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Star Wars Has an Evil BB-8 Now. His Name is BB-9E, and He’s Here For Your Money.


Star Wars Has an Evil BB-8 Now. His Name is BB-9E, and He’s Here For Your Money.

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Star Wars Has an Evil BB-8 Now. His Name is BB-9E, and He’s Here For Your Money.


Published on August 31, 2017

Stare into the eye of evil.
BB-9E, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Force Friday II
Stare into the eye of evil.

However much we may love Star Wars, it is largely a merchandising juggernaut, and the latest addition to that juggernaut has arrived due to “Force Friday II“.

It’s an evil BB-8.

You can tell because it’s awash in Imperial/First Order monochrome and not as rounded as Poe Dameron’s copilot. Also because its name is BB-9E and the “E” clearly stands for “evil.”

Also maybe because its sensor eye is weirdly reminiscent of HAL, and its head looks like an upside down cereal bowl.

Or maybe it’s just evil because Sphero has created another smartphone-controlled version like their BB-8 model, and people will have to shell out $149 bucks all over again if they want to start a droid battling ring like the one that C-3PO and R2-D2 get thrown into in that one Clone Wars episode.

No, honestly, I’ve figured it out–this is the seed of a TIE fighter. It will slowly expand into a ship if you leave it in a cargo bay for a lengthy period of time. Before it’s allowed to grow into its potential, it has to do a lot of espionage, probably.

I wonder if it’s mean to all the mouse droids.

About the Author

Emmet Asher-Perrin


Emmet Asher-Perrin is the News & Entertainment Editor of Reactor. Their words can also be perused in tomes like Queers Dig Time Lords, Lost Transmissions: The Secret History of Science Fiction and Fantasy, and Uneven Futures: Strategies for Community Survival from Speculative Fiction. They cannot ride a bike or bend their wrists. You can find them on Bluesky and other social media platforms where they are mostly quiet because they'd rather talk to you face-to-face.
Learn More About Emmet
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7 years ago

 Odd that an evil droid has a name that partly sounds like “benign.” (Robot B-9 is the name of the Lost in Space Robot — actually the Class B-9-M-3 General Utility Non-Theorizing Environmental Control Robot, to give its full name from the script. The android prototype B-4 in Star Trek: Nemesis was also going to be called B-9 at first, as a pun on “benign” instead of “before.”)

It sorta reminds me of V.I.N.CENT and B.O.B. from The Black Hole.

7 years ago

It just wants you to think he’s on the right side.

7 years ago

Apparently the working name for this droid was BB-H8, which is maybe too on-the-nose, but still much more fun than random BB-9E. (io9 just had a little article about this also)

7 years ago

Maybe it should’ve been BB-0N. As in “Bad to the B0Ne.”

7 years ago



Just another way to separate people from their wallets :)  You think Disney has made back it investment money yet?  Don’t answer that was a rhetorical question.

7 years ago

I will say that the design (the round body with the kind of boxy head) actually is a pretty neat blending of OT Imperial style and the more modern look we see n the sequel trilogy droids.

7 years ago

“I want that” -said with a Preston Idaho Accent

7 years ago

So, black is evil… hmm…

7 years ago

No, black is the color of some uniforms from the Empire and the First Order, and this droid follows their color scheme.

Kirth Girtsome
7 years ago

Sure, it’s just a utility droid, but it repairs your starship evilly

7 years ago

So its name is “Be Benign-y”.  Hmm.

7 years ago

The Rebel forces have defeated the Death Star with R2D2, then they defeated Star-killer with BB-8. It was an eventuality that they would build their own droid soon. Nothing else seems to be working to beat the rebels.


Phillip Thorne
7 years ago

FWIW, there’s a short animation (“Hey You”) with a show-down between BB-8 and BB-9E on the Disney XD YouTube channel, part of the “Star Wars Blips” series:

And if you looked at the minifigs associated with the new super-gigantic Millenium Falcon LEGO set and wondered “what’s a porg?” there’s a video for that, too (“Keep Away”).


@10KirthGirtsome, I read that in Dr. Doofensmirtz’s voice, just saying.  ;-)

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