With the third Star Trek reboot film on the way, fans have their fingers crossed hard. Everyone has been pushing for a film that does what Star Trek has always said on the tin—explore the final frontier. And fans have been promised exploration is part of the bargain. But you know what I’ve been holding out for?
More Doctor McCoy. Because if McCoy is important to the film, then all those other problems kind of solve themselves automatically.
So… I love Kirk and Spock. Like, probably an unhealthy amount. But while it’s nice that their friendship has been central to the Abrams reboot, I’m not really sure it needed that much retreading. Kirk and Spock are basically the PB&J of science fiction. You know they’re a pair, they’re everywhere, and they are universally liked by and large (even by people who know next to nothing about sci-fi). The first film set that up all over again, and that was fine. It was sweet and poignant. Then Into Darkness seemed to think it needed to prove that harder, faster, more. NO, THEY ARE SOULMATES, DO YOU GET IT? DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW?
We really do get it. It’s cool.
And in rebuilding what was never broke in the first place, the second film utterly waylaid one of Trek’s most important characters. It ignored Doctor Leonard McCoy.
I should be clear—I want more of everyone. I want Uhura in charge of away missions, and Sulu giving history lessons to Kirk on the bridge when he forgets vital information, and I want Chekov to puppy face his way into intergalactic peril. The Original Series—as seminal as it was—was never quite the ensemble show it was capable of being, and the films have the ability to play that hand better than ever before. They should go for it. They should give all these characters their due, and not just with cute little shout outs to their original counterparts.
But the point is, when Doctor McCoy is missing from a Trek narrative, you already know you’ve lost something essential; you’ve lost your complexity. And Star Trek is meant to be complicated. Not logistically, but morally, philosophically, humanistically. It’s easy to love the duo of Kirk and Spock because they’re bonded to the end of the universe. They exist to bolster each other, to make each other the best versions of themselves. And for that reason, people often forget that the duo of Spock and McCoy is just as important.
Kirk is a captain, right? He exists to be a control node, to funnel information and tactics to their most useful location. Essentially, he’s a project manager. (He’s also part adventurer, but that’s a whole other problem.) And when you’re managing things, you need the best possible people feeding you perspective. Spock is a First Officer, so that is part of his function by default. And he is excellent at feeding Kirk logical, practical information. He is also a little repressed. And that repression calls for a balance to counter him. That’s where McCoy comes in.
This is no news to anyone who knows how original Trek operates. McCoy is the ultimate humanist of Kirk’s crew. He values quality of life and emotional variables and the flaws bound up in human nature. He expects the unexpected. He questions humanity’s right to everything they attempt. He’s also a little grumpy, and it suits him. He is half-surgeon, half-therapist, and all glib retorts.
His purpose on the Enterprise extends far beyond being a Chief Medical Officer. McCoy deliberately sets himself up as the person Spock must spar with, allowing Kirk to get an opposing opinion. It would be all too easy to go along with Spock’s perspective in most situations; he’s staid, sensible, and presents facts to back up his rhetoric. He’s a scientist. What he offers to Kirk, McCoy parries against by grousing, snapping, and generally making a nuisance of himself. It leads to perhaps one of the best paradoxes in Star Trek—the chief doctor of a starship constantly being on the ship’s bridge for no good reason at all.

Why is any of this important in a film? Because if Spock and McCoy don’t have anything to argue about—you are doing Star Trek wrong. It’s literally that simple. Trek is designed to make people ask questions, and the dichotomy of Spock and McCoy is an embodiment of that. They debate on behalf of the audience. They mull over the rough queries that we’re meant to consider along with them. If McCoy is only there so he can run to-and-away from things on planet side missions, you’re letting the audience know exactly what they’re watching: A senseless action flick. And I’m not saying that Trek films shouldn’t have action in them (action is awesome!), but that should not be the defining genre in which they exist.
Also? If you keep McCoy off the roster, you’re deliberately undermining (or outright disallowing) character development.
Look, it’s a big blockbuster film, I get it, but those should still have character development in them no matter what anyone says. (I will seriously fight everyone on this.) And while Kirk and Spock do promote growth in each other, the person who is best at pushing both of them out their comfort zones is McCoy. He’s not afraid to say the scary stuff, to nag people until they live up the potential he sees in them. If you put so much stock into the Kirk-Spock dynamic that you avoid the Spock-McCoy one, you’re robbing Trek of one of its most interesting interpersonal relationships. It’s not good enough for the pointy-eared Vulcan and the country doctor to antagonize each other—they have to love each other while doing it. They are not a trope, they are a team.
