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Star Trek The Original Series Rewatch: “The Corbomite Maneuver”


<em>Star Trek</em> The Original Series Rewatch: &#8220;The Corbomite Maneuver&#8221;

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Star Trek The Original Series Rewatch: “The Corbomite Maneuver”


Published on March 17, 2015


“The Corbomite Maneuver”
Written by Jerry Sohl
Directed by Joseph Sargent
Season 1, Episode 2
Production episode 6149-03
Original air date: November 10, 1966
Stardate: 1512.2

Captain’s log: The Enterprise is off mapping an uncharted sector of space. They’ve been at it for three days, and the navigator, Lieutenant Bailey, seems frustrated. Then the helm console alarm goes off, and Sulu reports an object heading toward them. When Sulu takes evasive maneuvers, the object also changes course to remain on an intercept course. Lieutenant Nyota Uhura detects no signal from communications.

They receive visual contact, and it’s a multicolored rotating cube. When Spock orders Sulu to pilot around it, the cube again changes course to block them. Spock puts the ship on alert status, and Kirk is summoned to the bridge. However, the captain is in the midst of his quarterly physical—which, of course, requires him to be bare-chested and sweaty, wah hey!—and so Dr. Leonard McCoy (who has apparently hit the mute button on the alert signal) ignores the flashy red light until Kirk’s done proving he’s a manly manly specimen.

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

Once Kirk sees the red light, he contacts the bridge. Spock fills him in, then Kirk bitches McCoy out, then leaves sickbay while still shirtless and barefoot, thus allowing everyone in the corridors to get a look at his smooth, glistening chest. He goes to his quarters, puts his shirt on, checks in with the bridge again, and then leaves his quarters with the camera lovingly lingering on his ass as he exits his cabin.

Kirk arrives on the bridge, and gets reports from Spock, Uhura, Bailey, Sulu, Scotty, and McCoy. It all boils down to “it’s a cube, and we don’t know how it works.” Bailey votes to blast it with phasers, prompting Kirk to remind him that it’s not a democracy and he doesn’t get a vote.

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

Eighteen hours of study, scanning, and speculation later, and they’ve got nothing. Spock speculates that the cube may be “flypaper.” Kirk orders Bailey to plot a spiral course away from it (and not firing on it like the navigator was hoping), but the cube just keeps sticking with the ship, matching its relative position point for point.

Then the cube starts emitting radiation as the Enterprise picks up speed. Kirk orders full stop, but then the cube keeps moving toward them and is still giving off radiation. Continued attempts to shake it at sublight fail, so Kirk goes to warp. Even at warp 3, though, it stays with them, getting closer and closer and giving off lethal doses of radiation. Kirk orders Bailey to train phasers on the cube and fire.

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

The cube is destroyed, the damage to the ship minor and repairable. Kirk decides to forge ahead, to try to find whoever sent the cube. He also orders Sulu and Bailey to run battle and evasive simulations, as he was unsatisfied with their performance (well, really Bailey’s performance). Kirk leaves the bridge, accompanied by McCoy, who thinks he might have promoted Bailey too fast, that he may not be ready for the responsibility of chief navigator. The pair of them share a drink in Kirk’s quarters, and then Yeoman Janice Rand brings him lunch—a dietary salad, as ordered by McCoy, to Kirk’s surprise, as his weight was up a few pounds.

Lunch, however, is interrupted by another object, much larger, heading for the Enterprise. Kirk returns to the bridge to find that the object is made of the same material as the cube. This is a sphere that is several orders of magnitude bigger than the Enterprise, and which traps the ship in a tractor beam. This time there’s communication: the ship is called the Fesarius, from the First Federation, its shipmaster is named Balok, and he sounds pissed. They ignored the warning buoy and are obviously from a savage, primitive race. The Fesarius conducts an intense, invasive scan of the ship, and then determines that they must be destroyed. (Balok also destroys a recorder marker Kirk orders sent out to warn other ships about the First Federation.) Balok gives them ten minutes to make peace with themselves.

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

Kirk instead makes an encouraging speech to the crew, reminding them that fear of the unknown is often their greatest enemy, and also that any species capable of creating a civilization is at least capable of understanding their peaceful intent. He then tells Balok that they had no intention to trespass and promises to leave the area. However, engines won’t respond. Spock manages to track back the communication to get a visual feed, and they see Balok as a big, bald imposing dude with bug eyes.

