Turn your grey heart red with A Darker Shade of Magic valentines! V.E. Schwab posted these lovely cards (I would cross worlds for you :melt:) from Tor Books, with more to come.
If the morning publishing roundup were Sweethearts candies, what would they say? The Perfect Question; March; and a whole box more!
- And if you’re feeling not so lovey-dovey, you can read This Is How You Lose Her, Gone Girl, or a different anti-Valentine’s book.
- Civil rights icon John Lewis speaks to Teen Vogue about his graphic novel March: Book 3 and activism.
- George R.R. Martin pays tribute to SF author, Locus contributor, and Wild Cards writer Ed Bryant, who passed away last week.
- Everything Star Wars has reintroduced from the original Expanded Universe.
- Kameron Hurley answers the question of “where do I fit,” plus talks New Weird and wombpunk, in her Reddit AMA!
- Great writing is like the Star Trek blooper reel? Tell us more, John Darnielle.
- Windwitch author Susan Dennard talks female friendship with The Pixel Project.
- Meet the faces behind your favorite comics!
- The key to writing a mystery is asking the perfect question.
Six ADSOM valentines are available: http://read.macmillan.com/tor/darkershadeofmagic/conjuring-of-light-playlist/