Nope, not Strange New Worlds: just a single Strange World, the colorful animated kind. Disney is keeping much of the plot and cast for its upcoming adventure under wraps, but the teaser is full of promisingly strange creatures, vivid colors, and pulpy vibes.
Strange World comes from co-directors Don Hall and writer Qui Nguyen (Raya and the Last Dragon). Gyllenhaal plays Searcher Clade, the son of an explorer who isn’t exactly adventurer material—he’s just a farmer, he says. But the land in which he finds himself doesn’t look like any farm on this earth.
Disney’s summary is brief: “The original action-adventure journeys deep into an uncharted and treacherous land where fantastical creatures await the legendary Clades, a family of explorers whose differences threaten to topple their latest—and by far—most crucial mission.” Apart from Gyllenhaal, the film also stars Alan Tudyk, but no other cast has been announced (though the jovial explorer at the end sure sounds familiar).
Half the creatures in this teaser look like children’s drawings come to life, and the other half look like fungi; personally I’m entirely on board for the giant walking mushroom thing. Strange World premieres in theaters on November 23rd, and presumably by then we’ll know who else stars in the film!
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