The password to view the vid is: fandom! (with the exclamation point)
Most of us have a softspot (you might call it an illness) where well-edited, well-conceived fanvids are concerned. And this one might top them all: premiered at Chicago’s Vividcon last weekend, here is a fanvid dedicated to fandom at large, set to Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” You may not be a fan of Billy Joel, but we swear it doesn’t matter. What better way to chronicle decades of geeky dedication than through a song chronicling decades of history?
This incredible work features fandoms across the board, from the most famous of all (Star Trek, The Beatles) to the most obscure (Robin of Sherwood! Due South!), and it goes by decade for the most part. For anyone who has an interest in these things, we highly recommend checking out the creators’ dreamwidth post where they give you great notes on the process of assembling this beast, and also a full recount of the time and research that it all entailed. Questions were crowd-sourced, moments were captured, and a lot of love ended up on the screen. They even have an incredible spreadsheet breakdown of exactly what went into the where, and why.
Watch it. It’s beautiful. It’s for you and all of us.
Stubby the Rocket is the mascot. Stubby didn’t start the fire, but Stubby knows who did.