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Black Panther Is Far More Than Just A Comic Book Movie


Black Panther Is Far More Than Just A Comic Book Movie

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Black Panther Is Far More Than Just A Comic Book Movie


Published on February 20, 2018


Black Panther is a goddamn masterpiece. It’s as anti-imperialist as Taika Waititi’s Thor: Ragnarok with as much commentary on Blackness as Ryan Coogler’s own Fruitvale Station. By no means is it perfect, but it’s deeper than the typical superhero fluff. Coogler offers a fantasy of an independent Africa untainted by colonialism and exploitation, of what we might have had, of what was stolen from us. This is a film of the culture, by the culture, for the culture.

Spoilers ahead. Like, a lot of ‘em. Check out Emmet Asher-Perrin’s spoiler-free review, otherwise get ready to dive into my new favorite Marvel movie.

If Disney/Marvel learns anything from the successes of the two most recent MCU movies, it should be to hire more POC and let them tell their own stories. The script by Coogler and Joe Robert Cole is meticulously nuanced. Cinematographer Rachel Morrison’s striking energy and vibrant palette pairs effortlessly with Coogler’s relentless yet exhilarating direction. The production design, art direction, set decoration, costumes, and makeup put on a gorgeous performance of big budget Afrofuturism. And, of course, the stellar cast is a veritable parade of pan-African excellence. The story being told and those telling it, both in front of and behind the camera, are some of the best the Black diaspora has to offer.

The five tribes of Wakanda each draw inspiration from real cultures. The River tribe’s lip and ear disks come from the Mursi and the Surma, the Border tribe’s Basotho blankets from the Sotho, the Mining tribe cover their hair and skin in otjize like the Himba, the Merchant tribe dress similarly to the Tuareg, and the Jabari borrow from the Dogon. Ramonda’s headdress is a Zulu isicholo, Shuri’s corset from the Dinka, and the scarification comes from tribes across the continent. The agabada (robe worn by Zuri) makes frequent appearances, as do neck rings from the Southern Ndebele, kente cloth, and aggrey beads. The Dora Milaje are similar to the Dahomey Mino, and their armor comes from the Maasai. The Wakandans speak isiXhosa, albeit spoken with a variety of accents. And the first word of the film, “Baba,” means “father” in several African languages.

Coogler also breaks down stereotypes of Africans. In the comics, M’Baku, aka Man-Ape (ugh, I know), was the embodiment of the “Dark Continent” trope. At first, the movie plays up the savage caricature. The Jabari are physically intimidating, grunt like gorillas, dress in tribal wear, and prefer long-handled knobkierie or rungu over vibranium-enhanced weaponry. He believes in the old ways and appears disinterested in anyone outside his clan. But then he cracks that cannibal joke and it all comes tumbling down. While not as polished as T’Challa, M’Baku is no stereotype. He rescues his king, offers shelter to the exiled royals, and rallies the Jabari to the battlefield. In a way, M’Baku is the midpoint between T’Challa’s national self-interest and Erik’s political destabilization. Ultimately, he believes in Wakanda even if he disagrees with the way it’s run. Coogler uses the Jabari to show what it looks like when Wakanda fails to live up to its own utopian hype.

Without the women of Wakanda, Black Panther would fail completely. Dozens of dark-skinned, natural-haired Black women fill the screen, each unique in personality, physicality, and purpose. Ryan Coogler must have taken the DuVernay test as a challenge because Nakia, Okoye, and Shuri outpace T’Challa time and time again. If Disney/Marvel were smart, they’d already have a Dora Milaje spin-off in the works.

Black Panther is in part about fathers and sons, but it comes at the expense of motherhood. Nothing but respect for my president Angela Bassett, but what does Ramonda actually do in the movie besides offering motherly wisdom? Yes, she’s queenly and elegant, and obviously not every woman has to be a warrior goddess or an overachieving genius. But her screen time is mostly concerned with supporting her son’s ascendance to the throne or mourning his death. Clearly she’s vital to the movie and to T’Challa’s evolution, but I wish she was better developed. We know who Ramonda is with regards to her son, but who is she outside of him? Erik’s mother gets even less development. The film cares so little for her that we never even learn her name. After N’Jobu’s murder, did she raise their son alone or was he abandoned to the system? Did she support his vengeance mission or reject his cruelty? Whatever happened to Erik between his father’s death and joining the military had to have some effect on his adult motivations, and his mother is a big part of that missing era.

We also have to talk about straightwashing and the absence of queerness. Pre-colonial African expressions of sexuality and gender were myriad. Since Wakanda was hidden away, it shouldn’t be so heavily influenced by Western social norms of cis- and heteronormativity. Wakanda has gender parity and a seemingly equitable society, but “the gays” is where they suddenly draw the line? At least the comics feature a prominent lesbian relationship. Could there be LGBTQ people in movie!Wakanda? Sure. But if their queerness isn’t portrayed on screen then it’s not representation (*side-eyes J.K. Rowling*). Worse, the studio intentionally excised queer rep. Black Panther not withstanding, diversity in the MCU movies is restricted to a couple women (typically either the damsel, or the girlfriend, or the sidekick), a handful of POC, and a single disabled character. Diversity has to be more than a quota or token representation. If it’s not intersectional, you’re not doing it right.

