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Star Trek People Drinking Coffee


Star Trek People Drinking Coffee

Home / Star Trek People Drinking Coffee
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Star Trek People Drinking Coffee


Published on December 14, 2011


It’s obvious to us now that Starfleet is not fueled by antimatter but rather, coffee.

Be it a raktajino (Klingon coffee) or other caffeinated tea-ish beverage, a surprising number of Starfleet’s finest can’t seem to function without pounding back a pint of the dark stuff before considering yet again whether to fire Chakotay.

In our eyes, Captain Janeway is the golden standard-bearer of coffee consumption in the 24th century, but she’s just the beginning. Without further introduction, we present a stately walk through Starfleet’s love of the bean.

Jadzia is pretty hungover, but at least her mug matches her nightgown
Jadzia is pretty hungover, but at least her mug matches her nightgown
Everybody raktajino! Even unnamed background crewmembers need a coffee boost.
Everybody raktajino! Even unnamed background crewmembers need a coffee boost.
Three guesses as to what Scotty likes in his coffee. And the first two don’t count.
Three guesses as to what Scotty likes in his coffee. And the first two don’t count.
Jim. Can I call you Jim? Listen. The coffee machine here sucks. This is gross.
Jim. Can I call you Jim? Listen. The coffee machine here sucks. This is gross.
Whatever. It's free.
Whatever. It’s free.

Let’s hear it for those who, while they don’t drink coffee, still need caffeine and are still great captains:

We like to think the Excelsior was a pretty chill place as long as Sulu got his morning tea
We like to think the Excelsior was a pretty chill place as long as Sulu got his morning tea
Tea. Earl Grey. Sexy.
Tea. Earl Grey. Sexy.

Isn’t it nice to know in the future we’ll still need coffee?

[Most of the images were sourced from TrekCore screencaptures]

Stubby the Rocket is the voice and mascot of Stubby Brand coffee is called Rocket Fuel.

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Stubby the Rocket


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