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Weekend Getaway: Josh Rountree

While I sit at my desk, thinking of how it was 4 degrees when I woke up (4!), my thoughts once again wander to warmer climes. Like Texas. The Lone Star State. Which makes me think of Eric T. Marin’s excellent online magazine Lone Star Stories.

Lone Star Stories has been publishing an issue, usually three stories and three poems,  every other month since February 2004. Marin recently published an anthology of the best stories from the first 25 issues called The Lone Star Stories Reader. I’ve been impressed both with the general quality of the stories in every issue, as well as the anthology. This weekend, I give you a whimsical tale from Josh Rountree:

Veronica” by Josh Rountree

And a quick aside. I posted before about the webcomic “Templar, Arizona” and I noticed that the artist was having a bunch of sales on the print editions of the webcomic (some of them as inexpensive as $5!). I look forward to new installments of the comic every day, and the print editions are an excellent complement to the online version.

About the Author

John Klima


If you want to get in touch with me, use editor[at]electricvelocipede[dot]com rather than posting here. I don't mind the e-mail and you'll have a better chance of hearing back from me. I edit the Hugo Award winning speculative fiction magazine Electric Velocipede. In 2007, Bantam published Logorrhea, my anthology of stories based on spelling-bee winning words. EV Website Blog Logorrhea You can also find me online at Facebook [John Klima], Twitter [johnklima], and Flickr [johncklima]. If you can guess what the 'c' stands for in johncklima, I'll give you a cookie. If you are a publisher of short fiction anthologies or single-author story collections, I want to see them! Please send material to: John Klima, PO Box 266, Bettendorf, IA 52722
Learn More About John
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