It took until last year’s Spider-Man: Homecoming before the MCU movies featured an adversary who was an antagonist rather than a supervillain, a character whose motivations are understandable if hard-hearted. Coogler doubles down with Killmonger, a man fueled by righteous fury and toxic masculinity. A lesser film would have stopped at Erik’s jealousy over his cousin’s power and privilege, but Coogler adds in commentary on the War on Drugs, redlining, race riots, police brutality, and the New Jim Crow. Oakland isn’t important to the story just because Coogler (and Michael B. Jordan!) grew up there. It’s also the home of the Black Panther Party, which is what makes that final exchange between the boy and T’Challa in the basketball court so note-perfect. Erik’s worldview is molded as much by his life as a poor African American boy in Oakland as it is by his paramilitary training. T’Challa believes we do for our own, and Erik that we take what we think we’re owed. To oversimplify it, both fight for the same goal of freedom but in wildly different ways.

Simmering underneath all this are the cultural, social, spiritual, economic, and historical tensions between Africans and African Americans. We don’t share the same history but we do have a shared heritage. Twice T’Challa has visions of his ancestors in a dreamlike version of Wakanda, but Erik becomes a little boy listening to his father’s stories in their Oakland apartment. T’Challa can commune with his ancestors all the way back to the first, but Erik, like most African Americans, is limited to recent history. When African Americans look to our past, we see the blood mixed into the bricks that built this nation, the soil watered with our ancestors’ sweat and tears, and the bones ground to dust beneath centuries of oppression. Africa hovers in the distance, a homeland that’s no longer home. Erik cannot go back to the life he had in Oakland, nor can he stay in Wakanda. With his last words he settles in the liminal space: “Bury me in the ocean, with the rest of my ancestors who jumped ship because they knew death was better than bondage.”

And so we have the uncomfortable reality behind his actions. Wakanda has been powerful and technologically advanced for centuries yet did nothing while their neighbors were raped, tortured, enslaved, and slaughtered. War Dogs enact small change—like Nakia rescuing those girls from human traffickers—but the brutal system remains intact. Erik’s violence begets more violence, but so too does Wakanda’s inaction. Like MLK said, “He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” Wakanda insists it was defending its people, but by claiming neutrality they chose to let their kin die. Imagine how vastly different the world would be if they had stopped the Atlantic slave trade in its infancy. The whole African continent would be covered in Wakandas. Instead, they sat behind their towering walls as blood pooled around them like a moat.

But the film posits a third option beyond the duality of slaughter and secrecy: Nakia. She harbors both the desire to help the exploited and stop the oppressors and the will to protect and tend to her people. Erik’s philosophy of revolution is chained to his toxic masculinity and T’Challa’s utopian dream rests on a bed of isolation and lies, but Nakia has no such limitations. She exhibits the best truths of each man but without the patriarchal bullshit weighing her down. If Wakanda’s past is T’Challa and its present Erik, then its future is Nakia. Killmonger loses the battle over Wakanda’s people to Black Panther, but Nakia wins the war for its spirit. She inspires T’Challa to give that UN speech and set up the Oakland center. Nakia is the true hero of Black Panther.

I want to touch on one final point: white people. I know there aren’t a lot of white folks in this movie, and some of y’all are having a hard time with that. But look, you’ve got Everett Ross! No, I’m not being sarcastic. From one angle, his character is very problematic. Here’s a CIA agent wedging his way into a fight he isn’t involved in because he unilaterally decided it benefits his (or America’s) interests. Nor does Ross ever apologize for his employer’s role in turning Erik from a lost boy into a heartless killer. The West and the CIA have intentionally and repeatedly destabilized nations for centuries. All Erik had to do was run his own game of exploitation on the oppressors then turn around and use their resources against them.

Yet I saw Ross’ arc as an example of how to be a good white ally. From the second he wakes up in Shuri’s lab, he defers to the Wakandans. He doesn’t “well, actually” or whitesplain. Instead he follows Ramonda, Shuri, and Nakia’s lead, listening and learning. When Shuri tells him what to do, he complies without challenging her authority. The only time he ignores her command is when she tells him to flee the lab before it’s destroyed. Ross instead uses the skills he earned with his privilege to fight a smaller battle so the Wakandans can focus on bigger issues. Allyship is more than having a Black Lives Matter profile pic. You have to be willing to do the work even when it means standing up to a system you directly benefit from, and you have to be willing to let marginalized people control the narrative. His actions don’t change the fact that Everett Ross is the heir to colonizers and a destabilizer of nations, but he still stepped up. And I say that knowing full well the next movie will undo all of Coogler’s efforts with Ross.

Disney/Marvel has another thing coming if they think I’ll accept more mayonnaise scraps after the Black excellence of Black Panther. It eschews MacGuffins, red herrings, mystery boxes, and CGI supervillains in favor of bitter truths and hard conversations. Even as the film cruises on a predictable plot, everything else is an ode to Blackness. I want so desperately to believe this is the start of something new even as the critic in me doubts it will be. That being said, given its massive opening week ($404 million and counting) excuses for continuing down a path where white men are the default are rapidly dwindling.

What Black Panther achieves—grafting onto a big, dumb tentpole flick an exploration of race and racism, identity, family, faith, the Black diaspora, moral complicity, inequality, and community responsibility—is nothing short of stunning. As flawed as it is, its weaknesses are easily overpowered by its strengths. Coogler said he wanted to make a movie where Black people could see ourselves as more than a stereotype. In that he didn’t just succeed, he rewrote the entire superhero genre. The only other time I was so deeply moved by a comic book movie was in Wonder Woman. There I cried, but Black Panther had me hollering and cheering. I got to sit in a theatre full of my kin, everyone donning dashikis, Coming to America regalia, and other pan-African testaments, and together we reveled in the joy crafted by Coogler and co. I want to see it again and again and again and again and again.

