The first teaser for Star Wars: Ahsoka is here, and it’s as promising—and ominous—as a fan of The Clone Wars and Rebels could possibly want. Yes, friends, the Ghost gang is (almost) all here, and so is a certain big blue guy who disappeared with young Ezra Bridger some time ago.
Hera! Sabine! Chopper! A tiny little Ezra hologram! And the back of Thrawn’s head! The only Ghost crewmember unaccounted for is Zeb, who just turned up on The Mandalorian, so it seems safe to assume he may also make an appearance.
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As expected, Mary Elizabeth Winstead is playing Hera. As already announced, Sabine is played by Natasha Liu Bordizzo, and Eman Esfandi is Ezra Bridger. The cast also includes Ray Stevenson and Ivanna Sakhno.
Who is playing Thrawn remains a mystery, but Ahsoka says the whispers she’s been hearing about his return are suggesting he’s the “heir to the empire,” which is a somewhat surprising turn for the calculating military leader. (And an interesting use of a certain Timothy Zahn Star Wars book title.)
Ahsoka’s appearance on The Mandalorian suggested that her show would definitely intersect with the end of Rebels, when Ezra and Thrawn disappeared. But there’s clearly a lot more going on in this show, which is set in the same post-Return of the Jedi timeframe, when the Rebellion-turned-New-Republic are trying to make a new galactic start (hence, the appearance of Mon Mothma).
Ahsoka Tano was originally Anakin Skywalker’s padawan on The Clone Wars, before she left the Jedi Order—but this trailer lingers on the word JEDI. And Hayden Christensen is expected to appear as Anakin. And Dave Filoni, Clone Wars mastermind, wrote the show (which he executive produced with Jon Favreau), so basically what I’m saying here is that the chances of all our excited anticipation paying off are pretty dang good. But if you haven’t watched Rebels yet, you might want to do that now.
Ahsoka premeires on Disney+ in August.