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Watch the First Teaser Trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi!


Watch the First Teaser Trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi!

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Watch the First Teaser Trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi!


Published on April 14, 2017

Rey, Last Jedi

Star Wars: The Last Jedi writer/director Rian Johnson shared the first teaser for the film at Star Wars Celebration!

From the first shot, it has several visual throwbacks to the first trailer for The Force Awakens, ditto with the voiceoverexcept instead of Maz Kanata talking, it’s Luke Skywalker:

Light. Darkness. Balance. Vader’s helmet broken? Lightsaber battles! Finn recovering, Poe running, flashbacks galore, and a hell of a line to end on: “I only know one truth. It’s time for the Jedi to end.”

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi comes to theaters December 15, 2017.

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Stubby the Rocket


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7 years ago

Finally, the trailer is out! I’m getting even more excited! Space battles, light saber duels, Luke!

7 years ago

I could be mistaken, but I’m pretty sure Luke and Rey are somewhere in Westeros?

7 years ago

Ha, I was on pins and needles all day today wondering if it would drop (and also trying to stay away from Tor if it did since you tend to spoil the end wham scenes/lines of all trailers…).


This didn’t hit me quite like the spring trailer for TFA did (I was a sobbing mess after that one) but there were definitely some chills, especially at certain elements of the music. Do we know if Williams composed music for the trailer? It’s definitely new.  I actually at first thought it was possibly Kylo’s broken helmet but I think after pausing it I recognize some element of Vader’s.

Luke is obviously training/teaching Rey so he isn’t opposed to Force using, it seems but it definitely seems like he is thinking of moving beyond whatever the Jedi’s failures are (unless that’s just womp womp talking and eventually he’ll realize there IS a place for the Jedi, even if they are re-invented or have to evolve).  I can be down with the premise although it does seem like it could also be done poorly (mainly for shock/subversion value).  Plus we know the Jedi stood for many generations (and probably evolved over time) so it seems kind of lame that one crazy ass family is going to mess all that up within 3 generations.  But they could also go some really interesting places with it.

7 years ago

Ooh, see, and I just paused it again, and I am (once again) seeing silvery things that look like they could be in Kylo’s helmet.  Plus his theme plays right at that moment.

I grant it could go either way, but maybe he’s realizing he doesn’t need it (callback intentional) – of course, whether that is a good or a bad thing for his development remains to be seen., for this movie/beyond.  But you know what, if Magneto can destroy the world a few times and still get a pass, so can Kylo Ren :P

Or maybe it is Vader’s and he smashed it after getting disillusioned (or realizing the truth) thanks to Ghost!Anakin (still holding out hope this actually happens, and yes, I would totally get a kick out of it being Hayden).

7 years ago

Yes, good catch!  That is definitely Kylo Ren’s helmet!  (Or, at least, it’s not Vader’s.)

7 years ago

@3 But that one crazy ass family is fulfilling the prophecy of bringing balance to the force.

“Light. Darkness. A balance.”

“It’s so much bigger.”


Though admittedly, I always thought two surviving (Obi Wan and Yoda) Jedi balanced two Sith ( The Emperor and Vader ), and that  Obi Wan’s death allowed for Luke’s training without disrupting that balance.

7 years ago

I just talked to my husband on the phone and he also thinks it’s Kylo’s helmet.

More thoughts (sorry, I’m just going to keep spamming here).

-The Clone Wars Jedi sigil!!!!!!  Now what I want to know is that some ancient thing from the old Temple or a CW era artifact

-I kind of felt teary that an image of Leia was used as the representation of light

-Sounds like they are also bringing back the concept of ‘Balance’ and I definitely want to know where they go with that (and also how does that tie in with Luke’s current belief that the Jedi have to end – is Luke just wrong about that right now, or does that mean the Force hasn’t been in balance for generations because of the Jedi or…). My husband also pointed out that the fact that it IS in the trailer at all means it’s obviously not some huge spoiler for the movie and where it’s going, so it’s possible it’s just there to get people talking. I can see it going lots of ways, some that I like and some that I would decidedly not like.

7 years ago

@6 – ha, truth.

But I actually take the ‘it’s so much bigger’ line to mean that (or at least it could possibly mean) that balance (and what the Jedi stand for) is also bigger than this one family.  But of course one (or a few) person can also have huge impacts that tip something into motion that has been building up for centuries.  And it could also mean that the idea of ‘balance’ is much bigger than just the Jedi/Sith (I’ve always wanted to know more about other Force traditions) so it may be that even if there are still going to be Force users (I hope so, I hate when stories end with magic being drained from the world, etc) or Force using orders, etc, they are going to be different. 

