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Absolving Obi-Wan—Deleted Scene from Return of the Jedi Makes Yoda Into the Jerk

Absolving Obi-Wan—Deleted Scene from Return of the Jedi Makes Yoda Into the Jerk

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Absolving Obi-Wan—Deleted Scene from Return of the Jedi Makes Yoda Into the Jerk


Published on November 7, 2013

Star Wars fans often give poor old Obi-Wan a hard time for telling Luke history “from a certain point of view.” His decision to keep Luke’s parentage from him is widely considered to be one of the biggest douche moves in the Star Wars universe.

But what’s this? Evidence that would redeem him and condemn his little green co-conspirator? Yoda, how could you?

In this deleted scene nabbed from the Return of the Jedi laserdisc, we see some cut and altered dialogue in Luke and Yoda’s final conversation. Yoda admits that Obi-Wan kept the truth from Luke under his orders (which makes sense given that Yoda is the Grand-Master-Jedi-in-Charge here), and then goes on to tell Luke that knowing makes him super weak. Ouch! Yoda, we never knew you could be so cold. Or, maybe we should have, seeing that you were kinda keen for Luke to let his friends die on Cloud City.

As character arcs, this might make a bit more sense; Obi-Wan’s relationship to Luke reads as more personal, like a relative, whereas Yoda was Master Tough Love. Knowing that Obi-Wan kept things from Luke at Yoda’s instruction almost seems more likely. What do you think?

You can watch the scene over on!

About the Author

Stubby the Rocket


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