And if you want Kirk to make big boy steps as a human being (especially in this raw, lost, very very young incarnation), then you need McCoy leaning against the Captain’s chair and giving him crap. Kirk and Spock make each other feel good about themselves, and that’s a great quality in a friend, but not one that leads to much introspection. Leonard McCoy is the first person to tell Kirk when he’s being pig-headed, when he’s crossing a line, when he’s leaping without looking. He keeps Jim Kirk honest, even while he’s praising him.

If you need any further proof of this dynamic, look no further than the Star Trek films that have come before. These characters continued to develop as people up until their final outings, over the course of 30 years, which is a big feat for pop culture figures. And in practically every case, this ends up being the result of McCoy picking a fight with Kirk or Spock or both of them. Or the result of him forcing something so simple as a conversation. People don’t love these characters for gags and one-liners. They love them because they had journeys, they felt real. Doctor McCoy was a sizable component of that feeling.
Doctor McCoy is symptomatic of everything that made Star Trek work fifty years ago. If he’s no longer part of the narrative, it’s no wonder the reboot universe feels a little less authentic. For the next film, they’d be well served to Boldly Go, of course—and if they know what’s best for them, McCoy will be on the bridge the whole movie for no good reason at all.
Gifs from moviepilot.com and ninjacousins on Tumblr.
Emmet Asher-Perrin would be fine if the whole third Trek reboot film just sat everyone in a room to argue space ethics. She would also accept a retelling of “I, Mudd.” You can bug her on Twitter and Tumblr. Read more of her work here and elsewhere.
Amen to this post. Also, please make Star Trek 3 without call-back one-liners and scenarios. Please.
Because if Spock and McCoy don’t have anything to argue about—you are doing Star Trek wrong.
To be tattooed on Abrams forehead.
If Kirk and Spock are the PB&J of science fiction, then McCoy is the bread.
@2. StrongDreams
It should be tattooed on the person doing Trek 3, but fortunately, that isn’t Abrams, right?
(I am not saying he was bad, just that he didn’t completely get the Trek dynamic)
I feel like McCoy is the stand-in for the audience. He brings the big ideas backdown to ordinary human levels.
Emily, out of all the posts you ever written, this is my favourite. Let’s put aside the fact that Bones is my favourit TOS character, you nailed one of the fundamental flaws of the new Star Trek movies. It’s already been quoted in the comments but i’m going to quote it again because it needs repeating:
Why is any of this important in a film? Because if Spock and McCoy don’t have anything to argue about—you are doing Star Trek wrong.
I really like this. One of the only things I actually enjoyed about Star Trek 2009 was Karl Urban’s McCoy. I was disappointed that he wasn’t really in the second one at all.
And it wasn’t just that they were rehashing the Kirk/Spock relationship stuff, but that they were basically caricatures of their characters rather than the characters themselves–that is, they played up all the tropes people think of when they think of those characters, even if those tropes are based more on SNL-type parodies than the characters as portrayed in the original series.
Of course, a cynic might say that those movies weren’t so much about Star Trek as about making money. A cynic might say that.
As for the third one, I’m still hoping Q will show up and reset everything back to the “real” universe.
Or maybe a pair-up between Q and Traveller-powers Wesley Crusher.
Because John de Lancie and Wil Wheaton.
To have PERFECTLY recast Bones with Karl Urban, and then failed to utilize him properly, is one of the most egregious things about NuTrek.
First of all, Karl Urban is foooooooiiiiiiine and I require more of him in everything. But that’s the secondary point.
There is a REASON that tvtropes still has The Kirk, The Spock, and The McCoy as tropes. Id, ego, superego. Control, brains, heart.
I miss McCoy too.
Can we please have Emily go out to lunch with the writers for the new film, so she can hit them with all of this brilliance and make them see reason? Somebody get on this!
@10: Or she could just BE the new writer.
Spot. On.
Couldn’t agree more with all of this. No, really, I’m already agreeing so much it is not possible to agree more! :)
“It leads to perhaps one of the best paradoxes in Star Trek—the chief doctor of a starship constantly being on the ship’s bridge for no good reason at all.”
To be fair, given how the shields on Starfleet vessels are set up so that any hit on the exterior causes a bridge console to explode, it kind of makes sense… ;)
I agree 100% with all of this. Plus, growing up with The Original Series, McCoy was always my favorite character anyway – and with Karl Urban in the role in the parallelboot, it’s basically a sin not to have him running away with every scene.
Emily, I have two words in response to this article: Amen, Sister!
Spock has always been my favorite TOS character, but it’s the Triumvirate of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy that really makes it all sing. Kirk is the man in the middle, Spock is his rational, logical side, and McCoy is his sentimental, compassionate side.
