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Batman: The Animated Series Rewatch: “Robin’s Reckoning: Part 1 & 2”


Batman: The Animated Series Rewatch: “Robin’s Reckoning: Part 1 & 2”

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Batman: The Animated Series Rewatch: “Robin’s Reckoning: Part 1 & 2”


Published on January 22, 2013



Robin’s Reckoning, Part 1”
Written by Randy Rogel
Directed by Dick Sebast
Episode #032
Music Composed by Carlos Rodriguez
Animation by Spectrum Animation Studio
Original Airdate – February 7th, 1993

Plot: Batman sends Robin home when he discovers the kingpin they hunt is Tony Zucco, the man who killed Robin’s parents, leading to a flashback of how Dick Grayson came to live with Bruce Wayne.

And so, after only being in 2 (and a half) episodes so far, Robin gets the origin story that Batman never gets.

As the first five minutes of “The Cat and the Claw” perfectly established Batman and Catwoman, “Robin’s Reckoning” wastes no time in telling you exactly how Batman and Robin work together.

Robin is the chatty one, a laughing daredevil that teases crooks into making mistakes, while Batman is the dark nightmare who barks demands at crooks when he’s not looming over them menacingly. Batman’s the senior partner who gives commands, and Robin’s still in school, but Robin is also brash and rebellious and often goes off half-cocked. Importantly, especially after the revelations of “Perchance to Dream,” Robin actually enjoys being a superhero, and his joy helps Batman lighten up, and not fall into a dark hole of despair.

The extended flashback that takes up the majority of this and the next episode, gives the rest of “Robin’s Reckoning” a slow, considered pace, more concerned with the emotional impact of loss than with action or plot. Carlos Rodriguez’s score places Haley’s Circus in a Tim Burton-esque dream land. And after Zucco destroys Dick Grayson’s perfecgt world we are left with long looming shots of Dick alone in the terrifying spaces of Wayne Manor. Alfred reminds Bruce he needs to emotionally support Dick too, and Bruce relates his own pain to the Dick’s pain, which gives all three characters more depth.

Loren Lester does a fine job here as “college age” Robin, who sounds just like a teenager when he demands he be treated as an adult, especially when he pouts “he treats me like a kid” before petulantly kicking a rock off the batcave. Young Joey Simmrin does well with the unenviable job of playing 10 year old Dick Grayson, giving voice to the unimaginable loss of his parents. And Kevin Conroy does another solid performance, displaying his sincere Bruce Wayne voice, as distinct from his flippant Bruce or angry Batman.

But the real surprise/stand out is Thomas Wilson as Tony Zucco. Casting Biff Tannen as Zucco makes the killer of Robin’s parent just another thug. He’s not an untouchable crime boss like Rupert Thorne or a walking nightmare like Clayface. He’s a loser, a bully with surrogate father problems of his own. As soon as he’s in trouble, he runs to his uncle, who promptly kicks him out. Zucco’s not a threat to Batman, or Robin, which makes the point that crimes, most crimes, are not committed by monsters. They are committed by real people who make terrible choices.

The flashback has a lot of nice touches. Lieutenant Gordon still has some color in his hair, Officer Bullock is still in uniform. Batman hasn’t added the yellow oval to his costume. Alfred places Dick in Bruce’s old room, (first seen in “The Underdwellers”) which is guarded by a mural of Robin Hood, an obvious influence on both Batman and Robin. And, in the best bit of continuity, Zucco’s uncle in Stromwell, previously established as the crime boss of Gotham before Thorne. 

This is the first two-parter with the same director on both parts, with the result that it’s the first one that feels like one long episode as opposed to two distinct parts. Dick Sebast does another good job throughout, especially the gut punch death of the Grayson’s, going from shot of the trapeze to their shadows to a frayed rope.

The only major difference between the episodes is the quality of animation. Not that Dong Yang does a bad job in part 2—it’s up to the series’s usual high standards— but Spectrum steps up their game with maybe the best animation so far. Every image is bright and clean, the blacks blacker and the colors sharper. The movement is fluid, whether it’s a helpless thug swinging in the breeze or Batman flipping over a car. This is a gorgeous episode.


Robin’s Reckoning, Part 2”
Written by Randy Rogel
Directed by Dick Sebast
Episode #037
Music Composed by Peter Tomashek
Animation by Dong Yang Animation Co., LTD.
Original Airdate – February 14th 1993

Plot: As the flashback continues, young Dick Grayson searches Gotham for his parents’ killer, while in the present, Robin finally catches the man.

The most important part of “Robin’s Reckoning” is the last three lines, where we learn that Bruce Wayne loves Dick Grayson, and even though Robin is a superhero in his own right, Bruce is still trying to protect him.

ROBIN: You were right, y’know, not bringing me along. You knew I’d take it too personally.

BATMAN: It wasn’t that, Robin. It wasn’t that at all. Zucco’s taken so much, caused you so much pain. I couldn’t stand the thought that he might— take you too.

ROBIN: Come on, partner, it’s been a long night.

“I couldn’t stand the thought that he might take you too” is as close to saying “I love you as my son” as Batman is ever going to get. But Robin’s belief that Batman was afraid Robin would murder the man who murdered his parents makes more sense. Zucco isn’t a threat to Robin at all. He’s barely a threat to Batman when he’s got a tommy gun and all Batman has is a broken leg.

If Batman is afraid that this loser could actually hurt 18 year old Dick Grayson, then on some level Batman doesn’t believe that Robin can take care of himself. Or, more generously, that it isn’t worth risking Robin’s life. Batman still believes, as he did in “Dreams in Darkness,” that he and he alone can truly fight crime. Add in the “Perchance to Dream” revelation that Bruce hates being Batman, and we can see a certain about of self-loathing in Batman. Batman believes only he can fight crime, because he believes Bruce Wayne’s is the only life worth risking.

