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Spare the Dying, Help the Dead: <i>In The Hour of Crows</i> by Dana Elmendorf

book review

Cover of In The Hour of Crows by Dana Elmendorf

Spare the Dying, Help the Dead: In The Hour of Crows by Dana Elmendorf

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Cover of Rakesfall by Vajra Chandrasekera

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Comment number: 0
Cover of Escape Velocity by Victor Manibo

How The Other Half Dies: Escape Velocity by Victor Manibo

Comment number: 0
Cover of Road to Ruin by Hana Lee

Magic Motorcycles, Dinosaurs, a Love Triangle and More in Road To Ruin by Hana Lee

Comment number: 1
Cover of The Cautious Traveller's Guide to the Wastelands by Sarah Brooks

It’s About the Journey, Not the Destination: The Cautious Traveller’s Guide to the Wastelands by Sarah Brooks

Comment number: 0
Cover of Moonstorm by Yoon Ha Lee, showing a person surrounded by white hand-drawn flowers, with a red orb in the background.

Moonstorm by Yoon Ha Lee Never Takes Its Foot off the Gas

Comment number: 0
Cover of Fall of the Iron Gods by Olivia Chadha, showing a red landscape. A person wearing a machine-like backpack and holding a tablet is in the foreground. A large mecha towers over the scene.

How About Some Mecha Wars? Fall of the Iron Gods by Olivia Chadha

Comment number: 0
Cover of Snowglobe by Soyoung Park , showing blurry roses and rosebuds beneath cracked ice.

Dystopian YA That Reads Like a K-Drama: Snowglobe by Soyoung Park, translated by Joungmin Lee Comfort

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Cover of The Siege of Burning Grass by Premee Mohamed, showing a black bird's head in profile, emerging from a dark green jacket.

Pacifism and the True Effects of War: The Siege of Burning Grass by Premee Mohamed

Comment number: 1
Cover of Wicked Problems by Max Gladstone, showing Tara Abernathy wearing a suit and bowtie, holding a dagger, surrounded by tentacles.

Frenetic, Kinetic, and Wonderfully Satisfying: Wicked Problems by Max Gladstone

Comment number: 0
Cover of Parasol Against the Axe by Helen Oyeyemi, showing a multicolored parasol against a multicolored striped background.

Unknowable Cities and Elusive Stories: Helen Oyeyemi’s Parasol Against the Axe

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Cover of Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay , showing a VCR tape with shattered plastic and the words "A novel" written on the label, against a black background.

Auteur Theory, But Make it Terrifying: Paul Tremblay’s Horror Movie

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