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When Chaos Leads to Comedy: The Emperor’s New Groove


When Chaos Leads to Comedy: The Emperor’s New Groove

Home / When Chaos Leads to Comedy: The Emperor’s New Groove
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When Chaos Leads to Comedy: The Emperor’s New Groove


Published on October 13, 2016


That is the last time we take directions from a squirrel.

In the early 1990s, the Disney animation department was flying high, after a series of remarkable films that had restored the studio’s critical reputation and—perhaps more importantly—its funding. The success led Walt Disney Studios chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg and the animators and directors to brainstorm even more ambitious prestige projects: an adaptation of a Victor Hugo novel, a continuation—finally—of the 1940 Fantasia, and a film about space pirates that its directors simply would not shut up about. Oh, as a nice follow-up to films set in Africa and China, something set in South America. About, perhaps, the Incas. Featuring songs by no less than singer-songwriter Sting himself.

The film—with the grandiose title The Kingdom of the Sun—had all the elements of a guaranteed Disney hit: romance, comedy, hit songs, and cute llamas. And, its directors promised, it would remain just serious enough to be recognized—like its Disney Renaissance predecessors—as Real Art.

You might notice that The Kingdom of the Sun is not in the title of this post.

What Disney got instead was The Emperor’s New Groove, arguably the first film in the Disney canon to come about more or less by accident, and certainly the only film—so far—to change so radically midway through production. The production process had never, of course, been static. Walt Disney had certainly been known to toss out storyboards; Jeffrey Katzenberg had viciously edited down films; John Lasseter would later overhaul several Disney projects. Animators themselves had a history of making radical changes to the original film concepts of the film before putting anything into production. For this film, however, the changes came well after the film was already in production, with deleterious effects towards the film’s budget.


We know more than usual about the troubled development process for The Emperor’s New Groove, since, in a moment they would later regret, Disney executives agreed to let Sting’s wife Trudie Styler film quite a bit of it. That footage eventually turned into a documentary called The Sweatbox, which appeared in a couple of film festivals and very briefly in an unauthorized YouTube version before vanishing deep into the Disney vaults, where it has a good chance of remaining even longer than those deleted frames from the original Fantasia. This was just enough, however, to allow viewers to take detailed notes of the footage and interviews with the cast and animators, who also gave later interviews about the tumultuous film development.

Which also means that we know I screwed up in an earlier post: in my post on Tarzan, I mistakenly said that The Emperor’s New Groove was apparently originally based on Hans Christian Anderson’s The Emperor’s New Clothes. In fact, the only thing that The Emperor’s New Clothes provided was the inspiration for the title. The original story for The Kingdom of the Sun was a loose—very loose—adaptation of Mark Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper set in the Incan Empire.

This idea did not immediately gain favor inside the studio. Setting aside the difficulties of taking a story set in Tudor times and setting it an unspecified period of Incan history, Disney had already done a version of The Prince and the Pauper: a Mickey Mouse short released with The Rescuers Down Under in 1990, and later released in various home video collections, most recently in Disney Timeless Tales, Volume 1 and Disney Animation Collection Volume 3: The Prince and the Pauper; the short is also available through various streaming services. The Prince and the Pauper was cute, popular, and had Mickey, and Disney was really not all that interested in another version.

But since the pitch came not only from then mostly unknown Matthew Jacobs (probably best known to readers for his Doctor Who work) but also from Roger Allers, who had just come off a triumphant The Lion King, and since the pitch also promised that the main character would be turned into a llama, which in turn could be turned into a very cute toy, Disney executives gave the film an uneasy nod in 1994. Allers made a few more twists to the story to ensure that it would not be all that much like the earlier Mickey Mouse cartoon, and production officially started in January 1995.


But by mid-1997, production had barely moved forward, despite supposedly inspiring trips to Peru for design ideas, and zoos to look at llamas. Worse, in the eyes of Disney executives, the storyboards and script weren’t all that funny. A new director, Mark Dindal, was brought on to bring new life and zing into the film. Roger Allers reached out to Sting, who began working on a series of songs, and Disney moved back the film for a summer 2000 release.