To paraphrase an old catch-phrase: McCoy Lives!
That has been my biggest problem with the reboot- especially in Into Darkenss. More McCoy please! (Especially when you’ve got an actor who can do it right.)
Seriously, I’m not a fan of OST (TNG all the way) but I love it when under-utilized actors from scifi/fantasy (fan since Xena/Herc days!) get a chance to further their careers. Karl is SO GOOD and yet often doesn’t get the recognition or roles he deserves. I pretty much think the JJ Star Treks are a wash (too plot holey and forgettable), but I often tell people that I would love the second one if it was JUST a cut of the Kirk & Uhura scene about fighting with Spock (“WHAT IS THAT EVEN LIKE?”) and a super cut of all of Karl’s McCoy one-liners and expressions. So good.
@18, Oh MAN Urban’s surfer Cupid
So many of Trek‘s finest moments are McCoy-related. The speech he gives Kirk in “Balance of Terror.” “I was drafted!” “I’m a doctor, not a ______.” Pretty much the entirety of “Friday’s Child.” “That green-blooded, pointy-eared sonofabitch–it’s his revenge for all those arguments he lost.” The argument on the bridge in “The Doomsday Machine” that McCoy loses. “I finally got the last word.” The “I will not peddle flesh” bit in “Return to Tomorrow,” not to mention the part when he’s almost burned alive but stands his ground. Pretty much the entirety of “The Tholian Web.” “I am defending myself!” “If I jumped every time a light went on around here I’d start talking to myself.” And so on.
Plus, Karl Urban is the shit and always has been. Everything Em said in this post times 100,000.
—Keith R.A. DeCandido
One of the few things NuTrek did even remotely well was in casting Bones and showing a rationale for a close friendship in development between McCoy and Kirk in the first reboot. As 18 also states, TNG was my Star Trek crew, there are a number of episodes of TOS I am not really familiar with or remain unseen, so I’m not sure how Kirk and McCoy met or why they are close other than they are fellow officers on the same ship. In the 2009 film we were given and shown reasons but as others point out, there was no follow through in the sequel.
For #2 and #4, unfortunately the loss of Abrams mostly means that we won’t get lens flare everywhere, we’ll just get a florrid mess of a movie:
As a child it was definitely Spock who I loved most, but as I grew up it became McCoy. As many say above, to have cast and not used Karl Urban was a bit of a sin. Hopefully Orci does focus on him in 3.
For all Bones fans, I recommend checking out one of the most exaustive & extended studies of him in David R. George’s Provenance of Shadows – one of the 40th aniversary books from last decade. So so good.
Yes, so many great moments from McCoy. One of my favorites is the scene in Space Seed where McCoy tells Khan precisely how to cut the good doctor’s throat. He doesn’t even break a sweat.
Ironically, if there’s one movie that I feel didn’t really address the Spock/McCoy dynamic all that well, it was Wrath of Khan. There was one scene, and it was the Genesis CGI presentation, with McCoy’s comment on universal armageddon. Not nearly as effective as the arguments they had on the following films.
And you make the best point. That was something that always bugged me with the Abrams/Orci Trek films. They cast the perfect actor to play McCoy and didn’t do nearly enough with him, either playing against Kirk or Spock. No wonder they never felt as complete as the classic Trek movies or even the TNG movies. The character work was too one-sided.
If we’re turning to the movies, the Spock/McCoy relationship is beautifully depicted in The Search for Spock. It’s one of DeForest Kelley’s finest performances, in my opinion. Leonard Nimoy is barely there, but De Kelley’s eyes are positively haunting throughout – he embodied both of them magnificently.
The katra exchange hasn’t happened in the Abrams timeline, but I think it speaks to their relationship – tormented yet loving – and it’s high time we see some of that. I know Karl Urban can do it. I think Quinto can as well. Let’s get it on screen.
#20–And, of course, that heart-melting appearance in “Farpoint”. “You treat her like a lady, and she’ll always bring you home.”
Excellent post dear! As a fan, nay fanatic, of all things Star Trek I can attest that there was no greater dynamic on television than the Kirk-Bones-Spock Triad. And Urban was absolutely the best casting choice for the reboot and to have him so underutilized in both movies was a waste.
Here’s to hoping that the next movie will do for these characters what they truly deserve. Which is to allow them to exemplify the best in all of us. To remind us that the parts aren’t greater than the whole. That true friendship is flawed yet enduring. That not even death can destroy such a bond.
