Tor Books has announced that Brandon Sanderson will return to Roshar and the Cosmere universe on November 17, 2020 with the fourth volume in his landmark epic fantasy series, The Stormlight Archive!
Debuting in 2010 with The Way of Kings, the Stormlight Archive has been the central epic upon which Brandon Sanderson’s larger literary universe currently revolves. Known formally as the Cosmere, this universe includes the Mistborn book series, Elantris, Warbreaker, White Sand, and a multitude of short tales and ephemera. Like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, certain peoples and aspects from one book series can unexpectedly appear in other series, even when other book series take place in entirely different solar systems.
The conclusion to Oathbringer, the latest volume in the Stormlight Archive series, brought massive upheaval to Roshar, and series readers are understandably eager to see what comes next. Tallied all together, The Stormlight Archive books have sold over 4 million copies to date.
“It has been almost twenty years since I first outlined The Stormlight Archive,” says Sanderson. “Back then, I didn’t think anyone would be interested in this crazy epic I’d devised–and it’s been so thrilling to see enthusiasm for it grow to such heights over the years. Book four finally gets to one of the foundational scenes I conceived from the beginning. In fact, it might be the very first big scene I imagined, and my favorite in the entire series. A part of me can’t believe people are finally going to be able to read it. Less than one year now! Life before death, Radiants.”
Stormlight Book 4 is available for pre-order now from your preferred retailer. The title and cover are yet to be revealed.
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The Stormlight Archive Book 4
That is all.
expecting this to be hefty
Awesome!! Michael Whelan also confirmed for cover art duties (according to his socials). Looking forward to the name and cover reveals next! As well as ploughing through the book too of course.
Here’s hoping Brandon does the teasers chapters on tor like last time. Then we’d have something to look forward to every week since June, and the discussions on those chapters last time were amazing.
The description of the book
“Now, as new technological discoveries begin to change the face of the war”
coupled with Sanderson saying he has been enjoying writing Navani lately, makes me think Navani will be one of the viewpoint characters! Fabrial revolution! Magitech for the win!
Also makes me wonder what this big scene he is excited for us to all read!
I thought it was all-but-confirmed that the title was Rhythm of War.
@6 – Brandon said he still has to try to fit it in as an in-world book. If he can’t do that, the title will change.
Can’t wait, yay so happy!!
Thrilled it’s definitely going to be out next year.
@9 “Thrilled” – you frightened the red out of me with that one.
Great. People are still asking what I want for Christmas THIS year. Who am I kidding? There’s no way I’m waiting for Christmas to read this.
Very excited! Glad we don’t have to wait until 2021 (although I hope this time the frenetic process isn’t so hard on Brandon, Peter and the rest of Team Sanderson).
Less than 1 year to go!
Yes! Fantastic news. Looks like an Oathbringer reread is in the cards for the new year. :)
Yay!! Eleven months feels so long though.
Ether 6:11 ALMOST fits…
Excellent news on a rainy day (It rained all day where I live).
Thanks for reading my musings.
aka the musespren
And thus, the countdown begins…
Now attuning to the rhythm of excitement.
Can’t wait to get into the preview articles / beta read thoughts that will be appearing on this website soon.
Brandon is an absolute legend for getting these out so quickly. We don’t take it for granted.
@16 Ha! Well played.
This is great news! I hope Brandon will toss us a few crumbs to munch on in between now and November 17th! I so want more visibility on which character we are going to read where!
I hope the german Version gets released faster then the last ones, two years after the english Version. I cant wait <3
@20 I’m actually writing a short story about that verse. :)
I don’t wait for German versions, where you probably have to buy 4 books instead of one (and wait for the next part in the middle of the story?). I just read it in English. Translating such thick books probably takes a lot of time (is Brandon writing faster than translators can catch up?).
@24 Birgit
Document translation depending on length and complexity of language can be a rather large undertaking. Short documents of a few pages can usually take a day or so alone. I could only imagine how long it would take with thousands of pages. I would also assume they would wait till the book is fully edited and proofed for its final production before beginning to translate it.
Ah, that the not-to-be-named author of the KingKiller Chronicles would be as productive as Mr. B. Sanderson….
This is the best news of the year!!
@11- “Thrilled” – didn’t think of that at the time. :-)
Ah, so exciting :) I still need to read the preview chapter from the newsletter though :)
Definitely excited to know what that ‘first scene’ was, and the favorite.
Book 1 until book 3 are super amazing….
Book 1-3 are already a complete set by itself. I thought that all things that are important have been disclosed nicely and superbly in those book, so I wonder what books 4-10 will be about. But whatever they are,I am sure it will be super awesome!
(Sadly, no chance this book will have Bahasa Indonesia version)