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Welcome to the Redesign

Since 2008, has been proud to be the home of a thriving web community dedicated to science fiction, fantasy, the universe, and related subjects. Throughout our short history we’ve covered all aspects of these various areas in the form of original short fiction, book reviews, movie reviews, our popular rereads and rewatches, and themes.

Now, is excited to announce our redesign! This is still the you know and love, but we’ve taken this opportunity to make some improvements from a functional standpoint.

Our goal was to make navigation easier and more efficient without sacrificing any of the things that have made our website great:

• Nurturing ongoing conversation has always been one of our goals on the site and with our redesign. Our new forums will be much easier to use and offer our readers a chance to begin their own conversations on the site. [Update 2014, in case you’ve stumbled across this. The forums have since been closed. They had a good run.]

Stories, comics, and excerpts are collected and indexed in order to allow you to quickly find the material you’re most interested in. You can now sort by title, author, date, and format.

• The series index will allow you to browse various themes and series much more easily, while being able to see latest additions to current series directly on the homepage (in the upper right-hand corner). Additionally, we are extremely pleased that the various posts within each series are now conveniently linked to one another, giving readers immediate access to all related articles.

Take a look around, read some stories, start conversations, browse the galleries….most of all, have fun! Let us know what you think. We have plenty more up our binary sleeves and would love your input as we further our development plans. I’m sure there will be a little turbulence at first, so if you find any bugs, please list them in our bug report thread on the forum.

On a personal note, I would like to say a huge thank you to the team. Everyone worked far beyond expectation with good spirit and dedication. Working on is a blast and if there is one reason for that, it’s the spectacular people involved in every aspect of the site—the crew, the writers and artists, and most of all, our readers.

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