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Read an Excerpt From Prashanth Srivatsa&#8217;s <em>The Spice Gate</em>

Harper Voyager

Cover of The Spice Gate by Prashanth Srivatsa

Read an Excerpt From Prashanth Srivatsa’s The Spice Gate

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Cover of Dragon Rider, showing a dark, forested landscape with a man holding a sword standing behind a dragon with spread wings.

Read an Excerpt From Taran Matharu’s Dragon Rider

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Cover of Sunbringer, showing a one-armed, blue-greenish bearded figure holding a trident made from a branch, standing against a gold-colored wheel-like object with a spiked rim.

Hannah Kaner’s Sunbringer Falls Short as a Sequel

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cover of Lore of the Wilds by Analeigh Sbrana

A Confusing Romantasy: Lore of the Wilds by Analeigh Sbrana

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Cover of Sun of Blood and Ruin

A Breathless Panther Chase: Mariely Lares’ Sun of Blood and Ruin

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Cover of Sunbringer by Hannnah Kaner

Read an Excerpt From Hannah Kaner’s Sunbringer

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Cover of Lore of the Wilds

Read an Excerpt From Analeigh Sbrana’s Lore of the Wilds

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Read an Excerpt From Sun of Blood and Ruin

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Thea Guanzon’s The Hurricane Wars Is a Whirlwind Fantasy Romance That Stands on Its Own

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Garth Nix Makes the Old-Fashioned New Again with Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz

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It’s Just a Job, Until It Isn’t: Godkiller by Hannah Kaner

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Adventure With a Family of Thieves in Greta Kelly’s The Queen of Days

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