We finally know when we’ll get to see Zero Theorem! Terry Gilliam’s latest film was formerly slated for this August but then vanished after debuting a trailer last summer. Now it appears that the U.S. will get to see the film in limited release starting September 19th. The good news for the not-New-York portion of the country is that the film will also come out via On Demand and iTunes, so those of you who feel despair when you see the words “limited release” and “Terry Gilliam” in the same sentence, take heart.
The film promises to be the Gilliam-est of Gilliam movies, with Christoph Waltz playing a computer genius named Qohen Leth who is tasked with either discovering the meaning of life, or finally proving that life has no meaning. Matt Damon and Tilda Swinton will most likely speak in improbable accents, and, this is just a guess, but True Love might make an appearance.