Alex Brown is a YA librarian by day, local historian by night, pop culture critic/reviewer by passion, and QWoC all the time. Keep up with her every move on Twitter, check out her endless barrage of cute rat pics on Instagram, or get lost in the rabbit warren of ships and fandoms on Tumblr.

About the Author

Alex Brown


Alex Brown is a Hugo-nominated and Ignyte award-winning critic who writes about speculative fiction, librarianship, and Black history. Find them on twitter (@QueenOfRats), bluesky (@bookjockeyalex), instagram (@bookjockeyalex), and their blog (
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7 years ago

Quoth Alex: “It took until last year’s Spider-Man: Homecoming before the MCU movies featured an adversary who was an antagonist rather than a supervillain” 

Um, Loki in Thor? Yes, in Avengers he went into full-on super-villain, but in Thor, Loki was an antagonist, and a sympathetic one. In fact, his arc and Eric’s in Black Panther are very similar, except Loki survived to fight another day while Eric chose to die rather than be captured. But the character is pretty much the same. (Not that that’s a bad thing, but it doesn’t make him anywhere near unique in the MCU, especially since this movie is dealing with many of the same monarchial issues that the three Thor movies did.)

Excellent review, BTW, and I agree with everything else you said……

—Keith R.A. DeCandido


7 years ago

@1. krad: in Shatner’s voice from WoK (with reverb effects): “KRAD! KRAD! KRAD! Where’s the Discovery overview!?”

I kid. I kid.

7 years ago

@1: Keith, I know you didn’t mean to, but you just “well, actually”ed Alex. Also, Loki’s motivations were always solely selfish, even in Thor, and he was always a supervillain because of it. Toomes just wanted to keep his family’s lives secure, and Erik was trying to help his people. So they are vastly different from Loki, especially since Loki is the personification of white male entitlement (one could argue that Toomes is as well, but since he got screwed over by Damage Control and focused his robberies on alien tech appropriated by Stark, I think what he does is more justice than entitlement).

7 years ago

I guess Wakandans had be isolationist if you’re not going full on alternate history.

7 years ago

Sunspear: It’s scheduled to go up at noon.

—Keith R.A. DeCandido


7 years ago

Robb: I think you’re oversimplifying Loki’s motivations a great deal. I also don’t think I well-actually’d Alex, but if that’s how that came across, I deeply apologize, as that was not my intent. This is far from the first time I’ve seen people rave both about this movie and about Homecoming that at last we have an interesting and complex MCU villain, with Loki seemingly forgotten.

princessroxana: That they did is kind of the plot of the movie……… :)

—Keith R.A. DeCandido


7 years ago

6, So I gather. Very morally questionable which is the point. On the other hand the Wakandans didn’t use their superiority to take over the whole continent before the Europeans arrived so maybe their isolationism had a positive side?

7 years ago

Loki and Thor were both spoiled children, but Thor actually made an effort to grow up after he was banished to Earth.  Loki never bothered and stayed an entitled brat.  He seems to finally be showing signs of growing up in Ragnorak, but who knows if that will stick in Infinity Wars.  Toomes and Erik both made horrible choices, but you can see the paths that led them to make those choices & understand to a point why they did.

7 years ago

“I’m kidding! We’re vegetarians!” is the best line in the movie.

A somewhat sideways-related question for the comic buffs: Is Everett Ross related to Thunderbolt Ross? I know they were both in Civil War, and it seems that if they were related it would have come up, but maybe it did and the scene was cut, or maybe it was just ignored, or maybe they just coincidentally have the same last name.

7 years ago

LazerWulf: the two are not related, and indeed were never in each other’s orbit, as it were, in the comics. They just happened to both be in Civil War, which was I’m sure confusing for folks who only know the characters from the cinema.

—Keith R.A. DeCandido


7 years ago

@7 I think the question of Wakandan isolationism is a lot more complicated than whether or not to help out the rest of the continent. For instance, the outreach centers are almost certainly going to attract a lot of violent attention from people who find Wakanda incompatible with their ideology. Especially since they’re probably all pagans.

7 years ago

But don’t the Wakandas have magical technology superior to anything the rest of the world’s got?

7 years ago

@12 Probably not magical enough to eliminate the risk of civilian casualties from gunmen or car bombs.

7 years ago

If it’s not intersectional, you’re not doing it right.

Stop. No really. Stop it.


Well, here’s a problem you didn’t notice.

The only time Muslims/Arabs were shown in this movie was when Boko Haram showed up. They spoke a little Arabic and made women cover their heads. Again, Muslims and Arabs were the terrorists, with no positive rep. But did this reviewer notice this? Demand for better rep? Of course not.


Because that isn’t their team

You see your intersectionality is hollow. In fact, it only wants its own minorities to be defended and catered to. Well, here’s a newsflash for you, Muslims are 1 in 4 on this earth and yet they don’t go around demanding we’re put into every story. We already know we don’t belong. We’ve got it loud and clear.

You won’t be intersectional until you care about every minority stepped on, not just the ones you belong to or related to.


Colin R
7 years ago

Loki is really a problem for the MCU.  Is he supposed to be sympathetic? He’s responsible for a lot of innocent bystanders dying, and The Avengers directly compares him to freakin’ Nazis.  Because Asgard sits outside of the concerns of Earth, this never really seems to get taken seriously. This is true of all the Marvel movies of course–people seemed to like Winter Soldier and Civil War (and I mean I did too), but the moral messages don’t really add up.


