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We Got the Dune We Deserved: Jodorowsky’s Dune


We Got the Dune We Deserved: Jodorowsky’s Dune

Home / We Got the Dune We Deserved: Jodorowsky’s Dune

We Got the Dune We Deserved: Jodorowsky’s Dune


Published on March 18, 2014


There has never been an unmade movie more influential than Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Dune. It’s the seed from which most modern cinematic science fiction sprung, and now you can soak in its surreal splendor with Jodorowsky’s Dune, Frank Pavich’s documentary about the greatest science fiction movie never made.

Watching this doc is like snorting anti-freeze: a thrilling rush that leaves you exhilarated, then depressed. Exhilarated because unless you are a soulless husk, Jodorowsky’s passion of film, for science fiction, and for life, will infect you like a super-virus. Depressed, because if this movie had been made it would have changed the history of science fiction, of movies and, if Jodorowsky had his way, the world.

Jodorowsky was the wrong guy to take on Dune. He hadn’t even read the book when he agreed to direct the project. At that point he’d directed a handful of trippy midnight movies, each one a lunatic vision of raw sexuality, carnal violence, and shocking images. But when a producer told him about Dune, there was a messiah in it and that’s all Jodorowsky needed to know. He wanted to make a movie that was “an LSD trip for the entire planet,” a journey into revelation that raised everyone’s consciousness. For purists, it would have been a disaster, as Jodorowsky bent Dune to his own purposes. But for people who love art, it would have been glorious.

Jodorowsky blew through $2 million in preproduction, taking the movie right up to the edge of being made. The cast alone was enough to make strong men weep, and every single one of them was 100% confirmed: David Carradine as Duke Leto, Jodorowsky’s son (who endured a two-year training process) as Paul, Udo Kier as Piter De Vries, Orson Welles as Baron Harkonnen, Mick Jagger as Feyd-Rautha, Geraldine Chaplin, Gloria Swanson, Hervé Villechaize, and Salvador Dali as the mad emperor of the universe. Pink Floyd was hired to do the soundtrack, and French experimental band Magma was hired to do music for the Harkonnen planet. But the production team was what wound up mattering the most.

The only person who was known in Hollywood was Dan O’Bannon, brought on board to do the special effects after his work on John Carpenter’s Dark Star. An unknown named H.R. Giger was hired to design the Harkonnen planet. Moebius, France’s most famous cartoonist, drew the movie’s storyboards (a document as thick as a telephone directory), and British painter Chris Foss was hired to do spaceship design. Needing a fresh infusion of cash, Jodorowsky brought this mad vision to Hollywood where, one by one, the studios turned him down. The dream was over, but its influence was only just beginning.

O’Bannon would go on to work on special effects on Star Wars, and write Lifeforce, Blue Thunder, and Total Recall, but, most importantly, he wrote Alien, a movie featuring a creature designed by Giger, whom he met while working on Dune. Moebius would go on to do production art for Alien, Tron, The Abyss, Willow, and The Fifth Element. Chris Foss wound up working on Alien, Superman, Flash Gordon, and Kubrick’s version of A.I. Ridley Scott would swipe images from Moebius to use in Blade Runner. The entire visual palette of much of 80s science fiction can be traced back to this film.

But it could have been weirder. And better. Science fiction in the West has long lingered in the shadow of the military industrial complex, mostly because they’re the people who had the rocket ships. As a result, the language of most mainstream sci-fi has been the language of militarization and colonization. We build space colonies, we fly ships, we conquer the unknown, we settle planets, we exploit resources. Our science fiction, for a long time, was all about empires, rebels, imperiums, kings, rulers, lords, cosmic feudalism and dictators. Jodorowsky wanted an alternative. He wanted…well, let him say it, in this poem he wrote Chris Foss describing what he wanted him to do on Dune:

I do not want that the man conquers space
In the ships of NASA
These concentration camps of the spirit
These gigantic freezers vomiting the imperialism
These slaughters of plundering and plunder
This arrogance of bronze and thirst
This eunuchoid science
Not the dribble of transistorised and riveted hulks.

I want magical entities, vibrating vehicles
Like fish of a timeless ocean. I want
Jewels, mechanics as perfect as the heart
Womb-ships anterooms
Rebirth into other dimensions
I want whore-ships driven
By the sperm of passionate ejaculations
In an engine of flesh
I want rockets complex and secret,
Humming-bird ornithopters,
Sipping the thousand-year-old nectar of dwarf stars…

In reality, Jodorowsky’s Dune never could have been made. It was taking on technical challenges George Lucas wouldn’t even dare, years before Star Wars. It was too long. It would have bankrupted any studio that took it on. But if it had been made, think of the alternate history of sci-fi it opens up.

