Back in July, AMC dropped a mysterious new teaser for an untitled third show set in The Walking Dead universe. Now, the first trailer has dropped for the still-untitled series.
In the new show, the post-apocalypse looks uncharacteristically cozy. Ten years after the walkers first arrived, a population of 9,671 people have built a sealed-off community on the refurbished remains of a town, and if it weren’t for the quick shots of zombies lurking around in the mist outside, it would look almost indistinguishable from your normal teen drama. The new generation of survivors goes to class, experiences bouts of alienation and ennui as they trundle down the halls of their high school, and talk about just getting out of their town so life can, like, begin, you know?
Also, the walkers look like this now:
Unfortunately, the hygge-est zombie apocalypse doesn’t stay as such. After a group of four teens decide to Stand By Me it up outside the walls of their community, things quickly get very very dangerous.
The new Walking Dead spin-off show arrives spring 2020.