By 1998, Disney executives were in a fury. From their point of view, The Kingdom of the Sun was nowhere closer to completion, what was completed was terrible and a thematic repeat of a previous Disney short, and without a summer 2000 film, they were in danger of losing several large—and lucrative—promotional deals with McDonald’s and Coca-Cola.

From director Roger Allers’ point of view, The Kingdom of the Sun was a beautiful, epic movie that only needed another extension of six months—maybe a year, tops—to be completed. He begged producer Randy Fullman for an extension. Fullman, who had just had a nasty confrontation with a Disney executive, said no.

Roger Allers, crushed, walked away, leaving Disney at least $20 million in the hole (some estimates are higher) with no film to show for it, depressed animators, and—worse—no film for summer 2000.


An infuriated Michael Eisner gave Fullman two weeks to revamp the film. Fullman ended up taking six months, putting production and animation on full hold. Eric Goldberg took advantage of the hiatus to put a team of animators to work at doing Rhapsody in Blue, a seemingly efficient decision that had the unanticipated end result of delaying production on Tarzan and sending an increasingly outraged Eisner into further fits. With Fantasia 2000 also delayed in production, and contractually bound to IMAX theatres only for its initial theatrical release, Dinosaur (from a completely different team) was moved forward into The Kingdom of the Sun‘s release slot to keep McDonald’s and Coke happy. That, in turn, sent the Dinosaur animators into a panic—and, at least according to rumor, eventually led to the closure of that group, since the rush led to higher than expected production costs.

The chaos did have one, unexpectedly awesome result: it freed animator Andreas Deja to head to Orlando, Florida, where he had the opportunity to join the animators working on a little thing called Lilo & Stitch and, briefly, meet ME. I expect that letting animators meet tourists was not exactly high on Eisner’s list of priorities, but I felt it deserved a mention anyway.

And six months later, Fullman and Dindal finally had a working idea: The Emperor’s New Groove, a buddy comedy kinda sorta maybe set in Incan Peru, featuring a cute llama.


Since millions had already been poured into the film, Eisner gave it one last reluctant go ahead—telling animators to finish the film by Christmas 2000. No exceptions.

Animators hurried.

Sting’s songs—integral to the earlier plot—were mostly dropped, with the exception of one song that managed to find its way to the final credits, singing about things that had not exactly happened in the film. Sting was asked to do one more song for the opening—quickly. The revised film had far fewer characters—faster and easier to animate—so most of the voice cast was quietly fired, with only David Spade (as Kuzco, the main protagonist and llama) and Eartha Kitt (as Yzma, the villain) remaining. Backgrounds and character work were severely simplified: even with the CAPS system to help out, animators were told to limit the number of moving characters on screen at any given time, to speed up the animation process. The new ending—featuring Kuzco sparing his new friend’s village, only to destroy the rainforest right next to it for his personal amusement park—had to be revised yet again, when Sting virulently protested, meaning that The Emperor’s New Groove barely squeaked in front Eisner’s deadline.

Perhaps in reaction or retaliation for all of this, the film the animators finally produced resembled not so much a typical Disney feature, but rather, one of the old cartoons of their great rivals, Warner Bros. The restaurant sequence is almost classic Warner Bros, recalling the rapid fire dialogues of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck and Porky Pig. Other bits—particularly the multiple falls into chasms—have distinct aspects of the old Roadrunner cartoons.


Also perhaps in reaction, The Emperor’s New Groove also has more examples of getting crap past the radar than virtually any other Disney animated feature, including my favorite moment when, if you are paying close attention, the animation spells out “D” “A” “M” “N” as logs fall through the screen. Not to mention the various cheerful moments where the film openly admits that, really, it doesn’t make much sense:

Kuzco: No! It can’t be! How did you get back here before us?

Yzma: Uh…how did we, Kronk?

Kronk: Well, ya got me. By all accounts, it doesn’t make sense.

Followed by a nice map showing that, no, it does not make sense. At all. Something no other Disney film had done or since.


