A certain bounty hunter is soon(ish) to arrive on a screen near you. It’s been a minute since we had any news about The Witcher—now sans Henry Cavill, and with Liam Hemsworth in the lead role—but Netflix has just announced three new cast members, and one of them plays a pretty major (and ugly) role in Ciri’s future.
As was rumored last summer, Sharlto Copley (District 9; Boy Kills World, pictured above) has been cast as Leo Bonhart, whom Variety describes as simply an “infamous bounty hunter.” It’s a bit mild as a description, given all the things he does to Ciri, but in the interest of spoilers I’ll just leave it at that.
Two other actors have also joined the show: James Purefoy as Skellen, and Danny Woodburn as Zoltan. Skellen is a member of the Nilfgardian Secret Services who is connected to Bonhart; Zoltan is a dwarf and pal of Geralt’s. You might recognize Purefoy from Pennyworth and Altered Carbon, while Woodburn has been in everything from Lois & Clark to Seinfeld to Legacies.
The third season of The Witcher appeared on Netflix last summer; the fourth season is expected to begin filming in the next few months. According to Variety, the (rather vague) description for the new season says:
After the shocking, Continent-altering events that close out season three, the new season follows Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri who are faced with traversing the war-ravaged Continent and its many demons apart from each other. If they can embrace and lead the groups of misfits they find themselves in, they have a chance of surviving the baptism of fire — and finding one another again.
You can watch The Witcher and its assorted spinoffs on Netflix.