But on to Black Panther: I liked it quite a bit.  I like the discussions around it even more.  As a film its plot is predictable, but this is the only MCU movie that takes politics seriously.  There’s just nothing that quite compares with the combined effect of seeing a cast that is almost entirely black, discussing the morality and politics of the African Diaspora, and expressing this through hundreds of millions of dollars of special effects and glorious afrofuturism.  It’s kind of shocking that Disney/Marvel let it be as political as it is.  I sadly suspect it is because the effect of the politics will be contained; the overall MCU is probably not going to suddenly become politically charged.  I would love to see Evan’s Steve Rogers because a fierce advocate of the Four Freedoms, but I just don’t see it happening.


And even this movie shies back a bit from the full implications of what is going on.  Rather than engaging with the problems of Killmonger’s politics, it kind of falls back on depicting him as a bad man and a bad leader.  The idea of a more aggressively interventionist Wakanda isn’t fully developed.  And the Wakandan outreach at the end seems a bit weak.  I do appreciate the way that Killmonger’s methods are obviously shaped by American adventurism in Afghanistan and Iraq,

Still: this is the only superhero movie I can think of where the question is forward-thinking and positive.  The question isn’t simply reactive–how do we defeat a threat that has arisen–but how can we make the world better?

Eduardo Jencarelli
7 years ago

It took until last year’s Spider-Man: Homecoming before the MCU movies featured an adversary who was an antagonist rather than a supervillain, a character whose motivations are understandable if hard-hearted.

So Zemo’s motivations in Civil War weren’t understandable? He was the one antagonist who actually succeeded in his goal.

7 years ago

… Duh your going to get a shit load of supervillians.  I swear do y’all complainers read the material this verse adapts from? Of course there are characters doing bad things with nuance but they aren’t a lot. This compliant about suoervillians hasn’t been a problem for the past decades in where supervillians originated from. 

7 years ago

Seeing a queer character in a Marvel movie is about as likely as seeing one in Star Wars, or any other billion-dollar franchise. The studios are aware that queer content will get a movie banned in China and other overseas markets, and they won’t give up that revenue. 

7 years ago

My favourite minor detail about Ross’ place in this is that, at the end, when he was chasing the transports, he called Shuri to ask for orders.

Sure, shooting them down was obvious and she called him an idiot, but firing on Wakandan citizens was not his call to make, and he needed to hear the order given. I thought it was a nice touch.

7 years ago

I have to respectfully disagree with the premise of this article’s title. Although it may be a very good movie, the Black Panther IS JUST THAT: a comic book movie. It has the structure and same world building as most of the other comic book movies and it’s based on a comic book character. It’s great that it has provided many fans with exciting, entertaining characters that they can identify with. However, it is hardly in the pantheon of great cinema, and by that I mean movies such as The Godfather, Citizen Kane or 2001, A Space Odyssey. It is structurally constrained by its comic book origins and plotting. Will people really be talking about this film or for that matter, most comic book movies in 25 years like they do the movies I mentioned above? Like most pop culture, it represents a fun, temporary experience which will have less impact on the cultural landscape as time goes on. I am sure that I will be excoriated for my opinion, but I think that science fiction and fantasy can offer up much better and has already in terms of plot and structure: the aforementioned 2001, Blade Runner, Solaris and Lord of the Rings to name just a few. 

7 years ago

Thanks for acknowledging my position and I’m glad that you care. 

There just seems to be a vigilance for the rights of some minorities, that others simply don’t get. Btw, it bother me that north Africa was completely shut out of the inspiration for Black Panther. 

This isn’t the first time I’ve felt this way about articles from ‘intersectional’ venues. This isn’t the first time there was a clear opportunity to talk about bad stereotypes of Arabs or Muslims, and writers here didn’t take it. Or the article was literally about religion, and Islam wasn’t mentioned and if so, extremely briefly.

I don’t know what to do that can fix such a thing except to raise my voice from time to time. It will be uncomfortable, but it’ll have to be said.

7 years ago

I always wanted to see an Indo-Futuristic film that showed a fantasy India untainted by imperialism; future science, cyberspace temples, high tech native fashion, eco-friendly cities, and glowing neon-lit buildings everywhere.

But it raises some questions of how politically correct that would be.  How far back do you go?  You see some of the imperialism that produced the India of today also produced the largest religious minority in India.  Massacres, religious intolerance, and profiteering, also led to religious conversion, either genuine or under pressure, and thus the peaceful men and women of today, who we call neighbours.  To wipe Islamic art from the last 1000 years of Indian history, and imagine an Indian one that hadn’t been pressured by invasion and foreign cultural disapproval for our arts and intellectual life?  To imagine an India where the Indian culture prior to 1200 AD had been allowed to develop a modernity of their own?  Where the architectural style that produced Meenakshi in India, Borobudur in Indonesia, or Angkor Wat in Cambodia was allowed to develop into something futuristic?

Perhaps we are selective in how far back we choose to imagine.  It’s okay to delete European cultural influence from Africa’s history in our fantasy films, because it is currently seen as foreign, the wounds of colonialism are fresh, and it’s associated culture is unlikely to retaliate, but we don’t imagine a world where the other empires of history didn’t exist. 

, perhaps we should be careful what we wish for, because while America acknowledges and battles with it’s history of a white supremacist Deep South, nobody has yet shone the same scrutinising light on the Middle East, the Arab Slave Trade, imperialism committed in Eastern Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India and Central Asia, etc.  Like all imperialism, it produced exploitation and unkindness, along with what we romanticise as good.  I want to see a world where everyone is taught every culture’s history, including the triumphs and faults of all, but currently I think the Europeans bear their fair share, but the rest of us sometimes do not.  The opening up of Hollywood to Middle Eastern, African, Chinese or Indian culture should also entail the acknowledgement of our own sins toward those we had power over.  I’m sure Coogler is a good enough film-maker that he has done exactly this, and hardly showed Wakanda as having had faultless past, even if it ultimately produced a positive utopia.  