The Emperor’s New Groove was an atypical Disney film in multiple other ways as well. It lacked any hint of romance, although Pacha and Chicha provide an unusual example of a stable, functioning adult relationship—really, the first animated Disney film to feature this since 101 Dalmatians and Lady and the Tramp. (The royal parents in Sleeping Beauty and Hercules’ adoptive parents in Hercules also sorta count, but they barely appear on screen.) It’s a loving relationship, as evidenced by several hugs, mutual support, immediate understanding, and two kids with a third on the way—but it’s not the typical “will the protagonist get the girl/guy” of the previous Disney films.

Meanwhile, the protagonist, in an abrupt departure from previous Disney films and the original script, doesn’t even get a love interest. And in an even larger departure from Disney’s history of largely sympathetic, likable protagonists, Kuzco is, well, none of those things. Most of Disney’s protagonists start out relatively powerless, with even the princesses finding their lives restricted or controlled in various ways. Kuzco is a powerful emperor, so indulged that he even has his own theme song guy, and when the film starts, he’s more or less one of the villains, what with insulting six girls unfortunate enough to be dragged forward as potential new brides, telling his soldiers to toss an old guy out of the window for disrupting his groove, taking a family’s home without compensation because he wants to give himself a birthday gift of a summer house, outright lying to a guy offering to help him out, and indulging in a bit of squirrel cruelty—when, that is, he isn’t whining and feeling very very sorry for himself. Even a later moment depicting him as a very sad and very wet little llama does not exactly do a great deal to pull on my heartstrings.


And oh, yes, Kuzco also fires a long time advisor without notice. Sure, the advisor—Yzma, voiced by Eartha Kitt with complete glee—is the sort of person prone to having conversations like this:

Yzma: It’s really no concern of mine whether or not your family has—what was it again?

Peasant: Food?

Yzma: HA! You really should have thought about that before you became peasants!

So, not exactly the nicest, most sympathetic person around. On the other hand, Kuzco isn’t firing Yzma for her failures to understand the critical importance of food, but because she’s more than once taken over his job. Ok, again, sounds bad, but the opening montage rather strongly suggests that she’s just stepping into a major leadership vacuum. About the only thing we see Kuzco doing that’s even mildly related to sound governance is stamping the foreheads of babies with kisses and cutting a few ribbons here and there wearing a very bored expression.


Meanwhile, Yzma is at least listening to peasants, if not exactly trying to solve their problems. She’s also a skilled scientist, able to do actual transformations, and is fairly intelligent—if not exactly great at choosing intelligent underlings. As she notes—and no one contradicts—she’s been nothing but loyal to the Empire for years, dedicating her life to it. In her defense, she initially takes her—justified—anger about her termination out on the many, many statues of Kuzco instead of Kuzco himself. She also refrains—well, mostly refrains—from telling Kronk what she really thinks about his spinach puffs. And if some of her Evil Plans are just slightly over-elaborate, she’s also severely practical, choosing to poison Kuzco to save on postage, a decision we can all applaud.

I also approve of her ability to take time for dessert.

Also, let’s face it, she has the BEST ENTRANCE TO A SECRET EVIL LAIR EVER (even if it does seem ever so slightly inspired by the hope of creating a later theme park ride.)

So. Yes. YZMA.

Plus, she is tragically dependent on Kronk, who is the sort of retainer who is often unable to know if he’s being asked to hit someone over the head or pass the broccoli, a confusion I think we can all sympathize with. Not to mention that he tends to be far more interested in cooking, the feelings of squirrels, and playing jump rope than in killing transformed llamas, again, a feeling I think many of us can sympathize with. Their relationship—and Patrick Warburton’s deadpan delivery of Kronk—is probably the highlight of the film.


And I love the little nod to Eartha Kitt’s previous role as Catwoman, when she’s transformed into an adorable little kitten at the end of the film.

