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LGBTQ Characters: If They’re In My Life They Should Be in the Fiction I Read


LGBTQ Characters: If They’re In My Life They Should Be in the Fiction I Read

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LGBTQ Characters: If They’re In My Life They Should Be in the Fiction I Read


Published on March 7, 2013


I started reading romance—full-bore (eh heh), graphic romance—when I was eleven or so. At that time, I’d come off a science-fiction and fantasy YA kick and moved to historical adventures of all stripes, and from historical adventures to historical romance. My upbringing was such that there were precious few secrets of life at that age, so the graphic contents didn’t “bother” me all that much. I knew what sex was, how it was (generally) done, and had somehow come to the subconscious conclusion that all that was perfectly fine, in my limited experience with life.

During one of my strays back to science-fiction/fantasy, I picked up Anne McCaffrey’s initial Dragonriders of Pern trilogy—Dragonflight, Dragonquest,  and The White Dragon. This is notable for two reasons: 1) “Oh! Oh! I want to be a dragonrider!”, said my imagination, and 2) it marked my first real run-in with same-sex pairings in the written word—in, most pointedly, a way that fundamentally drew my attention.

If I’d come across references prior to this, they didn’t impact me at the right time, or perhaps in the same way. Perhaps I was too young to notice the difference at the time, or too absentminded care. Whatever the case, all I know is that I was reading merrily along when a set of dragons launched into a mating race. Now, if you’ve read the series, you know that what affects the dragon tends to cross over to the rider, and since neither of the dragons who mated were gold queens, that meant that somewhere, there were two male dragonriders bonding in the same way we’d seen Lessa and F’lar bonding. Or at least, that was what I was left to assume, for the text never said any different.

That little moment, for some unknown reason, stuck with me. When I read Robert Heinlein’s Friday, I left it chewing over concepts like polyamory and the ability to love more than one person. As I got older and read books by Anne Rice (naturally), Poppy Z. Brite, and Clive Barker, they shared a darker side of same-sex pairings, and I filed it neatly with the darker side of the hetero pairings I’d read—uncanny how similar they could be.

I started wondering why same-sex love wasn’t as “open” in the romance world as it seemed to be in other realms of fiction—which wasn’t saying a lot, given the ratio.

As I talk about in this blog post here, one of my uncles came out to his family when I was a little younger than when I read my first romance book. When I was a older, and a little bit wiser, I began to see the impact sexuality had on one’s life—the bullying, the bigotry; and yes, the fear. As I grew up, as my writer’s brain started sharpening its toolset on the trials and tribulations of life, this seed of an idea began to germinate in ways that didn’t really make sense until I read Suzanne Brockmann’s All Through the Night.

LGBTQ queer issues All Through The Night Suzanne Brockman science fiction fantasy

I read romance because you can put characters through hell, drag them through the dirt, smear them in mud and blood and horrible choices, but in the end, you know they’ll find love—or, at least, a shot at it. It’s my absolute belief that everyone should have a shot at love, and until I read about Robin and Jules’ story, the prickly sensation I kept scratching at in my subconscious finally jarred loose.

Dear readers, writers, and world at large: if it’s okay to make LGBTQ characters suffer the same trials, experience the same heartaches, pay the same dues—metaphorical or otherwise—and endure the same losses as straight characters, then why isn’t it okay to find the same love?

What All Through the Night became was a missing piece of the varied puzzle that is my bookshelf: Watching Jules and Robin work out their issues—issues that are unsurprisingly similar to the issues everyone has to go through, gay or straight or in between—filled a void I didn’t realize was missing in my “reading experience” until then.

Why, then, were the large publishers so wary of putting out same-sex stories? Authors like Yasmine Galenorn and Suz Brockmann were the exception, trail-blazers with few to follow after, but why must it be an exception? A call for favorite LGBTQ characters on Twitter earned a slew of small/indie publishers, self-pubbed books, and e-first imprints—but only those very few familiar faces in the big publishers. Why? When so much “stake” is put in the big pubs, why not?

LGBTQ characters, protagonist or support cast, should be as common as the varied people in our lives. I don’t know about you, but any given week, I associate with, hang out with, deal with, talk with, laugh with, put up with, experience life with people who are gay, straight, bi-, brown, white, black, male, female, trans-, old, young, comfortably well off or strugglingly poor, and every mix and match possible. We are real people and we have real issues. Our lives are just as complicated as anyone else’s and just as ripe for storytelling as anyone’s.

The books I read growing up, the role model my uncle became, my own experiences and those of the people I loved, all of these conspired to make me hungry for stories, and I don’t want to be meeting the watered down worlds that don’t include facets of people that I know exist. So let’s give them the same voice we give the others, okay? You and me. Let’s make it better. Avon Impulse and I already started with Wicked Lies, Avon’s first m/m pairing—and 100% of the proceeds I make will be going to It Gets Better, because that’s how much it matters.

What say you add your voice, your talent, your readership to the worlds we’re weaving? And maybe some LGBTQ recommendations in the comments?

Dragonriders of Pern art by Michael Whelan

After writing happily ever afters for all of her friends in school, Karina Cooper eventually grew up (sort of), went to work in the real world (kind of), where she decided that making stuff up was way more fun (true!). She is the author of dark and sexy paranormal romances, steampunk adventures, crossover urban fantasy, and writes across multiple genres with mad glee. Visit her at, because she says so.