If states like Pakistan are allowed to teach that the culture of other religions is inherently primitive, iniquitous, etc, the way colonialists used to, and then this ideology follows migrants to places like Europe and America, where schools focus exclusively on the sins of their colonialism and transatlantic slavery, maybe it plays into the ‘home grown’ extremism and intolerance we find in places like England’s post-industrial North, where innocent people reap the fruits.

If they are fairly taught that raiding parties of Muslims used to castrate African men so that they could not hope to breed, and drag them back to the Middle East in chains, to the tune of 17 million, because they were seen as kafirs for following their ancestor’s religions, or that women were captured across Europe and Asia for the exclusive use of rape, they might not be so quick to dredge up a KKK-style romanticism and pride for a past as horrible as any other.

I’m a progressive, I think humanity’s best days are ahead of it, but perhaps romance for our collectively horrible human past isn’t what we need, so much as romance for it’s rainbow future, in which we see ourself as one species amongst a wondrous cosmos, ala space opera. 

I look forward to seeing the movie, but I think I’ll feel sad that there is no equivalent Asian utopia in Marvel yet :-)

7 years ago

@14: “The only time Muslims/Arabs were shown in this movie was when Boko Haram showed up. They spoke a little Arabic and made women cover their heads. Again, Muslims and Arabs were the terrorists, with no positive rep.”

I was under the impression that the kidnapped women were also Muslims. Didn’t one of them bless Nakia in Allah’s name after the rescue?

7 years ago

@23. Abraham: Just finished reading The Dawn Watch, Maya Jasanoff’s biography of Joseph Conrad that puts some of his major work in the context of his travels.

The section on Heart of Darkness talks about the Congo Free State and the massive sham King Leopold of Belgium pulled to hide his imperialism and ultimate barbarism (like the systematic cutting off of hands of those who resisted, which echoed the founding myth of Antwerp). But a significant fact was that the slave trade there was run by Zanzibaris. Slavery existed before the Europeans arrived, who then proceeded to substitute another system of control, while claiming to Christianize the “savages.” There’s enough hypocrisy to spread around.

7 years ago

As evidenced by this very discussion, the problem with demanding “intersectionality” in movies is this:  A movie has to tell a coherent story and not all stories focus on or even mention every possible type of race, culture, gender, or practice. 

Black Panther was, in my opinion, a WONDERFUL movie.  Yet, it left out the “mother” experience.  It didn’t include LGBT representation.  It still didn’t incorporate Muslim or Arab influences fairly.  Perhaps those are valid concerns for movies in general, but this particular movie didn’t focus on that because the story WASN’T ABOUT THAT.  And yes, you could argue that the writers/director could have inserted it, but one movie shouldn’t have to do all the heavy lifting because historically Hollywood hasn’t handled those issues very well.  And too many messages in one movie simply dilutes the message and almost always makes for a poor story.

Ryan Coogler and team made a great movie.  Not including every particular demographic in the film isn’t a weakness.  It’s good storytelling.  There will be other movies that could, and should, explore those topics and experiences.  And we can enjoy them when they come along.  I hope they’re half as good as this movie is.

7 years ago

Just to be super clear, NJaka didn’t fight ‘for freedom’.  He fought to enslave the earth.  He killed his ally when she became a liability against Klaw.  Saying dude was ‘an antagonist’, rather than a supervillain, is perplexing to me.

I feel like maybe we saw a different movie?  In the one I saw the guy was ranting about killing all their enemies…and their children.  He was talking about a Wakandan Empire, on which the sun would never set.  He was awash in noxious malevolence, exactly as you’d expect from someone called ‘KillMonger’.

7 years ago

Thank you Alex for the review, I agree with almost all of it, and you made me see better some points that I had recognized subconciously, but not vocalized, and it helps for the review I am putting together for my podcast.

One question, though… why do you say “knowing full well the next movie will undo all of Coogler’s efforts with Ross.”?

I doubt Ross will have much of a role in Infinity War, but he’ll likely have one in Black Panther 2, which they’ve already said they want Coogler in charge of again.

@1 – krad: Eeeh… Loki’s got a point in wanting to know his origins, and how Odin killed his people, etc… but it stops there. After that, he’s just a jealous younger prince that knows he won’t inherit the crown. MCU N’Jadaku builds upon that, and doesn’t stop there.

@14 – Laura: You might have a point there, but you could have addressed the reviewer in a more polite way. Plus, the people at the begining of the movie are not identified as Boko Haram, and not really identified as muslims beyond a bit of Arab spoken (I did not notice it, thank you for bringing it to my attention). Beyond the language, they could have been any number of African warlord troops, some of them are also Christian.

@21 – Jeff: Forgive my asking, but are you white and male?

@25 – Scott_MI: Portraying them only as victims is not positive either.

7 years ago

 I loved this movie.  And I know it’s just a movie, not reality.  But I’d still like to make some comments.

I see comments like  ‘Wakanda has been powerful and technologically advanced for centuries yet did nothing while their neighbors were raped, tortured, enslaved, and slaughtered.’   First, we don’t know that they haven’t been helping individuals.  Just by the variety of the peoples living there, there has probably been outsiders join them over the centuries.

And their isolation is probably the only thing that saved them.  If the outside knew about them, do you really think their superior technology would have saved them from the twin evils of greed and the ‘if I believe (want)  this, it must be right’ attitude that we’ve seen throughout history.