I have to say that the other pairing of Kuzco and Pacha, the peasant Kuzco plans to uproot, who then ends up rescuing Kuzco after his llama transformation, is not quite as successful, let alone hilarious, partly because Pacha often seems too trusting and naïve for words, and partly because David Spade is, well, David Spade. Portions of this occasionally drag, especially in comparison to the zinging Yzma and Kronk bits, who can even manage to make a little detour with a somewhat traumatized squirrel zip along.

But if the pacing can be a bit uneven, and the rushed animation is not exactly one of Disney’s highlights, it’s still well worth watching, especially with the subtitles on, so you don’t miss subtitles like this:





Also, the squirrel is pretty adorable.


The Emperor’s New Groove brought in $169.3 million at the box office—a seemingly respectable amount, but a total far below the box office hits of the 1990s, and a huge disappointment after the multiple production delays and issues. The disappointment may have been thanks to its Christmas opening, the lack of a sympathetic protagonist, the lack of the standard ubiquitous Disney power ballad, the decision by Disney marketers to focus their marketing dollars on 102 Dalmatians instead. Or simply that even after Hercules, the film’s comedic, high energy tone was not what audiences expected or wanted from Disney at the time. I can’t help wondering if Disney executives regretted stepping in and changing the tone of the film, fun though the final result was.

The film was, however, just successful enough to spawn a direct to video sequel, Kronk’s New Groove. Patrick Warburton again got to shine, but like pretty much all of the direct to video sequels, this is otherwise a dull affair, easily skipped. It in turn sold enough units, however, for Disney to later release a TV series, The Emperor’s New School, which ran for two years on the Disney Channel. Disney also released a video game and the usual assorted merchandise.

But as noted in a previous post, the box office total was an alarming sign for Disney.

The next film would not qualm their fears.

Atlantis: The Lost Empire, coming up next.

Mari Ness lives in central Florida.

About the Author

Mari Ness


Mari Ness spent much of her life wandering the world and reading. This, naturally, trained her to do just one thing: write. Her short fiction and poetry have appeared in numerous print and online publications, including Clarkesworld Magazine, Apex Magazine, Daily Science Fiction, Strange Horizons and Fantasy Magazine.  She also has a weekly blog at, where she chats about classic works of children’s fantasy and science fiction.  She lives in central Florida, with a scraggly rose garden, large trees harboring demented squirrels, and two adorable cats. She can be contacted at mari_ness at Mari Ness spent much of her life wandering the world and reading. This, naturally, trained her to do just one thing: write. Her short fiction and poetry have appeared in numerous print and online publications, including Clarkesworld Magazine, Apex Magazine, Daily Science Fiction, Strange Horizons and Fantasy Magazine.  She also has a weekly blog at, where she chats about classic works of children’s fantasy and science fiction.  She lives in central Florida, with a scraggly rose garden, large trees harboring demented squirrels, and two adorable cats. She can be contacted at mari_ness at
Learn More About Mari
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8 years ago

Minor nit: I think that Sting’s wife’s name is Trudie Styler, not Tyler.

8 years ago

That’s a harp, and that’s a dress.


I wonder if the scattershot nature contributes why so many exchanges are good out of context. If it’s not really going to hang together, it might as well hang separately.

8 years ago

Another one I’ve never seen.  Unlike Dinosaur, this one probably needs to go on my Netflix queue.

8 years ago

I absolutely love The Emperor’s New Groove. The switch-up makes it a lot of fun to root for Yzma, the antagonist, and especially Kronk, and against Kuzcu. Yzma, as voiced by Kitt, is deliciously wicked. Spade gets to do what he is best at–be a jerk. And the slapstick and hijinks are reminiscent of not just Warner Bros. cartoons, but Abbott and Costello and Three Stooges.

@3 hoopmanjh — definitely give it a whirl.

8 years ago

I LOVE this movie!  I missed it in the theatres and caught it on DVD.  It was one of the few Disney DVDs (Fantasia being the other) that I owned prior to our daughter being born.  After that, well, now we have all of the animated ones.

Remembering hearing my then-seven-year-old imitating Eartha Kitt –  “Pull the lever! …Why do we even have that lever?” – still makes me laugh.

