjust the slider around according to where you think you fall. Upon completion, you’re told the character you’re like the most, and then given a long, long list (like, 488 entries long) of all the characters you’re like, ranked by percentage of similarity. While there doesn’t appear to be a complete list of fandoms the quiz draws from, characters are taken from sources as diverse as Game of Thrones and The Wire to Pride and Prejudice and Cowboy Bebop.
Christina Orlando, Books Editor & Publicity Manager, Chaos Demon
Leah Schnelbach, Staff Writer, And Apparently This Dude From A Show They Still Haven’t Watched
Natalie Zutter, Contributor, And Messy Bench Who Loves Drama
Chris Lough, Director and confirmed grump
Sarah Tolf, Production Manager and apparent scheming smartypants
Mordicai Knode, Tor.com Publishing Marketing Manager and Voice of a Nation
Honesty, I’ve got a strong Sokka streak (Co-mingled with Azula), so this checks out.
Mostly I got a kick out of the calibrating portion when they kept asking me if Rick Blaine from Casablanca was “quarrelsome or warm” (easy) & “bitter or sweet” (hard).https://t.co/vHSVYKRgpk pic.twitter.com/7kbgSX6FOe
— mordicai (@mordicai) April 3, 2020
Here’s the rest of the list: glad to see Spooky Mulder up near the top too. pic.twitter.com/hnmV0Ws1YP
— mordicai (@mordicai) April 3, 2020
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