I can wax poetically all day about those three. Let’s just hope that the ‘bread’ that envelopes the “PB&J of Science Fiction” gets his just due in 2016.
Erika Y. Figueroa, Director
TheAlliance of Star Trek and
Science Fiction Enthusiasts
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This is the only comment thread I’ve seen on any topic anywhere, where everyone agrees. Which goes to show how much McCoy means to Star Trek. Yes, indeed, McCoy is essential to Star Trek and needs to be essential in the Trek films.
I just remembered, that my first Star Trek experience (if I don’t count seeing the first movie at age of seven, laying at home with flu and high fever – I was actually convinced for some time that it was just some weird dream I had) was reading a novel “Dreams of the ravens” – which means I entered the whole universe through a viewpoint of none other than McCoy; and also have met Kirk and Spock being of balance by McCoy’s sort of absence – so the whole “it doesn’t work without Bones” thing was one of the first things I got about Star Trek.
Now that novel I’d like to see turned into a movie – not a blockbuster, but dark, slow-paced, psychologicaly-deep film with sort of retro special effects, so it would look a bit like the old movies…
Obviously impossible and crazy, but I still like to imagine it.
The finest hands in the universe! I wait for McCoy’s and Scotty’s scenes. They have always been my favourite characters. No matter what the powers-that-be did with the re-boot movies, once they got Scotty & McCoy right, I was along for the ride. Can’t wait for the next movie.
Not only is all of this entirely true and relevant, but I always felt just a little bit bad that Karl Urban is such a good McCoy and hasn’t really been afforded the opportunity to really let that shine. Between speech lessons and body language he’s so close to the original it was really a fantastic casting choice. This was one of those rare occassions where there was no other actor I could imagine filling that role better. And then to boil him down to all of those one liners which lose so much of their value without a greater character framework to give them more meaningful context, the audience (and the characters) were really cheated by the poor handling of the good Doctor.
Try this exchange out in Quinto’s and Urban’s voices:
Yes, please.
Matt Leger summed it up very well here: http://www.ovff.org/pegasus/songs/simple-country-doctor.html
Everyone knows this.
Except the makers of the reboots.
One of the mistakes of the Star Trek reboot was to port most of McCoy’s anti-Vulcan too-human mojo over to Kirk. It had been Spock is cold, McCoy hot and Kirk the ideal synthesis. Now Spock is cold and Kirk hot. McCoy has no real function in that dynamic and so has been reduced to reciting catchphrases
That’s pretty much everyones issue with the reboot. Also, whats with UhuraxSpock? i mean, its sweet, but……..
Thanks for doing a wonderful job encapsulating the problem with the last two films.
Also, the comment section is terrific. I literally agree with every comment posted.
Easily, this is one of the best pages on the entire website!
@37: My assumption is that the Uhura-Spock relationship is providing the romance somebody seems to think the movies require. They’re wrong, of course, and lazy.
Actually, the Spock-Uhura romance makes perfect sense, and I present as evidence the mess hall scene in “Charlie X.” Uhura is openly flirting with Spock, and he’s TOTALLY responding.
—Keith R.A. DeCandido
Gosh, the last thing I’d ever want to do is argue with Keith DeCandido over Star Trek, (and of course you’re right about Charlie X) but it was one episode, very early in the show’s production, when several aspects of the show, that we now take for granted, hadn’t quite formed yet, including the full nature of Spock’s character. (And who wouldn’t want to flirt with Nichelle Nichols?)
I mean, Spock was shown smiling like a kid in the first pilot, when the emotionless one was the unnamed first officer (played by Majel Barrett who went on to play Nurse Chapel in a blonde wig.)
I’d almost suspect anyone but you of not watching much more than a few of the first episodes of the first season to characterize Spock and Uhura as having a fliratatious or romantic relationship.
And frankly, I think the movie’s writers have admitted they weren’t aware of this episode when they matched the two, strictly so as to have a romantic couple for non-Trek fans to identify with (that wasn’t Kirk.)
@41: Oh, but it’s fun to argue with Keith about Star Trek, he pulls out all the stops! And then you have to marvel at his prowess. Although we still haven’t resolved whether Uhura is Engineering or Operations. (C’mon, how is linguistics related to engineering just because her dress is red?!) <g,d,r>
@42: I think as someone may have mentioned on another article on here (and I wouldn’t be surprised if that someone was CLB), the communications officer might have more of a job that just listening to the the radio and having linguistics knowledge. It could require technical knowledge of the actual telecommunications system, so there might be more of an IT aspect to it. We’ve seen at least one episode where Uhura is on the floor going through the guts of the communications station.
