And now, an attempt to discuss the enormous second chapter of Book II of Fellowship, “The Council of Elrond.” For all that this is one of my favorite chapters, I admit I rather sat on writing this post because I just didn’t know where to start; but here’s where the decision to move this project to was a good one, because on my own site I might have dithered forever, but here I felt obligated to just sit down and start writing. Let’s see what results (apparently, an appallingly long post):
What Happens
Frodo, Bilbo, and Gandalf go to the Council of Elrond; Sam follows without anyone noticing. The Council opens with Glóin telling of a messenger from Mordor to Dáin at the Lonely Mountain, seeking Bilbo and his ring.
Elrond then gives a brief history of the Ring from its forging to its passing out of knowledge in the days of Isildur. There is an interlude while Boromir describes the dream that brought him to Rivendell, Aragorn reveals the Sword that was Broken and his heritage, and the two discuss their people’s roles in defending against evil. Frodo displays the Ring; Bilbo tells the full tale of its finding. Gandalf explains how he identified it as the One Ring, through research in Gondor and the capture and questioning of Gollum. Legolas, distressed, tells the Council that Gollum has escaped the Elves of Mirkwood. Gandalf then tells of his betrayal and captivity by Saruman; his rescue by Gwaihir of the Great Eagles; his journey back to the Shire on a horse from Rohan; and his coming to Rivendell.
The Council then discusses what to do with the Ring. Sending it to Bombadil is considered and rejected as unsafe, as is bringing it to the Sea, either to send to those who dwell beyond it or to cast it into the deeps. Elrond says that they must send the Ring to the Fire in Mordor where it can be destroyed. Boromir asks why the Ring cannot be used as a weapon, and Elrond and Gandalf tell him that it would corrupt anyone capable of it and they will not do so. Glóin asks if the Three Rings of the Elves can be used, and Elrond tells him that they were not made for such work.
Bilbo volunteers to carry the Ring, but Gandalf tells him that his part in the story is over, and Bilbo agrees, but asks who is to be sent with it. After a long silence, Frodo volunteers. Elrond says that he thinks the task is appointed for Frodo, though he will not lay such a heavy burden upon him. Sam bursts out that Frodo should not be sent alone, and Elrond agrees that Sam at least shall go, since he will not leave Frodo even for a secret council.
This chapter parallels and revises the second chapter in the first book, “The Shadow of the Past”. They are both big info-dumps that result in Frodo deciding that he needs to take the Ring and go, first out of the Shire and then to Mordor. As befits the more serious happenings since and the movement out of the Shire, the Council of Elrond is attended by many people, not just Frodo and Gandalf—though Sam remains as an uninvited listener. It is held outside, not inside Bag End, though the peacefulness of nature is mentioned as a contrast to the darkness of the discussion (very much less so, however, than in “Shadow”).
As with “Shadow,” I’m going to attempt to analyze the mechanics of this chapter, how it moves and engages the reader, by listing the sections.
- Establishing scene of Frodo, Bilbo, Sam, and Gandalf in the beautiful outdoors.
- Start of the Council; introducing new characters.
- Glóin’s tale.
- The Ring’s history from forging to Isildur (partly summarized).
- Gondor’s valor and Boromir’s dream.
- The Sword that was Broken and Isildur’s Bane.
- Frodo displays the Ring. The merits and work of Aragorn.
- Bilbo and Frodo’s tales (summarized).
- How do they know it’s the One Ring? Where’s Saruman?
- How they know it’s the One Ring: Gandalf and Aragorn’s search for Gollum; Gandalf’s research in Gondor.
- Legolas on Gollum’s escape.
- Where’s Saruman: Gandalf and Radagast.
- Gandalf and Saruman.
- Gandalf on Orthanc and his rescue.
- Gandalf from Rohan to Bree.
- Gandalf from Bree to Rivendell.
- What to do: not Bombadil, not the Sea: the Fire.