It is not considered acceptable in the modern world to just go in and take over another country because of their resources, ideology, politics, etc.  But there are so many modern examples of this anyway. 

So to save themselves instead of trying and probably failing to save everyone makes sense. Though it is also possible that they had been too rigid on this (but I wonder how Cap got his shield?)

(I think I take imaginary worlds too seriously).

7 years ago

Okay, this is the second review I’ve seen to point out that Erik’s vision is of his old apartment, and not to mention anything else about it.

Did I imagine the black-and-purple Wakanda spirit-scape outside the apartment windows? Because I spent that whole scene thinking “This is the spirit world telling him that his Americanization is cutting him off from where he needs to be, and he could get there if he’d just look farther.”

7 years ago

I saw that sky outside, yes, but I didn’t think of that interpretation, nor do I actually agree (or disagree) with it.

7 years ago

What are mayonnaise scraps?


7 years ago

@31 Would you like to know my religion and blood type too?  It is a rather ridiculous situation when one’s opinion is questioned because of race and gender. Film like all art invites commentary and interpretation. Nothing that I said had anything to do with race and yet you turn it into a debate on race. I repeat my argument. This is a comic book movie; it’s sources are form the comics. It’s a nice action flick which has greater meaning for some than others. But my main point is in the world of great cinema this film will never be part of the pantheon  because the source material is limited. The over the top reaction to it is somewhat amusing especially if one raises any criticism to it. But again the real test will be if it is remembered many years from now; I doubt it will just like much that is found in the art world today which is throwaway. That is how we recognize true works of art and what is just commerce.

7 years ago

She means “table scraps”, as in she (and others) will not accept having black characters constantly relegated to sidekicks, criminals, etc.

7 years ago

Yeah, I wasn’t the only one to see this issue. And telling me it’s all in my head and that I should have been more polite is classic. If you’re an Arab or Muslim, you noticed it. Again, no one was clearly arab/Muslim except for those human traffickers from the start. It was vague whether their victims were or not bc the women take off their scarves.

@23  I agree with your point, but there were positive parts of Islamic/Arab empires too, and those cultures are still almost always negatively shown in movies. It’s one thing to remember that they weren’t perfect, it’s another to never show their positive aspects and accomplishments. Like I said, there are 1 in 4 human beings alive today with those backgrounds, and they deserve positive rep too.

@27 yes, but neither of those cultures appeared strongly Arab/Muslim African in the film to offset the very clear religious Arabic in the beginning. 


7 years ago

I did not say it was all in your head, I just said it wasn’t evident to most people that those characters were Muslim or Arab. And I did not say you should have been more polite, I said you could have. There’s a difference.

That said, I do agree that we need more positive representation of Muslims and Arabs in popular entertainment. I hope they one day make a Ms. Marvel TV show or film, and I’ll try to remember to include some of that representation in my own fiction.

Thank you for alerting us to that detail in the film.

7 years ago

A movie featuring Muslims fighting Islamicist extremism would be an excellent idea.

7 years ago

Inclusion and true intersecting in movies, television, books….should be shrived for.  but everyone who writes to a media has their own voice and they must speak in the most respectful way they can in their OWN Voice….  we are at the infancy of inclusion in various of media.   Then there comes balance with inclusion …then there comes  … inclusion and intersection without even noticing it or expecting or wanting or striving for it. ( which is looong way off but oh will happen one day)

My whole point is this movie did its job….it entertained and it showed a different aspect of certain minority in a positive uplifting way and touched on a social commentary not  often talked about in blockbuster movie that was not too heavy handed and it did it in a very entertaining & thought provoking way. making us actually think  at the  movie theater.

A movie cant address every topic such  Arabs or Muslims, or Native Americans, or the LGBTQ community . Let the next  movie and the next and   the next.etc…tackle it.

I am VERY hopeful for what comes out of Hollywood.  With successes like WONDER WOMAN and Black Panther..and GET OUT movies, I see nothing but good things coming for all minorities and movements. We are in a new age . see it for it  what it is . Awesome.!

7 years ago

@38 – Yeah, my take is just my interpretation and might be totally wrong. But I was starting to wonder if I’d just plain seen it wrong, so thanks for letting me know that my eyes, at least, weren’t messing up.

7 years ago

“Bury me in the ocean, with the rest of my ancestors who jumped ship because they knew death was better than bondage.”

This line was cringeworthy.  The ones who jumped weren’t Killmonger’s ancestors.  The line should be “the rest of my people.”

I will agree with other commenters here that expecting one movie to successfully tackle every social justice issue today is unrealistic.  Black Panther unpacked a lot of them though, while being entertaining and appealing to a mass market.  Hopefully there are more movies to come which so the same for other issues.

7 years ago

@47, that occurred to me too, along with the fact slavers took obvious precautions against such acts. In fact Killmonger is dissing his actual ancestors who had the strength to live in hope of ameliorating their condition. 

7 years ago

Nicole @47: Erik’s unseen mother is most likely African-American; his ancestry is not solely through his father.

7 years ago

@49 The ones who jumped died and parented no African-American children.  One way or another, they aren’t his ancestors.

7 years ago

I (finally) saw it Saturday night at a suburban movie theater.  I enjoyed it – not perfect but very, very striking and original.  Nice, thoughtful review, Alex. 

But I loved the moviegoing experience.  I have never seen that many PoC in a suburban movie theater – way above average for the venue – and many DRESSED UP for the movie – many of the outfits were outstanding, even though it was the second weekend.  Many multigenerational families were seeing it together.  The energy in the theater was great.  This movie is going to make a LOT of money, and well-deserved money if they keep giving talented voices the freedom to make original, exciting films such as this. 