Brian MacDonald
8 years ago

I love this movie simply because the dialog is so funny, and so quotable. It’s so different in tone, though, that I frequently forget it’s a Disney movie — it always felt more like Dreamworks to me, but I can definitely see the Warners comparison that you mentioned.

8 years ago

I’m not sure I’ve laughed harder at any other movie – its off-the-wall, fourth-wall-breaking humor gets me like almost nothing else does.

8 years ago

The voice acting is so good in this movie!

I remember the advertising for it on the Disney Channel, where there were talking head clips with Eartha Kitt and Patrick Warburton, and showing just how gosh darn much fun they had recording.

8 years ago

I saw some of the TV show, it was ok for a Disney kids show.  Although Kronk seemed to be Kuzco’s friend and also Yzma’s henchman, which I never quite understood.  I suppose I should put this on my list some time.

8 years ago

I was definitely one of the ones who was disappointed by this movie when it came out; by then it was rare for me to go to the movies, but it was on TV (or maybe somebody was watching it on video) and I didn’t even bother finishing it.  At that age/stage I definitely wanted the power ballads, the romance, the spectacle and all that.   None of the characters really clicked with me at the time.

I watched it a few years ago as an adult and I certainly appreciate the humor a lot more (hah, and totally agree that firing Yzma is absolutely unjust!) but moments like the map not making any sense actually pulled me out of the movie. To me it just seemed like a really lazy way to get them where they needed to get without actually having to plot it consistently.  Sometimes that kind of absurd lampshading works but it didn’t here.  So while I’ve come to enjoy it more, it’s still not a favorite.

8 years ago

@6  yeah, it is very reminiscent of a Dreamworks movie.

Funny that the Road to El Dorado from Dreamworks came out earlier the same year. I have suspicions about the reasoning behind changing the story, making it a more comedic buddy movie, and rushing it out in 2000, tbh.


8 years ago

This is one of my top favorite Disney movies, though it took me until this rewatch to realize it was Disney.  Its tone and art doesn’t fit with the rest of their movies.

I just love all the voice acting and the fast paced banter.  It just amuses me to no end.

8 years ago

TV Tropes calls this whole film “arguably the Crowning Moment of Funny for the entire Disney animated canon.” I agree.

I loved the deadpan snarking. Loved Pacha’s family. Liked the occasional somber scenes, made distinctive by being changes of mood. Liked Kuzco’s redemption arc because I’m a total pushover for those. Adored Kronk because he’s an adorkable sweetie pie. Even liked the slapstick, which I normally don’t care for. It was worth the development hell.

I saw a few bits of the TV show and didn’t like them.  Never saw the sequel and don’t want to, as it can’t be as good as the first and it gives Kronk a love interest.

8 years ago

I love `Emperor’s New Groove’ though I wish they’d reconsider `Kingdom of the Sun’ so we could have the best of both worlds. `Emperor’s New Groove’ reminds me of the old `Rocky and Bullwinkle’ cartoons more than anything -especially with the fourth wall breaking. (That map that doesn’t make sense totally feels like something that should come from `Rocky and Bullwinkle.) That made the movie nostalgic for me the very first time I saw it, which is kind of odd when you think about it. :)

8 years ago

This is mine and the bf’s to-go feel good movie, and we rewatch it several times a year. I admit it’s probably helped by the translation which, in a very rare case for modern Disney, actually manages to improve on the original.

Eric Mesa
8 years ago

I love Patrick Warburton – ever since I first saw him as Putty on Seinfeld. His deadpan delivery just works so well. He was also great in a 3 part  series that opens one of the Archer seasons. He makes anything he’s in better and his Kronk is the only reason I ever watch this movie.

8 years ago

Awesome movie, I laugh all the way through this one  and feel like I have to see it again every once in a while.  My kids mostly haven’t appreciated it so far, maybe they need to be older?

8 years ago

I blame the marketing. I remember seeing it, and it seemed like it was a dumb comedy from what was shown. Dumb buddy comedy with a boring protagonist (from what I remember, it was Pacha that was shown in the marketing I saw). With generic bad guys. Direct to video fodder somehow being shown in the theater was what I remember from the advertising.

