The first substantial peek at Disney’s live remake of Aladdin seemed like it might be cause for alarm, particularly where the big blue form of Will Smith’s Genie came in. This trailer feels a bit more familiar….
Though, you should prepare yourselves for a “Friend Like Me” rap:
The CGI is still pretty off-putting—even “A Whole New World”s carpet ride isn’t spared the awkwardness)—but at least this is establishing the sense of humor that was the animated feature’s hallmark. (Fresh Prince joke ftw!) And we finally get a real glimpse of Aladdin and Jasmine! Who are adorable.
Aladdin will hit theaters May 24th!
Seems like you can’t watch the trailer unless you’re logged into a Google app? Weird. I’m holding off on these live action Disney films. The ones released so far, I have found disappointing. Cinderella-meh. Beauty and the Beast (one of my favourite animated ones) was also disappointing. The Lion King could be really cool. But so much CGI!
Looks funny. And “A Whole New World” never fails to bring back the flood of nostalgic memories!
Meh. I really want to like this, but I have — trepidations — about Will Smith as the genie that this trailer didn’t do anything to shake. Him basically sing-song rapping through “Friend Like Me” didn’t help.
And the dude playing Aladdin can’t sing. Mel Gibson did a better job in Pocahontas than this guy, and that wasn’t great either.
I do really want to like this, as it’s basically my favorite of that era’s Disney movies, but it’s still really hard for me to not see ‘blue Will Smith’. He doesn’t toally disappear into the role, if that makes sense. I’m also not really into monkeys, tbh, so Abu just kinds of gives me the creeps.
Still, it looks fun/colorful and I love the costumes/design, so I’m sure we’ll rent it and my kids will love it.
I do love what they’ve done with Jasmine’s wardrobe – no belly exposure. Also, Agrabah looks absolutely gorgeous.
IS “Whole New World” & “Friend Like Me”thdonly songsthey are gonnause?cuase the trialer a perfect chance to showcase theother two songs that are great from taht film – “One Jump” and “Prince Ali”