Bailey—who has been so stunned that he barely heard his last three orders, two of which had to be carried out by Sulu instead—suddenly has a total breakdown, frustrated that the crew isn’t responding with sufficient emotion to their impending doom. Kirk finally relieves him of duty, ordering McCoy to escort him to his quarters.

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

Kirk then tries again to talk to Balok, saying that they had to destroy the buoy to preserve their own lives, but Balok just says they’ve got seven minutes left.

As the clock ticks down, Spock says he has no recommendations. In chess, he says, when one is outmatched, one resigns the game to avoid the inevitable checkmate. McCoy then returns to the bridge, reiterating that he thinks Bailey was promoted too soon, worked too hard. He says he’ll put in his medical log that he warned Kirk, and that’s no bluff.

At first, Kirk snaps at McCoy, and then Balok says there’s three minutes left. Kirk calms down and says he hopes they have time to argue about it. Then the word bluff hooks into Kirk’s mind, and he says, “Not chess, Spock—poker.”

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

He then tells Balok that their respect for other lifeforms requires that he warn them about the “corbomite” device that has been emplaced in all Earth ships for two hundred years. Any destructive power visited upon the ship is reflected back on the attacker by the “corbomite,” and has always resulted in the annihilation of the attacking ship.

McCoy and Kirk apologize to each other for the shitty timing of their argument. With half a minute left, Bailey returns to the bridge and asks permission to return to post.

Sulu counts down the last ten seconds (he must love New Year’s Eve parties), and then nothing happens. The bluff was successful. Balok announces a stay of execution pending examination of the “corbomite.” Kirk doesn’t respond immediately—“let him sweat for a change”—and then finally replies with two words: “Request denied.”

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

A much smaller vessel flies out of the bigger sphere and its tractor beam takes over, towing the Enterprise to a world in the First Federation that can sustain humanoid life. After a bit of a show of resignation, Kirk tries to break out of the tractor beam, hoping the smaller ship has less power to spare than the big-ass one. The engines are strained to the point of almost exploding from overheating, and then they break free.

Once they’re free, Uhura reports a weak signal coming from Balok, asking for help from the mothership. The signal is sufficiently weak that the mothership probably didn’t even pick it up. Kirk immediately orders the Enterprise to come to the aid of the aliens. He takes McCoy to treat the aliens if needed, and Bailey, to whom Kirk feels he owes a look at the face of the unknown. (Spock requests permission to go along, but Kirk wants him on the Enterprise in case it’s a trap.)

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

The trio are greeted by a very tiny alien and an animatronic puppet. The latter projected the image of Balok, while the little guy is the real Balok. He offers them all a drink and explains that the whole thing was a test to make sure they were civilized. Balok travels alone, and he’s grown lonely. He proposes an exchange of information and culture by having an envoy. Bailey volunteers to be that envoy, and then Balok gives him a tour of the ship.

Fascinating: While Spock’s species still hasn’t been identified by name, his status as a half-human hybrid is established here, as he says a) that Balok reminds him of his father (which is amusing in retrospect, since Balok looks nothing like Mark Lenard) and b) in response to Scotty saying, “Then heaven help your mother,” says that she considered herself a very fortunate Earth woman.

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

Plus, more shouty Spock! He bellows orders at a high volume—and then, hilariously, castigates Bailey for raising his voice unnecessarily.

I’m a doctor not an escalator: Apparently the original intended catchphrase for McCoy was “I never said that” when someone quotes a comment he made back at him, but it didn’t stick. The embryonic form of the catchphrase he did wind up with is uttered after Kirk complains that he didn’t tell Kirk about the alert: “What am I, a doctor or a moon-shuttle conductor?” Then, after Kirk leaves, and he’s alone in the room, he mutters, “If I jumped every time a light went off around here I’d start talking to myself.”

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

Ahead warp one, aye: Sulu is at his more familiar position of helmsman, where he’ll remain for the rest of the series (and all but one of the movies in which the character appears, the exception being the one where he’s the captain of his own ship).

Hailing frequencies open: In Uhura’s debut episode, 90% of her dialogue are the three words that make up this category title, generally in response to Kirk’s request for ship-to-ship communications. Given how often Kirk tries to talk to Balok and how often Balok ignores him or hangs up on him, this is perhaps not surprising, but she definitely wins the Repeated Dialogue Award for this episode…

I cannot change the laws of physics!: Scotty does absolutely nothing to justify his title of chief engineer in this episode. No, seriously, the one time he actually is doing his job as chief, he throws up his hands and says he has no frapping clue what makes the cube tick. Otherwise he just stands around and makes snotty comments about Sulu’s countdown and Spock’s parents. He does operate the transporter to beam them over to Balok’s ship, but that’s it.

