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Watch the New Super-Spoilery Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer


Watch the New Super-Spoilery Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer

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Blog Spider-Man: Far From Home

Watch the New Super-Spoilery Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer


Published on May 6, 2019

Screenshot: Marvel Entertainment
Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer Avengers: Endgame spoilers
Screenshot: Marvel Entertainment

Now we know why the Russo brothers said that folks should check out Avengers: Endgame before today—because they were about to drop a new trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home, full of spoilers indicating why it’s the final film in Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If you’re all caught up, then check it out—and start buying your Far From Home tickets, which are officially on sale!

“I don’t think Tony would have done what he did if he didn’t know you were gonna be here after he was gone.” COME ON, HAPPY. Now we’re just gonna cry all day.

Multiverse holes caused by the Snap? Iiiiinteresting.

“Bitch, please. You’ve been to space.” OK, and now it’s tears of laughter.

“The world needs the next Iron Man.” !!!

Spider-Man: Far From Home swings into theaters July 2.

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Stubby the Rocket


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5 years ago

So that is how they are setting up X-Men and the Fantastic Four in P4. Cool.

5 years ago

Everyone seems to be getting really excited about introducing the “Multiverse” idea but let’s not forget that Mysterio is all about trickery and illusion. It is entirely possible that he is a lying jerk trying to capitalize on this crazy post-Snap anything-can-happen world where heroes are idolized. I still bet the Elementals are his creation to up his cred.

Granted the fact that he has convinced Nick Fury that he’s from another universe is a strike against my theory.

5 years ago

@2: You may be right, but having the multiverse be a real thing would be the smarter decision for Marvel, in terms of opening up storytelling possibilities going forward.

5 years ago

@2: Technically, Endgame set up the Multiverse with its time-travel rules. This is just the follow-through.

5 years ago

A Spider-Man movie talking about the multiverse. Hmm.

There’d better be at least a call-out.

5 years ago

@2 – To be fair, Fury has been on a five year vacation that felt like 5 seconds to him.  He may be a little out of the loop, which would allow Mysterio to manipulate him.  At the end of the day, Fury is only human.

5 years ago

Am I the only one who’s tired of the 60’s Spider-Man theme being used for the movies?

Apart from that, this looks great.

5 years ago

@5 True, but Mysterio might still be just a liar from Earth-199999 and I think that meshes well with what we know of the character on Earth-616. Also makes for a gut-punch of a twist when Peter’s new mentor figure ends up being a sham.

5 years ago

 I”m just hoping they don’t just 1 shot Mysterio. We need a new Loki, a villain that stays around for more than one movie. If he’s an ally for all but the third act, bring him back in another movie or more.

5 years ago

Nick Fury’s skills at seeing through deception also took a major hit when we learned that his entire organization had been comprehensively penetrated by its archfoe under the direction of Fury’s trusted best friend.  Talk about “you had ONE job!”

(Peggy Carter and Howard Stark don’t look great either in retrospect, but we can imagine it was at least a smaller infiltration in their day.)

Compared to that, buying “I’m from another dimension” after being hit with space aliens, gods, magic, and resurrection from the dead seems pretty understandable, whether it’s true or not.

5 years ago

@11, my guess is they won’t do that with a Sony owned character. That would be weird.

My guess is its a bit of both: Mysterio is a liar about who and what he is, but he’s also from a temporal discontinuity from the Infinity Stones. Maybe he really is trying to be a better person than he was in his timeline, or maybe he’s (indirectly) responsible for the elementals. Gives him a slightly sympathetic, complex backstory that is similar to Keaton’s Vulture.

5 years ago

@12 In Fury’s defense, in Winter Soldier, we learn that the infiltration of SHIELD was a long term thing, so it likely started well before Fury was in the upper echelons.

As for Mysterio, in the comics, he’s a faker thru and thru.  Special Effects to mimic powers.  I’m thinking that in this movie version, he’ll be using some kind of tech from his world to give himself powers, kind of like Booster Gold in DC.  But Mysterio will act like they are his actual powers.  

The trailer does make him look like an ally, but I fully expect that to change by the third act.

5 years ago

I wonder how many people know that Mysterio was a bad guy in the comics and 90s cartoon. It’s so hard to figure out what the general public knows about these things.

5 years ago

With all the geeks knowing Mysterio is a bad guy and probably being very verbal about it to those who don’t, it wouldn’t surprise me if they make him an alternate reality good guy.  

5 years ago

 @16 That might be an interesting idea. Have him already go through the fall-redemption character arc off screen (in his world) and be a hero in ours since everyone is expecting him to turn out to be the bad guy.

They could keep teasing the relapse throughout the movie and leave the post credits scene ambiguous enough that the is/isn’t he a villain question persists.

5 years ago

So I spent the entirety of Spider-Man: Homecoming getting increasingly angrier with Tony Stark for pulling a 15-year old to the Civil War in the first place, then letting him think he was still part of the team with obligations, then ignoring all his calls for help, then yelling at him for not leaving it alone when he never got any indication Tony was going to do anything about it, then basically abandoning him, etc. At least in Infinity War he was upset that Peter jumped into the fray at the beginning. But now Fury is recruiting a high schooler to be the next Iron Man and save the world? This is not okay. THIS IS SO NOT OKAY.

5 years ago

@18 – it’s superheroes. It’s not real. Nobody is endangering a 15-year-old.

5 years ago

@18 & 19

If you go by the date on his birth certificate, he’s totally 20 years old now?

5 years ago

I remember thinking when the last trailer was released “huh, it’s weird that this film has Nick Fury, instead of Iron Man”. Man, I was so close to working it out! (It also explains a lot of Marvel’s evasion about the timeline of this film)

It’s interesting how much can change between two trailers as well. My guesses as to how this film will go have completely shifted.

5 years ago

So, did all of Peter’s friends get snapped as well?  Otherwise they would all be 5 years older right?

5 years ago

@17 We know they do the, “You thought he was a villain?  Hah!  Gotcha!” bit to double fake comic readers…but maybe this is a little TOO soon after we find out the Skrulls are not the bad guys.

Still, I *like* that the MCU can head fake old line comic readers by reversing certain arcs and playing on the (erroneous) expectation of the “old hands”.

5 years ago

@21: totally.

@18: you are naive if you think security services will not use an asset because of age. Sometimes there isn’t another option and Peter Parker is not just some kid to Fury: he’s a really powerful asset. As for Tony, he was actually fairly consistent throughout Homecoming; behaving like a man struggling to balance the responsibilities of fatherhood with his hopes for the kid.

5 years ago

The multiverse was already mentioned in Doctor Strange, it’s not actually new to Endgame and this film.

As for Mysterio, I don’t think he’ll be a good guy, but I know the filmmakers might have something up their sleeves to surprise us comic book reading know-it-alls (like in Captain Marvel)

@18 – BrendA: Are you surprised that Nick Fury is a bastard?

@22 – StormBrother: Yes, they already confirmed that they all got snaptured.

5 years ago

@25. The idea of a multiverse was seeded back then, but this really reintroduces it in a major way and puts the idea front and centre, in the live-action verse, a way the mention in Strange, and Ant-Man and The Wasp doesn’t. At least as far as the trailer goes, anyway.

5 years ago

@9 danielmclark

Not me.  I still find the theme thrilling (and the updated versions really rock) and bucketloads more exciting than most of the fairly forgettable Marvel music.  You only need three or four notes of the Spider-Man theme and you instantly recognize it.  The only MCU music I remotely like is the end credits theme in Iron Man 3.