- Rejecting the Ring, and any other Rings of Power, as weapon.
- Bilbo offers and is refused.
- Frodo offers.
- Elrond accepts. Sam speaks.
Here are some things that strike me about this:
It’s much longer and much more divided than “Shadow.” Some of the sections are very short indeed, either because they are just summaries or context (the first two, Bilbo and Frodo’s tales) or for emphasis (the last three, particularly Frodo offering to take the Ring).
It again mixes summary and quoted dialogue with a good eye toward what information is necessary and what isn’t. For instance, Gandalf passes very lightly over his time in Rohan, because we’ll be going there next volume and will hear about it then. Similarly, we don’t need to know why Númenor fell, just that it did and Elendil’s house returned to Middle-earth as a consequence.
This is also structured similarly to “Shadow,” starting with the present, here a brief context of wider happenings via Glóin. Then it heads into the past for the history of the Ring; comes back up to the present through Gandalf’s stories; and looks to the future for solutions. It ends with Sam again being caught as an uninvited listener and being sent off with Frodo.
On the other hand, it lacks the constant contrasts to the external environment. There’s the establishing opening, and a brief mention of everything going dark when Gandalf recites the Ring’s inscription, but otherwise there’s very little reference to the characters’ surroundings. I think this is because we know the danger much better by now, and so we don’t need repeated comparisons between the peace of outdoors and the tension of the conversation.
* * *
Aragorn, Boromir, and the future of Gondor:
Just as a POV note to start. Though Frodo thought of Strider once as Aragorn when he saw him with Arwen in the last chapter, he starts this chapter out again thinking of him as Strider, when he sees him sitting in a corner alone; but after Boromir recounts his dream, he’s Aragorn from then on.
Next, much of my comments on Aragorn’s behavior in this chapter are influenced by Paul Kocher’s Master of Middle-earth, but I can’t be more specific because the book went back to the library. However, it contains a lengthy chapter closely reading and analyzing Aragorn’s behavior, and I recall that it pointed out what a careful line Aragorn walks with regard to Boromir in this section. He lets Elrond announce his lineage; deliberately disclaims being Isildur come again and offers only to put his strength to the test, without pointing out that it’s been tested repeatedly since before Boromir was born; and does not lay claim to anything, merely saying,
But now the world is changing once again. A new hour comes. Isildur’s Bane is found. Battle is at hand. The Sword shall be reforged. I will come to Minas Tirith.
(Which is an interesting change in his manner of speaking, much shorter and simpler sentences.)
On the other hand, he does ask Boromir if he “wish(es) for the House of Elendil to return to the Land of Gondor,” which I wonder is maybe a bit of a hint for Boromir to think about the implications?
A few other notes: the whole chance/not thing gets a good workout throughout this chapter, particularly in that Boromir arrived literally that morning.
I like Aragorn’s rebuke to Boromir that “Many evil things there are that your strong walls and bright swords do not stay”; I find it evocative. I am less crazy about his statement that “If simple folk are free from care and fear, simple they will be, and we must be secret to keep them so,” because I disfavor, on principle, keeping secrets from people to protect them.
(However, Boromir knows Rohan better than Aragorn, correctly stating that they would not pay horses as tribute to Mordor.)
And there’s a reference to the prophecy that the Sword would be reforged when the Ring was found, which I’d either never noticed before or forgotten.
* * *
Glóin’s tale:
He says that a “a shadow of disquiet fell upon our people. Whence it came we did not at first perceive.” There’s no explicit statement of where it did come from; I gather we’re supposed to infer that it’s Sauron?
Also, it took them a whole year to decide to send warning to Bilbo? Gee, thanks.
* * *
When asked to show the Ring, Frodo “was shaken by a sudden shame and fear; and he felt a great reluctance to reveal the Ring, and a loathing of its touch.”
I have the urge to connect this to the reaction of an addict being asked to show the drug he carries, but I don’t know how realistic that is.