It’s hard to say – trailers usually put lines together out of contect so who knows if those lines are even from the same conversation!  I almost hate to speculate because what it will end up being will probably be totally different anyway.  That said, I never took balance to be about literal numbers of Jedi vs. Sith.

7 years ago

“It’s so much bigger” is taken from when we first meet Leader Snoke in person and discover that the hologram in Force Awakens was smaller than life-sized.

7 years ago

So . . . it looks like since A New Hope was the template for The Force Awakens, The Empire Strikes Back is the template for The Last Jedi. It might go something like this:

Hero 1 trains with grumpy master. Main enemy regroups and surprise attacks in an ambush. Hero #2 is out for the count. Hero #3 and friendly robot sidekick survive ambush. New Jedi leaves training early to team up with Sidekick #3 and friendly robot to save Hero #2, which will take place in final act of trilogy. 

7 years ago

@2, It is an island off the Irish coast, and GOT films mostly in Ireland, so you’re not far wrong!

7 years ago

@8 I’ve always thought that the whole issue of balance was misconstrued. I think Anakin was supposed to tear down the Jedi order and perpetuate the rise of the Grey Jedi, where there is no light side or dark side, just the individual force users and their personal motivations. I also think if Qui-Gon would have trained him, he would have succeeded in this. Obi-Wan tried to make Anakin an ideal Jedi and that was never going to happen. 

7 years ago

@9 I maintain my belief that Snoke is only 6 inches tall.

7 years ago

@12 – I will respond to this in the other thread I think :)

7 years ago

I really, REALLY don’t want Kylo Ren to be redeemed.  What makes Kylo interesting to me is that his entire character is based off of a twisted misunderstanding of what made Darth Vader who he was.  Vader fell to the dark side out of a desire to save a loved one, and based on a lie the Emperor told him.  That’s why, in the end, Vader could be redeemed.  Because despite everything, deep at his core, there was still some love/good there.  Kylo only sees Vader’s power with no understanding of the journey that brought him there.  When Han reached out, showing him a father’s unconditional love, Kylo made a choice to murder his father to push himself farther into the darkside.  He chose power over a loved one.  His motivations are fundamentally different than Vader’s, and I really hope they break with the movie parallels at least on this point, and have Kylo be a lost cause. I don’t think Luke, or anyone else who loves Kylo should stop trying to reach him.  But I don’t think the story should let them succeed.

7 years ago

I highly doubt they will do away with the Jedi in favor of a Gray tradition. Luke will be grumpy at the start, burned as he is by his previous failure, and that is all.

7 years ago

Everything I’ve been seeing so far has been encouraging. The odds of my ideal EVIII coming to pass remain slim, but at least the trailer didn’t eliminate the possibility altogether.

Re. Luke, I really hope that his research into ancient Jedi resources exposed him to the teachings of Revan. If any character in SW exemplifies the potential for combining the Light and the Dark into a true union of powers in service to a principled individual, it is Revan (though Bioware’s recent work with him has undermined that story a bit, the Bioware games remain non-canon even as the character concept of Revan is constantly referenced by canonizers as something that they really want to incorporate).

It also looks like my dream for the FO v Resistance plot still has room to come to fruition. I would love to see Leia lead a combined Resistance and New Republic fleet (though the bulk of the NR navy was destroyed by Starkiller Base, there had to be elements on local garrison duties or patrols) in pursuit of General Hux, only to find themselves led into a trap where the First Order reveals it has a new SSD and the Imperial Remnant closes the trap by dropping in with perhaps the last remaining Interdictor and a small fleet of their own. I’d enjoy seeing the TIE Defender and TIE Punisher on the big screen as Imperial Remnant craft, aging and technologically inferior to newer models used by the NR and FO but still potent enough to keep up in the right hands. In my perfect EVIII, the commander of the Imperial Remnant fleet would be Moff Piett, Admiral Piett’s grandson.

7 years ago

@17 – Porphyrogenitus: Something about the NR fleet; in the books they’ve revealed that the main difference between this New Republic and the one from Legends is that Mon Mothma insisted that they demilitarized and have no large standing armed forces; leaving defense in the hands of each individual system/sector/etc. And if the New Republic refused to take on the First Order, individual regional governments will be even more adamant about not doing it.

Also, I wonder if we’ll get to see any kind of Imperial remnant (no capital R in canon), since the canon material say they were forced to remain within the boundaries of certain Core systems, stop recruiting stormtroopers, close down their academies, etc. I doubt it, I think it’ll just be First Order.