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

No sex, please, we’re Starfleet: Kirk bitches to McCoy about being assigned a female yeoman, thus—as with Pike’s reaction to Colt in “The Cage”—reminding us that this was made in the mid-1960s. (Oddly, Kirk didn’t seem to have a problem with Smith/Jones in “Where No Man Has Gone Before.”) McCoy’s response is to ask if he doesn’t trust himself. Kirk doesn’t actually answer that question, instead saying he’s already got a female to care for: the Enterprise.

In addition, Kirk’s first three scenes are all ones that emphasize William Shatner’s sex appeal: shirtless, sweaty, and that lingering ass shot as he leaves his quarters.

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

Channel open: “Raising my voice back there doesn’t mean I was scared or couldn’t do my job. It means I happen to have a human thing called an adrenaline gland.”

“It does sound most inconvenient, however. Have you considered having it removed?”

“You try to cross brains with Spock, he’ll cut you to pieces every time.”

Bailey showing his lack of anatomy knowledge (it’s the adrenal gland), Spock saying “Bazinga,” and Sulu pointing out that Bailey should not go into a battle of wits unarmed.

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

Welcome aboard: James Doohan (Scotty) and George Takei (Sulu) are back and we get the debuts of other recurring regulars DeForest Kelley (McCoy), Nichelle Nichols (Uhura), and Grace Lee Whitney (Rand). In addition, Anthony Call guest stars as Bailey, Ted Cassidy does an uncredited turn as the voice of the fake Balok, and Walker Edmiston does an equally uncredited turn as the voice of the real Balok, overdubbing a six-year-old Clint Howard, who plays the real Balok.

Cassidy will return in “What Are Little Girls Made Of?” as Ruk and will lend his voice once again to the Gorn captain in “Arena.” Edmiston, a famous voiceover artist, will return half a dozen times to provide voice work on the show. As an adult, Howard will return to Trek by appearing as Grady in Deep Space Nine’s “Past Tense, Part II” and Muk in Enterprise’s “Acquisition.”

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

Trivial matters: This episode was produced first but aired tenth in part due to the considerable amount of post-production work required on it.

The red operations/security uniforms debut in this episode (Scotty wears that color, as does Rand), as do the “miniskirt” uniforms for women. Uhura is wearing command gold here and in “Mudd’s Women” before changing to her more familiar red in “The Man Trap.”

In this episode, we get a from-the-captain’s-chair shot of the screen and the navigation console. It’s clearly Sulu at the helm, but only the navigator’s left shoulder and arm can be seen. A similar shot a few seconds later has Sulu turning to look back at the captain. These two shots would be recycled a lot over the course of the next three years…

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

Bailey appears in the novel My Brother’s Keeper: Constitution by Michael Jan Friedman and the comic book Spock: Reflections by Scott & David Tipton and David Messina (both taking place prior to this episode) and in the comic book Debt of Honor by Chris Claremont and Adam Hughes and the short story “Ambassador at Large” by J.A. Rosales in Strange New Worlds (both taking place after this episode). In addition, the First Federation has been seen and referenced in the “Shatnerverse” novels written by William Shatner and Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens and in the Seekers novel series by David Mack, Dayton Ward, and Kevin Dilmore.

Quark will serve tranya in his bar on Deep Space Nine (e.g., in the episode “Facets”).

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

To boldly go: “End of watch? It’s the end of everything!” This works very nicely as an introduction to the series as it would be going forward, which makes its placement tenth in the airing order all the more frustrating. We get an establishing shot of the ship, are introduced to the main characters, who all get stuff to do, and we get a good look at the Enterprise’s mission to seek out new life and the difficulties of a first contact.

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

What’s particularly nice is the sense of community, carried over from “Where No Man Has Gone Before.” Sulu’s teasing of Bailey after Spock cuts him down to size, Scotty’s snide commentary, Rand using a phaser to heat coffee, McCoy’s banter with Kirk, Kirk and Spock’s relaxed friendship (I particularly like Spock sardonically pointing out Kirk’s inefficiency in asking Spock for advice on decisions he’s already made, not to mention Spock’s reluctant admitting to having no mojo for the final confrontation with Balok), and so on.

In particular, I like how the episode shows that these are professionals, in particular by giving us one person who’s spectacularly unprofessional in Bailey. In a lot of ways, this is the best way to introduce this crew: they’re the ones out there seeking out new life and new civilizations because they’re good at it. They’re not panicking about the Fesarius because encountering the Fesarius and its ilk is part of the job description.

Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver

Having said all this, the episode has its flaws. Kirk’s a bit quick to forgive Balok for exposing them all to lethal radiation and threatening to blow them up (of course, he’s so cuuuuuute! How can they resist????), Anthony Call’s Bailey is way too broad, and the episode is ultimately long stretches of people talking to each other with very little action. The latter is actually a feature, not a bug, as far as I’m concerned, but it does lead to some pacing problems. In particular, the sequence when the Enterprise breaks free of the tractor beam goes on more than a little bit too long…

Warp factor rating: 7

Next week: Mudd’s Women

Keith R.A. DeCandido’s next two out-of-town public appearances will be at (Re)Generation Who in Hunt Valley, Maryland (along with Doctors Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, and, via Skype, Tom Baker, as well as dozens of other Who actors and writers) at the end of March and at Treklanta in Atlanta, Georgia (along with actors Jason Carter, Anne Lockhart, and Sean Kenney, as well as dozens of fan film folk and artists and musicians and performers and such) at the end of April.

About the Author

Keith R.A. DeCandido


Keith R.A. DeCandido has been writing about popular culture for this site since 2011, primarily but not exclusively writing about Star Trek and screen adaptations of superhero comics. He is also the author of more than 60 novels, more than 100 short stories, and more than 70 comic books, both in a variety of licensed universes from Alien to Zorro, as well as in worlds of his own creation, most notably the new Supernatural Crimes Unit series debuting in the fall of 2025. Read his blog, or follow him all over the Internet: Facebook, The Site Formerly Known As Twitter, Instagram, Threads, Blue Sky, YouTube, Patreon, and TikTok.
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10 years ago

I love how Kirk, the Don Draper of Space, is so unfamiliar with salad that he startes to eat it with his hands instead of, you know, using a fork. I wonder what he would’ve thought of the kale craze of the early 21st century.

10 years ago

For anyone who gets the network “MeTV”, they just started rerunning the series last week, 1 per day. Unfortunately not in the order of the rewatch, but close enough.

10 years ago

On this episode and its predecessor as introductions: I wonder if 1966 viewers were as confused by starting with “The Man Trap” as 2002 viewers of Firefly were by starting with “The Train Job.” In Firefly‘s case, it definitely had an impact on the show’s reception, but it seems not to have been quite as hard for TOS viewers.

Kirk’s comment about not wanting a female yeoman is interesting, too. The traditional naval use of “yeoman” was a job for men, with the first female yeoman in the U.S. serving in WWI. Even today, it is a heavily male-dominated job, even though it includes typically “female work” like administrative and clerical tasks. And yet the yeomen on TOS are more secretarial in nature, bringing coffee and the like…which, in the 1960s, was much more clearly “female work” than even clerical tasks. So while it makes sense (again, 1960s context) for a woman to be bringing Kirk his lunch, it’s a bit incongruous to have him complain about a woman in the role. Not to mention that most yeomen we see are female, in fact I think Samno and Burke are the only male yeomen we ever see…so why is Kirk cursing the person who gave him a female yeoman, when they’re the norm?

10 years ago

Keith, you say it’s frustrating how this was aired tenth despite being such a good introduction to the series. Well, for me, this was my introduction to the series. I was five and a half years old, and I was intrigued by the promo I’d seen for this show called Star Trek, which as far as I could tell was about a funny-looking airplane flying around at night. So my parents let me stay up to watch it with them when it came on, and it was “The Corbomite Maneuver,” and I was utterly hooked. Seeing this episode that night was my introduction to Star Trek, to space, to science, and to science fiction, and it therefore set the course of my entire life. It’s one of my clearest childhood memories, and once I actually went through old microfilm newspaper archives to figure out the exact date. As nearly as I can figure out, it was Wednesday, January 9, 1974 at 8 PM on WXIX-TV Channel 19 (then an independent station), and the Cincinnati Enquirer listed it as: “STAR TREK: Unidentified spaceship lures Enterprise to near disaster. (Repeat)”.

So naturally this episode has always been a particular favorite of mine, and I’ve long wanted to do the definitive novel about the First Federation. They’ve been oddly untouched by the literature; aside from the books you mention, the only references have been in the TNG novel Gulliver’s Fugitives by Keith Sharee (featuring a pair of FF ambassadors aboard the Enterprise-D), the Voyager novel Ragnarok by Nathan Archer (in which the ruins of a Fesarius-class ship were found in the Delta Quadrant), and the short story “Ambassador at Large” by J.A. Rosales in the first Strange New Worlds anthology, in which the Voyager crew encounters an intact Fesarius, an aged Bailey, an ageless Balok, and, for some reason, the Cybermen (aka “Mondasians”). But that’s okay, since it leaves more for me!

