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Move Over Hawkwind: Here Comes Age of Misrule!

Mark Chadbourn has a band. Or rather, a band has chosen to christen themselves “Age of Misrule” after his (just released in the US) contemporary dark fantasy trilogy of World’s End, Darkest Hour, and Always Forever.

Apparently, the band members were all fans of the books, which are about a contemporary Britain threatened by the return of the gods and demons of Celtic myth and the resulting return of magic that comes in their wake. The band had quite a large following, but didn’t have what they perceived to be a good enough name. So they got their fans to vote for a new name on their Facebook page. “Age of Misrule Band” was one of three options, and it got overwhelming support.

Mark has this to say, ” It’s very flattering, obviously, but I’m also a huge music fan, obviously, and music features heavily in the books—from Sinatra to modern times, so I get introduced to lots of new sounds. The books seem to have touched a chord (ha ha) with lots of musicians, as several have been in touch. A folk guy, Alex Roberts, has written a song called ‘Court of the Yearning Heart’—the home of the Tuatha de Danann in Darkest Hour, and there have been tracks written by death metal bands and rock bands in New Zealand and Australia too.”

Caz Sperko, lead singer of the Oxford-based band, describes Age of Misrule thusly: “Our style is classic rock with a modern twist, taking our sound from Guns N’ Roses, Black Sabbeth, Led Zep, Foo’s, Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine, Placebo.” You can listen to three tracks by Age of Misrule on their MySpace page. Meanwhile, maybe we’ll see Mark take the stage with them one day. Would be cool to see speculative fiction and rock’n’roll together again. Until them, we’ll always have those YouTube clips of Michael Moorcock & Hawkwind.

Lou Anders is the three-time Hugo-nominated editor of Pyr books, as well as the editor of seven critically-acclaimed anthologies, the latest being Fast Forward 2 and Sideways in Crime. He recently won a Chesley Award for Best Art Director, and is pretty chuffed about that too. Visit him online at his blog, Bowing to the Future.

About the Author

Lou Anders


Lou Anders is the Hugo Award winning editorial director of the SF&F imprint Pyr books, a Chesley Award winning Art Director, and the editor of nine anthologies. He has also been nominated for six additional Hugos, five additional Chesleys, the PKD, Locus, Shirley Jackson, and three WFC Awards. Visit him online at
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