7 years ago

I had seen the titles of the reviews on here and knew it was very well received. I thought it was good. Not great. I’ll start with the bad and then end on the good.

Maybe this is from the comic, and I know it’s in a lot of fiction, but the idea of ritual combat to determine the leader of a modern nation is always cringe worthy for me. And every single time, thanks to plot armor, you knew who was going to win before it started.

Also, the plot hinges on the heroes keeping secrets they really shouldn’t. In any real country, the people coming back from the mission get debriefed so the military leadership at least knows about the African guy who helped the terrorist escape. Then maybe, the head of your standing army doesn’t immediately assume the African guy bringing in the dead terrorist is on his side.

I also felt too much time was spend preaching at T’Challa and at the audience. If others enjoyed the social commentary of how a fictional monarchy should teach the democracies of the world how to handle their business, fine.

On the other hand, the acting was outstanding. The non-CGI fight scenes were thrilling. Even though the plot was predictable, I was emotionally invested in T’Challa and that made the stakes feel real. Nakia, Okoye, and Shuri combined with T’Challa had great chemistry in any combination. And the leader of the ape tribe was hilarious.

In terms of Marvel introducing a hero movies (that I’ve seen) I’d rank them:

1 – Captain America, 2 – Iron Man, 3 – Black Panther, 4 – Thor, 5 – Antman, 6 – Hulk

Though I think Black Panther might be benefiting from a recency bias, and is in a virtual dead heat for me with Thor.

7 years ago

Finally got to see the movie, too. Enjoyed it very much.

Some nitpicks though:

Why do we as Americans still love kings and queens so much? As a democratic society, do we really need to equate legitimacy with royal blood at this point? I agree with above that the tribal system in Wakanda, where the gorilla tribe hasn’t been acknowledged by a king in a hundred years (think that’s what I heard), is not that admirable.

This doesn’t even take into account where the prior king apparently plain forgot about his own brother out in the world and left him to resort to crime to survive. Don’t they have some way of communicating to avoid such a scenario?

What they do have to offer is the tech and advanced medicine based on the tech. But if they want to stand as an example where ancient ritual combat determines leadership… I’m doubtful.

Then the other detail that stuck was purple flowers being the source of panther powers. Is this from the comics? Haven’t read them in years. Guess it lines up with Cap getting his abilities from a serum. Two juiced up guys. Kinda didn’t buy how easily Panther’s powers were removed by a concoction.

7 years ago

@55 – Sunspear: The J’bari are acknowledged, they choose to not participate of Wakandan society except to challenge the King on coronation ceremonies.

There is also no indication that King T’Chaka forgot about his brother. They actually say on the film that he decided to take matters into his own hands and instead of just spying, fight against the oppression suffered by African Americans (IE be a kind of New New Black Panther Party). He helped Klaue steal Vibranium, and that’s why he gets a visit from the King.

The Heart-Shaped is from the comics, yes, straight out of Fantastic Four V1 #52 (1966), the Panther’s first appearance.

7 years ago

 @55, Monarchy has a mystique that Republics don’t. As somebody observed ‘The Senator from Elfland’s Daughter’ is a lousy title.

7 years ago

: Yes, of course. We still read Shakespeare’s histories of kings. And I enjoy Game of Thrones. And currently Americans seem invested in a movie about a African king and a upcoming royal wedding in Britain.

I suppose it supports why there’s still a Queen of England in the world. People still like to fantasize about pomp and circumstance.

@56.Magnus: M’Baku complains about no king acknowledging or visiting the mountain tribe. And the spies seem largely forgotten at times. Eric’s father laments that during his purple poppy vision, I think (may need to re-watch).

7 years ago

There’s probably a he-said/he-said situation in both cases.

7 years ago

I love superheroes. Read comics for about 3 decades (no longer read them, except for a select few like Mister Miracle, because of the constant churn of rebooting). But there’s always been a dark undertone to them, a fascistic hint of might makes right. However, America went for Superman or Captain America over Germany’s Ubermensch. It’s always been a power fantasy here, usually viewed as for children.

I remember a period of maybe a decade where comic shops were dying off and it seemed like a whole generation had no interest in comics. Now, after the Marvel movies (and to a lesser extent the DC ones), kids younger than ten try to tell me which superheroes are cool and how they know more than me about them. It’s hilarious.

This film is great because it acknowledges the underbelly of these fantasies. T’Challa is a great character because he sees his father was wrong. It doesn’t get more wrong than killing your brother and abandoning his body for his young son to find. No burial for one of royal blood? Wakanda as it’s been, still maintaining a king and tribal structure, while ignoring injustice, is not always admirable, although historical factors like colonialism and imperialism account for it (Shuri’s very funny line, “Hello, colonizer”). The future of Wakanda, especially if the rumors of Wakanda in space turn out to be true, will be something to see.

7 years ago

In the comics, Wakanda has recently turned into a constitutional monarchy. And the space thing are not rumors there.

7 years ago

One of the actors may have spilled the beans on where the Panther movies may be headed post Infinity War.

7 years ago

@50 Why isn’t it possible that Africans were already parents before they were taken captive? If a mother or father jumped off the deck of a ship, leaving their children behind to reach the USA, they’d be ancestors of African-Americans today. 