Then I saw the movie and realized it was a wickedly smart and sharp buddy comedy with two great protagonists at its heart and well realized baddies who had clear motivations and just the right amount of fourth wall awareness to be subversive. This was a good movie, and I wish I had not waited so long to see it. Disney made it seem more like a wackier version of Pocahontas, and that was a dumb move on their part.

8 years ago

Hands down my favorite Disney movie ever!!!!! It’s sooooo quotable. Seriously, even now, years later, I’m surprised if I go two days without shouting SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!!! 

8 years ago

Krona and Yzma are so perfectly cast, they totally make the movie. 

The it makes no sense scene is just the icing on the cake of the Rule of Funny.

Saw this one as an adult fairly recently, so no rose tinted glasses, just sheer enjoyment. 



Why why do we even have that lever!

J Town
8 years ago

One of my favorite comedies ever.  I love this movie.  It’s insanely quotable.  My oldest daughter and I quote it incessantly, even my wife picks up on it and she hates that stuff.  It’s not the most “Disney” movie ever, but it is easily the funniest Disney movie.

I think I’ll watch it again right now.

John J.
8 years ago

“Hey, I’ve been turned into a cow. Can I go home?”

8 years ago

@21 It doesn’t seem to be available for streaming in Canada. I’m not impressed.

Shanna Swendson
8 years ago

I wasn’t even aware of this film when it came out, but I saw it on DVD when I was babysitting a 5-year-old who picked it out as what he wanted to watch. Then I think I laughed harder and more than he did. He got sidetracked and started playing (he’d seen it over and over again, as kids do) and I was the one wanting to watch the movie. Now I want to watch it again. I may need to get this one on DVD because it’s a guaranteed mood lifter.

8 years ago

So I borrowed the DVD from the library last night.

It’s not art.

It’s not subtle.

But I laughed out loud dozens of times, and that’s me home alone at age 50.

Mission accomplished.

It may be one of the few Disney movies my grandkids don’t own.  I’m taking it over next time I babysit.

And you forgot PIGLET!

8 years ago

One of my all time favorite Disney movies!  Yes, it isn’t as grandiose and heart tweaking as the normal Disney fair at the time, but it is just what Disney needed at the time (quite frankly I think they were getting all too ‘high and mighty’ in their art).  It was just outright fun.

8 years ago

It’s funny that I saw this pretty much when it came out, and didn’t see Atlantis at the time. This may have been due to going to middle school…

I still like the giant fried pill bugs. 

8 years ago

This is my favorite Disney movie, and probably one of my top 10 favorite movies ever. (I seem to have a thing for underdogs when it comes to Disney movies; I also count Rescuers Down Under and Treasure Planet as favorites.)  My favorite line: “I’ll turn him into a flea, a harmless little flea, and then I’ll put that flea in a box, and then I’ll put that box inside of another box, and then I’ll mail that box to myself, and when it arrives (ah, ha ha ha), I’ll SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!”

Btw, some of Sting’s songs did make it onto the soundtrack, including the terrific “Snuff Out The Light”, which is a relic of the original storyline in which Yzma had the much more ambitious goal of putting out the sun.  There’s a video here which shows some of the original rough animation for the song, and this fan-made video has the complete song with lyrics, set to stills from “The Emperor’s New School”.

8 years ago

I love this movie but something that goes right over my head is when the guard asks to go home because he was just turned into a cow. Like, I laugh every time but I can’t figure out why? Is it funny because a cow is an uncool animal to be turned into?

8 years ago

And a female animal. 

Jenny Islander
8 years ago

I describe this movie to people who haven’t seen it yet as what the team responsible for the best of the ’50s Looney Toons shorts might have done with a budget as big as Disney’s.

8 years ago

Far and away my favorite Disney film. Rewatch it at least once a year. Patrick Warburton, Eartha Kitt, John Goodman, and even David Spade all turn in some of the best performances of their careers. A perfect example of how sometimes, not being what you planned to be, makes you far better in the end.