The Hollywood blockbuster would have been spiked with LSD and George Lucas would have made more movies like THX-1138 and less movies like Star Wars; instead of Spielberg and ET in the multiplex we would have had Jodorowsky and Sante Sangre. Instead of movies about space combat and killer robots, we’d have had films about transcendental visions and tantric sex. Directors like De Palma might have stuck to their indie roots rather than going big budget. The world would have been a weirder place.

It never could have happened, but sometimes a dream is more powerful than reality, and Jodorowsky’s Dune is the story of a pure dream that is all the more powerful because reality never forced it to compromise. And whenever we need a little bit of inspiration, whenever our souls are weary from seeing the same old science fiction, over and over again, we can break off a tiny piece of this vision, sit back, close our eyes, and let it dissolve on our tongue.

Grady Hendrix is the author of Satan Loves You, Occupy Space, and he’s the co-author of Dirt Candy: A Cookbook, the first graphic novel cookbook. He’s written for publications ranging from Playboy to World Literature Today and his story, “Mofongo Knows” appears in the anthology, The Mad Scientist’s Guide to World Domination.

About the Author

Grady Hendrix


Grady Hendrix is a novelist and screenwriter living in New York City. His latest book is How to Sell a Haunted House, and you can learn more dumb facts about him at
Learn More About Grady
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11 years ago

Eh, looks like 70s druggie bullshit. The product of a subculture on the decline. If it somehow got made it would have stunted the genre, not evolved it.

11 years ago

Sounds awesome. Added to watchlists.

@1: arguably, “70s druggie bullshit” is the vital ingredient missing from the Dune movies we have. :-)

11 years ago

Okay, first Mick Jagger? Salvador Dali? Is there any evidence that either of those guys could actually act? (Not sarcasm, I’m genuinely curious if Jagger and Dali were actually good small-part actors, and I just don’t know it, or if it would have been a case of gimmick casting).

As for the rest of the movie, I don’t know what it would have been like. Maybe it would have been cool, maybe it would have been an incomprehensible mess. The trailer admittedly made me think less about the surreal parts of Dune and more about ZZ-Top’s “My Head’s In Mississippi” (ZZ-Top didn’t actually include a verse about seeing Salvador Dali dancing next to a burning giraffe, but I’m sure that was just an oversight). Honestly, best case scenario I see is that it would have become kind of an interesting cult movie for die-hard sci-fi fans and unknown by the public at large.

One thing I am certain of, though, is that it would not have caused the genre to make a hard left turn and make all big sci-fi movies about “transcendental visions.” A genre that claims “War of the Worlds” as one of its first big successess is never going to give up on the space battles and killer robots.

11 years ago

Mick Jagger had already starred in an Australian Ned Kelly biopic and Nicholas Roeg’s PERFORMANCE by this time. A few years after this, he filmed about half of his scenes for Fitzcarraldo before the original star, Jason Robards, got sick, and Werner Herzog wound up taking a hiatus to recast the role and starting over from the beginning, by which time Jagger had to leave for the already scheduled Rolling Stones tour to promote Tattoo You.

11 years ago

How would one watch this documentary? Is it just at film festivals?

11 years ago

@5: Click on the link in the first paragraph, then insert in your browser and follow the links there.

11 years ago

The entire visual palate of much of 80s science fiction can be traced back to this film.


11 years ago

While this Dune would have been amazing to see, it would have been a huge commercial failure. As such, it would have destroyed any chance of SF becoming a powerhouse film genre. Many fans and critics overlook the real influence of Star Wars, it proved that SF films could make a lot of money. Without that, we never get the great genre films that came after it. Jodorowsky’s Dune would have killed that before it could happen. Dune was more influencial by not being made, because
Jodorowsky introduced artists into film that would not have been working in the field otherwise.

11 years ago

Lynch’s Dune was bizarre enough for me, thank you very much.

9 years ago

Ok, so I finally got to see this a week or two ago.  Mesmerising, fascinating, would have been a disaster, but a glorious one.


My god, what a batshit crazy dream.  As he explained who he was casting and why, I just kept going ok, that topped the list … and then it went that step further.

But the serendipity involved … he decides he wants Salvador Dali, and happens to be in the same office and meet him.

He wants Mick Jagger, at the height of his fame, and meets him in a crowded party within days.  Astonishing.


It would have been dreadful, it would never have been Dune – but it would have been extraordinary.

Dayna Baldwin
7 years ago

As a Dune fan for many years, I was very excited to watch this documentary. And while the changes Jodorowsky wanted to make were a certain kind of special, what made me utterly reject his notions was his commentary about the reason for making the changes. 

“You have to rape the bride.”  

I think not. 

7 years ago

Explain to me how recasting the ‘imperialism’ of space exploration and settlement as sexual exploitation is an improvement? Somebody had been doing way to many drugs.

7 years ago

Complete and utter crap. This movie would have been awful. Jodorowsky never cared about Dune, he never even bothered to read the book IIRC.

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