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Star Wars Characters Riding Dinosaurs Will Get You Through the Day

Star Wars Characters Riding Dinosaurs Will Get You Through the Day

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Column Star Wars

Star Wars Characters Riding Dinosaurs Will Get You Through the Day


Published on June 30, 2016

Nina Levy, napkin art, Star Wars characters on dinosaurs

In the magical land of Internets, there is a woman named Nina Levy who makes napkin art for both her sons’ lunches. The artwork is stupendous. One day, her younger son asked for a specific theme on his napkins—”Star Wars Characters Ride Jurassic World Dinosaurs.”

The world would never be the same.

First question’s first: How are these on napkins? How? Have you ever tried to draw with marker on a napkin? (Spoiler alert: it melts right through the napkin because napkins are EVIL.) This will be the question that haunts my every waking moment from now on.

But more important, these are insanely imaginative images from an artist who is also giving her kids something awesome to discover at school every day. So everything about this is a win. Let’s take a peek at a few more….

Yoda, chilling:

Nina Levy, napkin art, Star Wars characters on dinosaurs

Han Solo, friend of the stegosaurus:

Nina Levy, napkin art, Star Wars characters on dinosaurs

Hera Syndulla, flying high:

Nina Levy, napkin art, Star Wars characters on dinosaurs

Wicket, ready for battle:

Nina Levy, napkin art, Star Wars characters on dinosaurs

Captain Rex, always on guard:

Nina Levy, napkin art, Star Wars characters on dinosaurs

A WAMPA. Because Wampas can take fun trips, too:

Nina Levy, napkin art, Star Wars characters on dinosaurs

There are far more over on her Tumblr, where you can find napkin art galore on any number of themes! I will retreat into a corner in speechlessly and berate my inability to color on napkins.

Nah, I take it back. I will go home and put every Star Wars action figure on a dinosaur action figure.

About the Author

Emmet Asher-Perrin


Emmet Asher-Perrin is the News & Entertainment Editor of Reactor. Their words can also be perused in tomes like Queers Dig Time Lords, Lost Transmissions: The Secret History of Science Fiction and Fantasy, and Uneven Futures: Strategies for Community Survival from Speculative Fiction. They cannot ride a bike or bend their wrists. You can find them on Bluesky and other social media platforms where they are mostly quiet because they'd rather talk to you face-to-face.
Learn More About Emmet
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