About the Author

Karina Cooper


Award-winning author, steampunk butterfly, avowed fairy trapper, and coffee junkie.
Learn More About Karina

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Earl Rogers
12 years ago

Hmmm. Reminds me a little of that Justice League novel written by Devin Grayson where a bunch of the male older Leaguers get together and suddenly all obsessively talk about how hot their former teen sidekicks grew up to be. And every scene with Batman and Nightwing grows increasingly uncomfortable, because the author keeps bringing up and emphasizing how Dick’s been submitting to Bruce since he was seven.

Fans turned pros: I don’t mind you incorporating your fan ideas into the ‘verse. Really! Just…realize that your personal fantasies will inevitably and invariably strike some as…well, difficult to read.

And I’m not saying it’s wrong to have fantasies! It’s just, if you don’t share them, yeah, it’s difficult to invest in reading them.

12 years ago

Man, Vallejo’s Trek covers… oy. Just… oy. Awful ’80s hair, insane over-craggification of male faces, insane under-coverification of female bodies… it’s all enough to make you wonder if you can permanently glue brown paper over your paperbacks. His cover for Dwellers in the Crucible is probably the worst. I don’t even know what the hell is going on there.

12 years ago

I was following this reminiscence pretty well until the very last sentence. I have no idea what you mean there.

12 years ago

Van Hise’s storytelling places the Kirk/Spock relationship in the center of each man, and also in the center of the Enterprise, the Federation, and the Star Trek universe.

To be fair, this is also the plot of JJ Abrams’ Star Trek, except that Spock is involved with someone else, and the fact that she is a former pupil-turned subordinate is not at all a problem because she is female and gets lead billing.

John C. Bunnell
12 years ago

It’s actually the plot of all Star Trek.

Ellen@5: Well, yes and no. The underlying premise of the original TV series — at least if one goes by Kirk’s frequent impassioned speeches to this effect — is that humanity’s virtue is not unique to individuals, but rather innate in the species and in its ability to act together. Which is more or less in direct opposition to the “great man” theory of history in which certain key individuals are regarded as indispensible to humankind’s advancement.

That premise — that greatness is in all of us — is one of the elements that attracted me to the 1960s Star Trek series in the first place. And that’s why I tend to regard novels such as this one and Strangers in the Sky with a great deal of skepticism, because I have real trouble with the idea that Kirk and Spock (or any other particular individuals) are so utterly important to history that an entire universe will collapse in on itself if they’re taken out of it.

12 years ago

It’s actually the plot of all Star Trek

Well, Star Trek the TV show was about Kirk and Spock, but their relationship didn’t become essential to the existence of Earth until ST:IV and essential to the existence of the Federation until ST:VI.

I didn’t mind the Spock/Uhura relationship because I assume that by the 23rd century we will have grown past the infantilization of adult relationships under the guise of preventing “harassment”. If Kirk can go from midshipman to captain of the flagship in 24 hours, what do I care if the XO and a lieutenant knock boots. (And something I think Uhura should have kept in perspective when she sneered at Kirk, “I hope you know what you’re doing”–bonking the teacher got her a position on the Enterprise, but it was in the dungeon. Kirk got her on the bridge on her first day…but I digress.)

12 years ago

Everybody talks about the slash subtext, but what’s always been bizarre to me about this book from a gender standpoint was its portrayal of Romulan gender roles. Its assertion that Romulan society was sexist and limited the opportunities for women was the exception to the rule; just about everywhere else, Romulans have always been portrayed as an egalitarian society. Heck, “The Enterprise Incident” itself portrayed a female Romulan commander, the only female command officer (fleet commander, in fact!) to appear in the entire original series. The Making of Star Trek, the classic behind-the-scenes book published in 1968 while the series was still in production, explicitly said of Romulan society, “There is complete equality between the sexes; women are as often found in command of a ship as are men” (p. 256). (This was explicitly contrasted by the description of Klingons; they were supposed to be the male chauvinists: “They have no patience with women, even their own, and treat them as sometime useful animals” (p. 257).) And most other Trek canon and tie-in fiction both before Killing Time and since has reflected that idea. I grew up in the ’70s and ’80s taking it for granted that Romulans were egalitarian, so when KT came out and claimed that they were so sexist that a female praetor had to pretend to be male, it was kind of a “What the hell?” moment.

And don’t get me started on the time-travel logic and physics…

12 years ago

@7 “I assume that by the 23rd century we will have grown past the infantilization of adult relationships under the guise of preventing “harassment”.”
All I can do in response to that statement is to quote George Takei, “Oh my!”

12 years ago

Well now. I recognized the cover right away, and out of curiosity, headed down to my beloved shelf of 80s Trek novels that were lovingly read in my teenage years, then for the most part, lovingly kept but never re-read. As a naive teenager at the time, I never knew anything about the “controversy” and honestly cannot remember what my reaction was (or wasn’t) about the plot.

So then I checked that linked article, and then some others, about the first edition differences, and then I checked my copy. And I have the original, unedited, first edition, all homoeroticism well intact. Page 41 “I understand that you were probably playing with dolls and wearing lipstick until you were twenty!” — check. Every other change… check. Nifty.

So. I learned something today. Is this at all valuable? Or just a collector’s oddity?