* * *
Meta-fiction: Frodo and Bilbo are full of comments about the story being incomplete, and their place in the story, and writing the story and a sequel. It’s not unique to this chapter, but it’s very noticeable here. My guess is that one’s reaction to this depends heavily on one’s opinion of the framing device. I don’t really believe in the framing device, in my gut, and so find these comments slightly jarring—which is odd, because normally I enjoy meta-fiction. Maybe it’s because this dates from before I acquired that taste.
* * *
Gandalf’s tales:
When he speaks the Ring’s inscription, I’m okay with the porch going dark, but I find the image of the Elves stopping their ears more comical then dramatic.
I get the impression that Gandalf doesn’t think much of Radagast, a “bless his heart” kind of vibe. What about you all?
(Also, he once dwelt near the borders of Mirkwood, but doesn’t any more, and isn’t a traveller; I wonder where he lives now?)
Saruman the not-White:
Gandalf “saw that his robes, which had seemed white, were not so, but were woven of all colours. and if he moved they shimmered and changed hue so that the eye was bewildered.” Can anyone else picture this? The iridescence of, say, mother-of-pearl or opal, doesn’t quite seem colorful enough.
And it’s unreasonable of me to be grumpy at Gandalf for not knowing that white light can be put back together again by another prism, isn’t it?
(Or for harping on Butterbur’s fatness? Neither Gandalf nor Tolkien knew of genetic predispositions towards certain body types.)
* * *
The what-to-do discussion:
I suppose it’s a good thing that there was no real option short of final destruction of the Ring, because if there were, I think there would be a genuine dilemma between the short-term solution with a higher chance of success, or the long-term one with lower.
I note that Galdor is concerned, not only for the safety of the Ring if they attempt to send it westward, but for the possibility that “the Elves may have no escape from the lengthening shadows of Middle-earth” if the Havens are assaulted.
Boromir says, “Valour needs first strength, and then a weapon,” which sounds proverbial, and as perhaps a result, I want to argue with it.
(And yet when Gandalf says “despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt,” I nod my head and think he’s wise. Is it only because I like Gandalf better?)
I’ve never understood why the Three should fail when the One was destroyed, since they were made entirely separately. Anyone care to explain their understanding?
Frodo’s offer to take the Ring:
A great dread fell on him, as if he was awaiting the pronouncement of some doom that he had long foreseen and vainly hoped might after all never be spoken. An overwhelming longing to rest and remain at peace by Bilbo’s side in Rivendell filled all his heart. At last with an effort he spoke, and wondered to hear his own words, as if some other will was using his small voice.
“I will take the Ring,” he said, “though I do not know the way.”
Oh, Frodo. This time you know what you’re assuming—well, much more of it, anyway—and you still do it anyway. No longing to follow Bilbo to counteract your fear, either.
(I don’t read the “as if some other will” literally, and I very much doubt it was intended as such. I suspect most people have had the sensation of words coming out of their mouth that seemed to bypass their brain—in a good way, I mean, not just thoughtlessness.)
Though, Elrond may say he won’t lay the task on Frodo, but his having previously said “I think that this task is appointed for you, Frodo; and that if you do not find a way, no one will” does reduce the power of that statement a bit, hmm?
* * *
- Elrond says at the start, “That is the doom that we must deem,” which is a rare clunker of a sentence to my ear.
- We get told why it was cheeky of Bilbo to write verses about Eärendil in Elrond’s house: Eärendil was his father.
- Boromir says that “Mordor has allied itself with the Easterlings and the cruel Haradrim.” I’m just noting this for future reference, because I don’t recall how much information we get about those societies later; but this suggests that they were not dominated by Mordor until recently.
- This is the first time anyone calls the Black Riders/the Nine “Nazgûl.”
- Words I had never actually looked up before, relying on context until now: “weregild” and “glede.” (They mean, respectively, compensatory/reparational payment for a crime, and a live coal.)
