After all the betrayals and White Walkers and gallons of Dornish wine and sexposition and poisonings and DRAGONS, the final season of Game of Thrones looms before us as inevitable as death itself.
Which is fitting, since this trailer opens with Arya talking about death before showing us the various armies—human and not so human—gathering their forces for one final confrontation.
Somehow Arya has become even more of a bad ass since we saw her last? And was that a hint of a smile on her face when she sees a dragon for the first time? It’s good to see that Cersei still has her priorities straight, allowing herself a goblet of wine at some point between battles and plotting. But for our money the two most interesting moments will come when Sansa meets Daenarys, and, of course, when everybody meets the White Walkers.
Game of Thrones returns to rain fire from the above beginning April 14th on HBO!
Good trailer, but I REALLY hope there’s more to this season than just “everyone realizes the true enemy is the white walkers, so everyone bands together and they have a huge battle with some important characters dying and humanity barely wins, the end.”
I mean, I’d still watch it, but it’ll be pretty boring and predictable, and GoT is usually known for being unpredictable. So I hope there’s a lot of cool reveals and unexpected things that happen, otherwise this show is really going to have petered out for me near the end.
Seeing the image in this article I for the first time realized that the actor that plays Qyburn also plays Chief Superintendent Reginald Bright on Endeavor. Anton Lesser is pretty great at what he does.
Dark. And I am not speaking metaphorically.
I see they continued to put Cersei in the worst wig of all time…
Sersi will try to f*ck everyone over after the WW win.
I’m excited for them to realize they have a WW dragon to contend with. They don’t know yet, right? This bloody show…
I’m excited, but this trailer doesn’t actually make me that excited. But on the other hand, I wouldn’t want them to give anything away, either.
And agreed, it was very dark, in that it was hard to make out any details!