The latest trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming emphasizes Peter Parker’s life as a teen trying to juggle the power of Spanish quizzes and crushes with the responsibilities of superhero-dom! It also highlights Tom Holland’s fantastic New York accent.
Click through for the full trailer!
Can Tony Stark be our Dad, too? Spider-Man: Homecoming will leap enthusiastically into theaters on July 7th!
Peter Parker designing his own costume & equipment was a big part of Parker story
@1 Yeah, but it was unrealistic, even for a kid as smart as Peter is.
The suit’s eyes changing shapes for emotions, is that new?
I think in civil war he said he wore goggles to cut down on stimuli so he could focus. So eyes wide when he searching for something then eyes narrow when he needs to focus on one thing.
#1 & #2: More to the point, it was unrealistic for a kid as poor as Peter is.
—Keith R.A. DeCandido
This isn’t Peter’s origin story. He had the homebrew costume and all that when we first saw him in Civil War. This is later in his story. He’s gotten upgraded gear.
It might just be franchise fatigue (and my own nostalgia towards the Spider-Man movies I grew up with), but so far this doesn’t have me particularly excited. I’m sure we’ll catch it on rental, but