@43: Shhhhh! Keith, don’t listen…Operations crew can mess about under their stations too. I mean, I’m not an engineer, but I can fix a jammed printer, you know? She’s not engineering! :D
@44: Ok, I think I misread your earlier comment…I thought you were making a point of Operations and Engineering against another department, and not Operations VS. Engineering within the same color.
It was reported several times that Orci is a longtime Trek fan while Kurtzman was never a huge fan of the show, and it was also reported that both of them sat down and mainlined the 79 episodes before setting to do the script for the ’09 movie.
Here’s my feeling on what happened when they got to “Charlie X”:
(They’re watching the episode, and get to the mess hall scene. After the scene, Kurtzman hits “pause.”)
KURTZMAN: So — those two are fucking, right?
ORCI: Excuse me?
KURTZMAN: They’re fucking, right? I mean, it’s obvious. Look at them. They’re totally boinking. I mean, it was 1966, they couldn’t show it, but the way Nimoy and Nichols are playing it? They’re totally fucking!
ORCI: No way, that’s nuts. (Rewatches scene with new eyes.) Holy shit…..,……
I have watched the show, thanks, all of it, many times. And that’s why I know that, despite how people want to characterize is, Spock is not emotionless. In fact, Vulcans aren’t unemotional, they’re the opposite of that–they’re incredibly emotional, but they have embraced logical and emotional control. But that doesn’t mean the emotions aren’t there, it means they keep an incredibly tight rein on them.
The notion of a Vulcan having a romance is completely reasonable, and as exhibit A is Stonn and T’Pring in “Amok Time,” and exhibit B is Sarek and Amanda in “Journey to Babel.” And Spock isn’t actually a Vulcan, he’s a Vulcan/human hybrid (something that McCoy was always good at reminding him of, to drag this back to the actual topic).
So what’s the problem? :)
—Keith R.A. DeCandido
@46 – oh, I know you’ve watched the series. :) As I said, if it was anyone but you…
And from interviews I gather Orci was a Next Gen fan (not the same thing) and probably had to “mainline” the episodes. (Not convinced they made it much past Charlie X though, actually. Their Kirk is such a douchebag.)
And I’d agree with your visualization except in at least one interview they said they didn’t notice the flirtation. (Read a few interviews when ’09 came out, I’ve no idea how to find them now but my recollection is pretty strong.)
They also said they didn’t purposefully mean for the apple their Kirk eats at the Kobayashi Maru test in ’09 to be a reference to the one the original Kirk eats in TWOK when talking about the Kobayashi Maru.)
Edit to add: They had either forgotten or didn’t notice original Kirk’s apple. They had their Kirk eat an apple to look like more of a douchbag.
@47: I went looking for your long-lost interview, JanKafka, to see if I could find that citation. Instead what I found was a 2009 Star Trek Magazine interview, with the following:
So that seems to refute what they said in the interview you saw. I have no doubt you saw it – it just doesn’t agree with this other statement.
And now I feel like we’re proving this article’s point by ignoring McCoy again…oops.
@48 – We are indeed ignoring McCoy again and he is made of much too much awesome to ignore! Sorry for sidetracking. Also, excellent find! Not sure where I saw the one I’m remembering (if I’m remembering correctly at all. I actually have that issue of Star Trek magazine too.)
I do think the Spock/Uhura relationship could be a valid interpretation even if I don’t think this group has handled it particularly well. But yes, the main problem is that it shoves one of the best characters and actors (McCoy and Urban) aside.
Amen! let me say that again. Amen! Karl Urban rocks at being McCoy. Why is it that the Nu Trek stupid movie high ups can’t see what is obvious to the rest of us? Quinto is good, Pine is just ok, (gorgeous though) but Urban is perfect as McCoy. Please please movie people, use that perfection! Also, as they work with perfection, the other two will get better interacting with the good doctor.
just a thought, perhaps EAP could forward this whole thread to Simon Pegg, co writer of the new movie….can’t hurt, might help.
Just came from the film. Relax, folks. They got it RIGHT!
I’m a big fan of Star Trek. Forever.
I love Doctor McCoy. Kirk and Spock are cute but both come with too much baggage. Granted Bones has an unhappy marriage in his past but he’s way past that. How can you resist those blue eyes and that southern accent? Yeoman Barrows was SUCH a lucky girl.
Uhura certainly flirts with Spock in ‘Charlie X’ he knows what she’s doing and it amuses him. I think he’s comfortable with it precisely because he knows she’s just being playful and there’s no danger of hurt feelings or complications. He does clamp down on her once in the ‘Vulcan has no moon’ exchange because he doesn’t think it’s appropriate on the bridge.