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Read an Excerpt From Natalie Leif’s <i>Take All of Us</i>

Natalie Leif

A Wisconsin graduate with a BA in Technical Writing, Leif is an author, illustrator, and library page. By day, they shelve books and talk to patrons. By night, they write stories about undead kids and draw illustrations about magic. Before working at the library, Leif was a military brat and jumped through a series of odd jobs, including a baker, a tech repair person, and a magazine editor. As such, they always strive to experiment and try new things in their creative work, drawing from all walks of life. Their writing and illustration work has appeared in several anthologies, including the Tankadere series by Crab Tank and Then It Was Dark by Sarah Benkin, as well as on the site Reflex Fiction. They’ve won the Seattle EPIC Writers contest for fiction and poetry, and drew the nonprofit graphic novel Crossing the Road for the city of Lynnwood, WA. Their first novel, Take All Of Us, is coming June 4th, 2024.