- Isildur is apparently the first, chronologically, to call the Ring “precious,” unless you can imagine Sauron doing so. (I can’t.)
And while that may not exhaust the chapter, it exhausts me. See you next week.
On the Three Rings losing power.
My thought is that when Sauron forged the One Ring and gave it the power to dominate the other rings he also made the other rings dependent on the One. So the Three (and the Seven and Nine) are now bound to the One and their power is tied to it.
So when the One Ring is destroyed, all of the rings lose power.
And it’s unreasonable of me to be grumpy at Gandalf for not knowing that white light can be put back together again by another prism, isn’t it?
No, it’s not unreasonable. Humans (or elves, etc.) cannot be expected to have discovered this at this stage in history; but Gandalf is an angel. (Tolkien’s very words, I think.)
So what’s the point of saying “his hand never touched or sullied them” or whatever the proper quote is from The Shadow of the Past? The Elves saw Sauron’s treachery just in time and saved The Three from becoming tools of Sauron was how I read this, so what changed?
The only thing that made sense to me was that The Three were not used until after Sauron lost The One. The Elves did not want to use them for fear of their power being used against them, but used it after the war to help build things up again.
Not being absolute masters of ring craft, those who were probably got slaughtered by Sauron, nobody is sure what happens when The One gets used again by the one who knows their workings best.
Excellent summary. Shippey calls the Council a badly-chaired committee meeting, but in fact it has a logical structure and progression, and it’s not just a committee meeting but also a seminar: all the information needs to be gathered and collated before action is considered.
It’s essential to the functioning of the story that the word of the Wise that the Ring cannot be used, ignored, or (otherwise) destroyed be taken as fact, and I’ve seen very little criticism of Tolkien on this ground, or doubt that these are the sub-creationally true facts. Ties in to Farah Mendlesohn’s discussion of portal-quest fantasies in “Rhetorics of Fantasy”: that in books like these, narrators and infodumps are reliable.
I think what’s going on in Frodo’s head as he’s about to say “I will take the Ring” is the realization that he’s got to: nobody’s forcing him to say yes, but he can’t possibly do anything else, because nobody else is really in a position to do what he can do. It’s the moment of dawning truth for him, akin to the one in Book IV where Sam realizes that Frodo doesn’t think they’ll ever survive to make the return trip.
To me the key moment in the chapter is where Elrond says he does not lay the burden on Frodo, and that Frodo’s glory comes specifically from taking it freely. The moral environment in which you take actions was always vitally important to Tolkien.
Thank you! Fascinating. I see another commenter already mentioned Tom Shippey, and he’s actually very complimentary toward this chapter. If you haven’t read “JRR Tolkien: Author of the Century” and his analysis of this chapter (and a lot of other cool stuff about LOTR) I think you would really enjoy it.
I haven’t read that book you reference that has the analysis of Aragorn’s role at the council; thanks for that as well.
I love LOTR so much and never tire of reading discussions of it. I loved this chapter myself — I understand a lot of readers bog down at it, but I loved the history and the way Gandalf gets to carry the exposition. It’s an amazing feat of writing, IMHO.
Thanks again.
I’ve never understood why the Three should fail when the One was destroyed, since they were made entirely separately. Anyone care to explain their understanding?
Someone on r.a.s.f.w. once compared it to software hackers leaving a backdoor, which rings (ahem) true to me. We know Celebrimbor had Sauron’s help with the general idea of the Rings, although Sauron didn’t work on the Three. But Celebrimbor’s forging/creation accomplishment of the Three contained or was based on input from Sauron; therefore he had his own access to them and could, once the One was made, see what their users were up to and affect it. Since the One bound all the Rings, “one Ring to rule them all, one Ring …to in the darkness bind them….” once the binding was unravelled, the whole construction went with it. Like unravelling knitted lace.