8 years ago

@Ilium, I think the joke is that a cow is not exactly a very useful thing to be changed into when you’re about to go into battle.

8 years ago

Does this movie make total sense? No. Is it hilarious? Most definitely. 

My family and I love this movie and quote it frequently. The quick banter and Yzma and Kronk are definitely the best parts. As others have mentioned, it’s a delight. I’m trying to think of my favorite part, and there are just too many! 

Yzma: “He can’t come back!” 

Kronk: “Yeah…that would be awkward. Especially after that lovely eulogy.” 

7 years ago

I absolutely love this film but when I went to see it the funniest moment, weirdly, wasn’t during the film.

Before it started, one of the adverts was for Nesquik cereal which, at the time, was doing some promotional tie in with the Digimon cartoons. At the end of the advert the irritating cartoon rabbit said in a wacky voice “Everyone’s going Digimon crazy!”

From near the front row the voice of a 5 year old girl, in total seriousness and with more than a touch of concern said “I’m not.”

7 years ago

@35 – ha.  I can’t stop laughing at this.  Sometimes kids see through the crap way better than we think they will.

7 years ago

@36 – It was a great moment and really set the tone for the film. I’m not sure, though, whether she was asserting her lack of interest or more worried that she was supposed to be going crazy and wasn’t.

Dung Beetle
7 years ago

This is one of my top ten favorite movies of all time.  My kids love it too.  When they were little we used to “play Emperor’s New Groove” on car trips, which just meant that we all took turns quoting favorite lines from the film and giggling.

I can’t pick a funniest one, but I do remember the first time I saw it, “Don’t you say a word” completely slew me.

7 years ago

I found the series lately and I love them. As for this movie, I remember seeing maybe one commercial for it when it came out and not being particularly impressed so I did not see it in theaters. Then some years later I watched it on DVD and it instantly became one of my favorite Disney movies ever. I am so much more fond of the comedies than I am of pretentious dramas, and I was floored by how witty this movie is. There is still nothing like it in the Disney Canon, so it’s virtually one of a kind. In fact I don’t remember any animated movie this consistently funny and witty. While humor doesn’t stand the test of time as much as drama, for now as far as I’m concerned it’s one of the greatest Disney movies ever created.

6 years ago

What really puts this film over the top for me, and does seem like a remarkable example of strong construction in a very short time, is how well the in medias res opening is handled to suck the audience into a visible-animator construction on a much longer time scale than in, for example, “Duck Amuck”.

1. We open with Kuzco crying in the jungle and promising to explain to the audience how he got there.

2. The entire rest of the first and second acts consist of Kuzco believing that he is in control of the narrative, while the indications that, in fact, the animators are in charge of narrative and visual choices move from subtle to lampshaded. (My favorite one that isn’t as blatant as Kuzco making actual edits to the negative or demanding different camera angles–when he says how relieved he is to have been unconscious for all of Kronk’s theme music, thus inadvertently revealing that he’s, in fact, watching the movie with us and hearing the theme music for the first time!)

3. Kuzco’s rock-bottom moment that kicks off the third act occurs when the action catches up to the crying-in-the-jungle scene, and present-tense Kuzco interrupts himself-as-narrator to admit that the audience can’t be fooled, because “They saw what happened”.

Therefore: an animator more benevolent than the one in “Duck Amuck”, but still mean and petty enough to actually get through to Kuzco, has hijacked the narrative and bludgeoned Kuzco with omniscient, omnipotent story construction even though Kuzco continues to believe that he’s in control of the narrative until the illusion hopelessly collapses and you get a fourth-wall break that is also a dramatic crux.

That’s brilliant.

1 year ago

Not gonna lie, I would really like to see someone (maybe not modern Disney but I’m thinking more Cartoon Salon or even anime studios) do that Kingdom of the Sun* pitch.

Obviously it wouldn’t look anything like this movie (or any Disney movie, for that matter), but the Prince and Pauper in the Inca Empire sounds promising, and there are very few stories today that focus on the Incan Empire at all.


*God, that’s a badass title if I’ve ever seen one

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