But if Batman wants to protect Dick Grayson, I hear you asking, why does he dress him in a bright yellow costume and throw him at the Joker? One could argue that training Dick to be Robin is a way of protecting Dick, since Dick is going to go out and fight crime anyway. Without Bruce’s training or resources, Dick was likely to get killed, probably by Zucco. And if Batman couldn’t stop him from being a teen superhero, he might as well train him to be the best, most badass teen superhero ever.


Without any encouragement from Bruce at all, Dick goes out on his own to hunt for Zucco. And what starts as a specific quest—Get Zucco—expands to a more general need to be a protector when tiny badass Dick Grayson saves that hooker from her pimp. (oh, sure, he says she’s a grifter, but she’s dressed like Bettie Page and he’s, well, dressed like a pimp and I can read between the lines.) Mission creep is a real problem in Gotham. As Dick’s quest to avenge his parents turns him into Robin, protector of Gotham, missions to kill Dr. Long, or Harvey Dent, or Rupert Thorne, become entire criminal lifestyles.

These episodes also slide the Batman timeline back a bit more. We had been going under the idea that Bruce has been Batmanning for about five years before “On Leather Wings,” but here, Zucco says it’s been nine years since he left Gotham. Dick was also nine or ten when his parents died and he’s in college now, so that lines up too. Which makes me wonder, what has Batman been doing for a decade? Has it really taken nine years of fighting the Joker, the Penguin, and Stromwell to get Gotham to the state it’s in now? Certainly the flashbacks suggest a pilot for a very difference series, called maybe “Batman: no really this is Year One”, with a young Robin constantly at Batman’s side.

The sliding timeline also suggests a different question, if Dick Grayson is eighteen or nineteen, how old is Bruce Wayne?

Steven Padnick is a freelance writer and editor. By day. You can find more of his writing and funny pictures at

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Steven Padnick


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2 years ago

I always found Willow to be kind of a by-the-numbers fantasy premise, just taking familiar tropes and dressing them up with cutting-edge production values, which pretty much sums up George Lucas’s entire filmography. Still, it was reasonably entertaining and I liked Warwick Davis in the role. Joanne Whalley was stunningly lovely in the film, and it was kind of a sweet story that she and Val Kilmer actually fell in love during the production (IIRC) and got married afterward. And it did have cutting-edge effects; it was the first film to use the digital effect we now call morphing, so early that they hadn’t even coined that name for it yet — at the time, it was called “splining,” after the mathematical principle behind the effect.

As for the series, I’m just glad that they’re finally giving Davis top billing, instead of the third billing he got in the movie despite being the lead and title character. Although I guess that was because Willow was his first non-creature movie role, after playing Wicket in Star Wars and a goblin in Labyrinth. Sort of like Christopher Reeve getting third billing in Superman behind Hackman and Brando.

2 years ago

@1: just taking familiar tropes Oh yes — the group I went with sat there counting the number of points lifted (tossed in?) from from other stories, mostly ancient; it was as if the team thought that pulling in enough pieces would amount to a story. I’ll wait to hear more about whether this is a rehash or worth following.

2 years ago

There was a sequel novel to the first Willow movie, I wonder if the new movie is based on that. I read it more than 20 years ago and don’t remember much of the plot, only that Willow had to save the grown-up baby from the first movie, who was in danger of becoming evil herself.

2 years ago

@3 MBrent – I have read that (trilogy) and it was decent fantasy — but it wasn’t Willow. And since Chris Claremont (of X-Men comics fame) killed off every character except Willow and Elora by the second chapter, I’ma gonna say not much related.

David Pirtle
2 years ago

I’m all for it. I could use some more whimsy in my fantasy shows after all the Game of Thrones and Witcher I’ve watched (both of which I enjoyed, but whimsy is definitely not what they were going for). Of course late this summer we’ve got House of the Dragon and The Rings of Power going up against one another, so it’s probably best that Willow stays out of the fray unti November.

2 years ago

That looks…. inexpensive.  Like a budget Shanarra. 

2 years ago

  It’s good to see Master Ufgood hale & well – not to mention good to see some other old friends still going strong – but we can tell very little else from this trailer; hopefully future previews will be more forthcoming! (Also, one can only pity the composer stepping in for the late, outstanding Mr James Horner … ).

Jenny Islander
2 years ago

I like the implications of “the universe seeks balance.”  You can’t guarantee that the rebalancing will be in your favor.  And Warwick Davis is always good.

(Ob. Star Wars: Anakin, the Chosen One, did indeed bring balance to the Force. There were effectively equal numbers of Jedi and Sith for a while there…)

2 years ago

I can’t recall how many times I watched Willow on VHS in the late 80’s/early 90’s. It was close to inevitable they’d try to “reboot” it now. They could do a lot worse for source material. Yeah, it’s generic, but it hails from a pre-Jackson LOTR decade, where big budget examples of the aesthetic were pretty rare, and usually commercial and critical failures. While Willow wasn’t great by any means, it has a certain homely charm. I wish the reboot well. I wouldn’t even be tempted to watch it, however, unless Val Kilmer was in it. 

While I’m here: “…Willow is needed again, things are out of balance, and a lot of running and danger and fighting and maybe some smooching will be necessary to correct this.”  This was the second-best line I’ve ever read on 



2 years ago

@9/Skallagrimsen: “I wouldn’t even be tempted to watch it, however, unless Val Kilmer was in it.”

I read a quote from one of the producers implying that Kilmer might appear in season 2, and that the story in season 1 will have some connection to Madmartigan in an unspecified way.