Two Things:
The Elves covered their ears at the language of Mordor. Elrond’s household is made up of the High Elf survivors of the First Age, who fought Morgoth and Sauron his lieutenant. Morgoth made the Orcs out of “ruined” elves, and generally committed genocide on all the High Elves. Fast forward 5 THOUSAND years and imagine all the pain and suffering these elves have endured trying to hang on to their lives in Middle Earth through major wars fought against Sauron and the Witchking of Angmar, and its not too hard to imagine the horror they feel at the language of their chief foe for the last 5 millenia.
Also, the Three Rings. Sauron taught Celebrimbor and the other Noldor of Eregion the art of ring making. What he taught them was to draw upon HIS power in their creation, which is why every single Ring of Power is tied to Sauron. When the One Ring is destroyed, all of Sauron’s power is destroyed, including that in ALL of the Rings of Power. The elves were able to avoid the evil influence that the other rings held over their owners by taking them off and not using them while Sauron was still active in the Second Age (Note that the Ringwraiths were created in the Second Age before Sauron was defeated and it was only when the Necromancer (Sauron) appeared in power in the Third Age that Thror and Thrain became greedy for the riches of their past). Once Sauron was defeated and his ring taken from him, Elrond used the Ring of Air to strengthen Rivendell and to gain power over the river Loudwater. Galadriel used the Ring of Water to create the Lothlorien that the companions enter after the disaster in Moria: a land of healing and recuperation based on her memories of the Lorien of the Blessed Realm. Cirdan never used the Ring of Fire, until he gave it to Gandalf upon his arrival in Middle Earth from the Blessed Realm. Gandalf then used it to “fire” up the people he met, inspiring them to be better than they had been. The great fears of Elrond, Galadriel and the other High Elves was that Sauron would regain his ring, and thus the realms of Rivendell and Lothlorien would have been open to Sauron’s influence and would have been destroyed. In contrast, they also feared that destroying Sauron would destroy their protection anyway, since his fall would still strip their Rings of their power, but at least they would be alive and Middle Earth would be free. This is why the Dominion of Men began in the Fourth Age: the Elves no longer had any “magical” resistance. The High Elves chose to depart for the Blessed Realm rather than become a hidden people afraid of the dominant species on the planet: Mankind.
I particularly liked Gandalf’s response after Saruman’s long, dramatic speech: “I liked white better.”
Maybe the colors can’t be recombined into white light with a second prism in Tolkien’s universe. (Sure, this is supposed to be an alternate past of our world, but it wouldn’t be the only time in his chronology that a physical law changed.)
I usually imagine Saruman’s many-colored costume as opalescent, but for a more garish alternative, it might look more like glittering multicolored laser speckle, or sunlight through diamond facets.
ElaineT@6: I love the hacker’s “back door” analogy.
“Out of the Black Years come the words that the Smiths of Eregion heard, and knew that they had been betrayed: One Ring to rule them all….”
I have a mental image of Celebrimbor wearing one of the Three, and stripping it off in fear and horror as through it he suddenly perceived Sauron making this incantation in the Chambers of FIre and felt him (Sauron) enslave all the rings to his One.
Re:Radagast. It is Saruman who scorns Radagast, while Gandalf names him “a worthy wizard, of course”. (Damned with faint praise, eh?) He must be something of a disappointment to Gandalf. First, G doesn’t seem to get much encouragement out of seeing R apart from the message from Saruman. One gets the impression he is not much of a go-to guy. Then, he turns out to be Saruman’s dupe. At first Gandalf fears Radagast has fallen, but in the end concludes that it would be useless to try to win over “the honest Radagast” to treachery. One gets the impression that G feels R is honest in a simplistic fashion that gives him no real understanding of evil. (Picture , hypothetically, Radagast trying to explain to Saruman that he is wrong to treat Gandalf so, as if Saruman were making a “mistake” instead of an open-eyed choice to act as he does.)