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I Speak Fluent Giraffe: At the Libs of Madness

At the Libs of Madness

When age [verb past tense] upon [a place], and wonder went out of the [plural body part] of men; when [colour] [plural noun] reared to [adjective] skies tall [plural noun] [adjective] and [adjective], in whose shadow [number] might [verb] of the [astronomical body] or of spring’s [gerund] meads; when learning [adjective] earth of [pronoun] mantle of [noun], and [person in the room] sang no more save of [adjective] phantoms seen with bleared and inward-[gerund] [plural body part]; when these [plural noun] had come to pass, and childish hopes had [verb past tense] away forever, there was a [animal] who travelled [preposition] life on a [noun] into the spaces whither the world’s [plural noun] had [verb past tense].

* * *

We were [gerund] on a dilapidated seventeenth-century [noun] in the [adjective] afternoon of an [adjective] day at the old burying-ground in [place in New England], and [gerund] about the [noun]. Looking [preposition] the giant [plant] in the [noun in British spelling] of the [place], whose [noun] has nearly [verb past tense] an ancient, illegible [noun], I had made a [adjective] remark about the [adjective] and [adjective] nourishment which the [adjective] [plural noun] must be [gerund] in from that hoary, charnel [place]; when [a person in the room] chided me for such [adjective] and told me that since no [plural noun] had occurred there for over a [period of time], nothing could [adverb] exist [infinitive verb] the [noun] in other than an ordinary [noun].

* * *

In a dream [celebrity] saw the [noun] in the valley, and the sea-coast beyond, and the [adjective] peak overlooking the [noun], and the [adverb] painted [plural noun] that [verb] out of the [noun] toward the distant [plural nouns] where the [noun] meets the [noun]. In a [noun] it was also that he came by his name of [celebrity], for when awake he was [verb past tense] by another [noun]. Perhaps it was [adjective] for him to [verb] a new [noun]; for he was the last of his [noun], and [adjective] among the [adjective] [number] of [city], so there were not many to [verb] to him and [verb] him who he had been.

Illustration by Brian Elig.
(Click on image above to see full scale.)

For more, see the I Speak Fluent Giraffe Index.

About the Author

Jason Henninger


I'm the assistant managing editor of Living Buddhism Magazine, fond of philosophical fiction, magical realism and good ol' farmboy-saves-the-world fantasy epics. I write short stories, poems and novels that my mother thnks are really great. Now, if I could just get my mom to work for a publisher, I'd be set. Oh and here's a really outdated clip of me contact juggling. It's a fun hobby and may some day win me the heart of Jennifer Connolly.

Jason Henninger is the assistant managing editor of Living Buddhism magazine. His short fiction has appeared in the anthology Hastur Pussycat, Kill! Kill! and various ill-fated and short-lived webzines. He marvels that he's not caused the demise of

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