It’s obvious to us now that Starfleet is not fueled by antimatter but rather, coffee.
Be it a raktajino (Klingon coffee) or other caffeinated tea-ish beverage, a surprising number of Starfleet’s finest can’t seem to function without pounding back a pint of the dark stuff before considering yet again whether to fire Chakotay.
In our eyes, Captain Janeway is the golden standard-bearer of coffee consumption in the 24th century, but she’s just the beginning. Without further introduction, we present a stately walk through Starfleet’s love of the bean.

Let’s hear it for those who, while they don’t drink coffee, still need caffeine and are still great captains:

Isn’t it nice to know in the future we’ll still need coffee?
[Most of the images were sourced from TrekCore screencaptures]
Stubby the Rocket is the voice and mascot of Stubby Brand coffee is called Rocket Fuel.