I love the episode’s handling of the ensemble, this community of professionals and friends who are just doing their job, a job that happens to be in space, and being comfortably ordinary rather than the larger-than-life space heroes of most screen sci-fi of the day. It’s an attribute of the early first season that unfortunately faded over time, and this episode does it as well as any — thanks in part to Jerry Sohl’s script, but also probably to Joseph Sargent’s direction. Not long ago I saw Sargent’s movie Colossus: The Forbin Project, and it had a lot of that same everyday, businesslike, bantering flavor to the character interactions.

And as memorable as the visual effects were, I’m afraid I find them one of the episode’s few flaws, since the scale is all wrong. The cube buoy is said to be about 100 meters on a side, which would make it taller than the Enterprise, but it’s only about as thick as the rim of the saucer, making it more like 10-15 meters. And the Fesarius is said to be a mile across, but it looms so large before the Enterprise that it’s got to be several miles across at least. (Although it’s possible that in those metric-using times, “a mile” has become a figure of speech for “a really long way” rather than a specific measure.) Still, despite the scale problems, they’re striking visuals for the era. And a lot of credit also goes to Fred Steiner’s score for the episode. Steiner only did a few minutes of original music for this one, due to its post-production delays; it’s scored mainly with stock cues from the pilots and other episodes that were filmed later but scored earlier. But the original themes Steiner composed, including the lively action music and the ponderous eight-note motif for Balok and the Fesarius, were extremely memorable and frequently reused in later episodes (and recycled by Steiner himself in his “Who Mourns for Adonais?” score).

@3/MeredithP: The original idea was that female yeomen were unusual; “The Cage” established that Pike’s male yeoman had been killed on Rigel VII and he was having trouble adjusting to a female replacement. The plan was that the captain’s yeoman would be a continuing character. But Grace Lee Whitney left less than halfway through the season, and they ended up replacing her with guest-star yeomen-of-the-week who were all female as well. So female yeomen eventually became the norm, but that wasn’t the case at the time this episode was made.

Robert B
10 years ago

Nice choice of screenshots. God I love the lighting on this show.

10 years ago

Thank you for the rewatch! I think I like this episode a little better now.

But I don’t agree that Bailey volunteers to stay with Balok. He’s being volunteered by Kirk. What else can he do but agree, after everything he did wrong before?

Also, what does Kirk mean with his last remark: “And I’d get a better officer in return”? Does he refer to Bailey, who will be a better officer after having spent some time with Balok? Or to Bailey’s replacement? That would be a really shitty thing to say in public.

Eduardo Jencarelli
10 years ago

They got a LOT of mileage out of that fake Balok puppet shot! We see it every time in end credit sequences that don’t include Orion Slave Vina. Even Futurama parodied it using Kif. A Desilu Production indeed.

@3: So, this was your first one. To me, it was The Cage, but as far as regular episodes go, my first exposure to Shatner TOS was Mudd’s Women (in retrospect, ugh). But Corbomite was still one of my early experiences also. And one of the show’s better entries. Reasonably tense, quite character-oriented and very tightly plotted.

It’s ironic it suffered so much delay on post, given that 85% of the story takes place on the bridge. With the exception of Balok’s set, I don’t think this was particularly expensive to shoot.

I didn’t care about Call’s performance either. Bailey works on paper, as a way to really properly introduce the crew’s inner workings.

Eduardo Jencarelli
10 years ago

And by @3, I actually meant .

10 years ago

– I honestly can’t recall whether this episode was my introduction to the series, or whether it was “The Apple”. Either way, I had to watch what I could at my grandparents on summer vacations. Oh, pre-internet fandom…

I do recall that my first experience with Star Trek was “The Motion Picture” – at the ripe young age of 4 it has the distinction of being the first movie I saw in the theatre that I retain any memory of. Which, frankly, explains a lot.

10 years ago

@7/Eduardo: The in-joke in the end credits, devised by Bob Justman, was that they put Desilu vice-president Herb Solow’s name on top of the Scary Balok Puppet image, which is why it usually came at the end. It stopped once Paramount bought up Desilu and Solow moved on.

The Simpsons did a Trek-parody end-credits sequence recently too, and I believe they used Mr. Burns as the Scary Balok Puppet.