@42 Here’s an article by a Somali-Canadian Muslim who answers your critique much more eloquently than I could


I have read those accusing the film of Islamophobia saying that it would have been better to not have included anything about Boko Haram in the opening scene so that there would be no portrayal of Muslims at all. That’s because they are not seeing the film centred on a African perspective, which no, you do not have to be an expert in African Studies to know about, you just have to follow discussions by Nigerians, Africans, and even Black Americans on how little attention has been given to Boko Haram in mainstream media, and how little assistance has been offered in terms of being able to fight Boko Haram or at least support the humanitarian needs of the millions of people the group has displaced. Considering that Nigeria is the most populous nation in Sub-Saharan Africa, portraying a major ongoing conflict that has no end in sight in that nation seems pretty relevant to me for a film about a fictional African nation. One conflict on the contintent is not interchangable for another, although many people who pay little attention to the region may think so.


7 years ago

Here’s an interesting article on what if Wakanda was a real country:

Wakandan isolationism

The movie is relevant to many of today’s international politics, almost to an uncanny extent. But then these problems are not new. It’s a lot of weight for a mere movie to carry, much less a superhero entertainment. Between this and Thor’s last outing questioning Asgard’s imperialism and colonialism (including taking artifacts it takes from other realms, just as Killmonger points out to the museum curator in BP), Marvel is getting more sophisticated in its politics.

7 years ago

 My first reaction to the film was, this maybe the best acted superhero movie I’ve ever seen.  One usually gets a certain broadness in the acting in this kind of movie. 

 My second thought was, Michael B. Jordan may be the scariest villain I’ve ever seen in a superhero movie.  (It’s possible, though, that the many, many patriotic African Americans who have served or are serving in the military may find the portrayal offensive.)  His politics of rage based on perceived injustice was quite believable, and made me think of a certain Central European leader from 80 years ago.

 His line about Africans throwing themselves into the sea from slave ships struck me as odd.  This is not something I ever heard of before.  The sensible course was to wait it out, figure out the lay of the land, and then make a break for it:  there were communities of escaped slaves all over the Americas.  The descendants of one such community, known as the  “Jackson Whites”, still live in the hills of upstate New York.

@42 Laura:  “Islamic/Arab … cultures are still almost always negatively shown in movies“.   You forget the vast cinematic heritage of films inspired by the Arabian Nights: Sinbad, the thief of Baghdad, Haroun al Rashid and so on.  And let’s not forget Lawrence of Arabia, the classic English biopic in which the Arabs are portrayed more positively than the English.

@54 tbgh:  That Wakanda is a) an absolute monarchy which b) determines kingship by mortal combat suggests it still has something to learn from the outside world, as well as teach. 

7 years ago


I suspect Laura is protesting against the filming change in Hollywood that has seen Arabs and or Muslims steadily replace Russians or Eastern Europeans as the generic enemy de jour in action movies since the first Gulf War.  Prior to that they generally had positive roles,  post the early 90s and especially 2001, not so much.  

The notable thing for me was that it is an absolute monarchy which is open to the descendants of any of the five tribes, each had their respective champion in the initial combat scene.  And the past panthers were from different tribes.  So kingship stays within the country, but can move around a bit within it, it isn’t necessarily inherited directly.  


I finally saw the film last night, and it was very interesting to see the audience reactions – I’m in the Caribbean at the moment and most of the island population is of colour.  There were six of ten screens at the multiplex showing Black Panther, and every evening screening was sold out.  It is certainly resonating with the locals, and I saw plenty of people who dressed up especially for it … and it has been out here for quite some time.  My audience certainly was quite vocal during the film, they were definitely appreciative of the way the women interacted with the men and particularly of Okoye. They also loved the hookup at the end, as you do.  

7 years ago

@66 – Mayhem: Where do you get that previous Panthers have been from different tribes from?

7 years ago

Finally saw it yesterday and loved it! I loved how nuanced it is but wasn’t trying too hard to be DEEP. It was very balance, good acting and great production! 

I feel the change starts when T’Challa brought Ross and put human life first, over Wakanda’s secrecy. Honestly, my first impression was that T’Challa had made a mistake and Wakanda was going to be invaded for the vibranium

 One thing that talk to me was Wakanda’s image as a thirld-world country and all it implies. I’m a citizen of a thirld-world country that also was colonized in South America, even if colonialism in African is different, the idea of “thirld-world” and the development discourse is shared somehow. So, I loved how Wakanda played with tha image and the prejudice of the first world to secure their secrecy and the final part in the UN when someone wonders what kind of contribution could a thirld-world country make, it’s actually very rude but I’m sure he was completely honest and couldn’t even imagine it.

This makes me curious about how Wakanda can change the dynamic and politics of foreign aid and development programs, I would love to see that in the next Black Panther film. Also, I want to see more everyday Wakanda, not only a bit on the street. 

One thing I think could have been better portrayed, Okoye and the frontier guard final moment wasn’t that powerful because calling someone “my love” a couple of times doesn’t make a relationship.

If Killmonger went to MIT, did he met Tony Stark? Please, someone make a connection here.

I think burning all the heart-shape flowers show that Killmonger only wanted destruction, I don’t buy it that he wanted to build something and didn’t worry about the preservation of the Black Panther powers. 

7 years ago

Speaking of the heart-shaped herb, I hope they actually hid a bit more than that, otherwise, they’re the worst priests in history.

7 years ago

I just saw it and thought is was a bit of a letdown. Especially after all those good reviews. I liked the first hour. When they caught gollum i really felt there was a big plot coming on…. but instead i got a somewhat boring predictable battle for the throne. With a boring villain. Even with his motivation he was just boring. Otherwise the casting was great and it looked pretty good. 

Again a very entertaining Marvel movie but one of the lesser ones.