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No Doctor Who For a Year?


No Doctor Who For a Year?

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Column Doctor Who

No Doctor Who For a Year?


Published on June 15, 2011


It’s currently being reported that the BBC has announced that a full series of Doctor Who will not air in 2012, despite Steven Moffat’s announcement last week to the contrary.

The rumor first surfaced at the beginning of June and was followed by two reports from Bleeding Cool illustrating the behind-the-scenes woes the show has been undergoing in regards to producer changeover and lack of executive direction, citing them as a possible reason behind a delay in the show’s schedule.

Yesterday, BBC rep Danny Cohen announced that the show would indeed be delayed, and that the seventh series of the show, while still a full 14 episodes, would only begin airing in late 2012, with the rest of the episodes following in 2013. Meaning that once series 6 concludes this fall, there’ll be an entire year with no Doctor Who.

However, despite stated confirmations from the above linked sources, there are a couple of things that cast this news into doubt.

First, BBC rep Danny Cohen announced this at the Church and Media Conference, an event unrelated to Doctor Who. This news was repeated through Twitter by BBC Entertainment correspondent Lizo Mzimba, but as of this article’s publication BBC News itself has not reported on the revelation and a statement has not been released by the BBC confirming or denying the claim.

Second, Steven Moffat himself has refuted at least part of the claim, referencing plans for the show’s 50th anniversary in 2013 and chalking it up to “misquoting.”

Dr Who: misquotes and misunderstandings. But I’m not being bounced into announcing the cool stuff before we’re ready. Hush, and patience.

While it seems that delaying series 7 to late 2012 is an option being considered, it also seems that Moffat is endeavoring to ensure that such a delay doesn’t take place. While hardcore fans have long since proven they will wait decades for The Doctor, one wonders if a delay of such length would hobble the show in the eyes of new and casual viewers, especially after the current season’s split.

Stubby the Rocket is the mascot and voice of the staff. It long ago learned to be patient with The Doctor.

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Stubby the Rocket


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