Have you met Skip? Skip Intro, that is.
For viewers everywhere, Skip Intro has been a savior. He saves us precious seconds (or sometimes minutes) as we’re careening through our latest streaming obsession. I’ve deployed our pal Skip hundreds of times, spanning multiple rewatches of The Office and a recent Brooklyn Nine-Nine outing.
While there’s many, many times Skip is indispensable, he isn’t always needed. There are shows that completely transcend the need for Skip Intro, begging the viewer to catch every last second of content, from the theme tune on… Before this whole “Skip Intro is a person” bit gets old, why don’t we jump right in? Here are five unskippable TV intros.
The Simpsons
You can probably guess where I’m going with this, but let’s start with the basics: The Simpsons intro irresistibly beckons the viewer into Springfield’s wacky, wondrous world, as Danny Elfman’s classic theme song whirls us along. There’s Homer working at the plant, accidentally whisking a radioactive element into the wider world beyond. Bart zips by on a skateboard. Lisa lays down a funky sax solo. Marge and Maggie enjoy a little mom-daughter grocery shopping trip. To watch The Simpsons’ intro is to understand you’re diving into a world overflowing with full-fledged characters and an infinite well of story potential.
But does that make it unskippable? No. Watchable at best, perhaps. The unskippable factor in The Simpsons theme is its everlasting rotation of new gags. Bart’s chalkboard punishments might be reason enough to tune in. Then you have Lisa’s sax solo, often customized and always disturbing to her conformist classmates. And of course, the couch gag. Every episode of The Simpsons sees the eponymous family coming together for TV time in a new and different way. It’s always something zany, thoughtful, artistic, or sidesplitting. Hell, some of the world’s best artists and creators have lent their talents to The Simpsons’ opening sequence: Guillermo Del Toro, Banksy, LEGO designers, and many more. My personal favorite is 2015’s Rick & Morty couch gag appearance.
The couch gag symbolizes The Simpsons’ staying power. What other TV show can keep viewers coming back and tuning in to catch the intro for 30 years? If not for my next pick, I might say The Simpsons intro is the all-time best.
Note: I know The Simpsons often cuts its intro down to a simple opening shot and a couch gag. Either form works, but I still say the full version earns the unskippable label.
Cowboy Bebop (Original Anime)
3…2…1…let’s jam. Listen, as far as I’m concerned, this is it. Cowboy Bebop has the quintessential unskippable intro. Why? Because in a world of ho-hum intros, Cowboy Bebop dares to be cool. Let’s break it down.
There’s no episodic change, no unique creative flourish from one episode to another. Instead, Cowboy Bebop doles out the exact same intro for 26 straight episodes. Japanese band Seatbelts performs Yoko Kanno’s “Tank!” behind the visuals, and the song itself has become iconic. Paired with the fast-paced sci-fi noir montage of the intro, it’s just…sweet as hell.
No intro better prepares the viewer for the episode to come than Cowboy Bebop’s opening sequence. It’s brash and slick at the same time, and it isn’t afraid to say “Here’s a sick show about space bounty hunters with a killer score. Enjoy the heck out of it because we had a blast making it.”
An exquisite mix of animation, acting, musical prowess, and writing makes Cowboy Bebop a force to be reckoned with. Its intro is like lightning in a bottle…only you get to see it again and again.
Game of Thrones
At first, I overlooked Game of Thrones when compiling this list. Mainly, the bad taste of season eight was still on my tongue and I didn’t want to revisit that drama. But even through that trying time, the Game of Thrones intro held strong.
The intro’s length may deter you, but I urge you to reconsider. The epic theme offers a fantastic backdrop to the unique animation at work here. The locales of the series each feature in equal measure, mechanically rising off the Westeros map as though propelled by the turning of an offscreen crank. The Game of Thrones intro is like the map at the beginning of a fantasy book come to life. It sets the stage, grounds you in the story’s world, and hints at featured locales and events to come.
And that’s what makes it unskippable. Every Game of Thrones episode tailors the intro to the upcoming plot. If an episode plans to follow Joffrey’s storyline and Rob’s journey from the North, you might see King’s Landing and Winterfell heavily featured. The artistry and the playful nod to the story to come always makes for a special audiovisual treat.
Phineas & Ferb
Talk about a feel-good intro. Phineas & Ferb has an opening sequence that flawlessly matches the tone of the show. The opening lyrics usher in an upbeat track (performed by Bowling for Soup) that celebrates the wonders of imagination. Those imaginative marvels fill the long days of summer vacation, when stepbrothers Phineas and Ferb spend their time building rockets, discovering things that don’t exist, fighting mummies, and/or any other number of wacky activities referenced in the song.
The 60-second intro is short and to the point, and it simply says “Here’s what this show is.” For kids who watch, it’s a reason to stay tuned. For adults, it’s a charming and delightful ditty that harkens back to the carefree days of childhood.
Music is in the DNA of Phineas And Ferb, so this playful melody also opens the door for more musical triumphs to come. Each episode has at least one original song, and the vast majority are certified bangers—”Gitchee Gitchee Goo” is my personal favorite.
On repeat listenings, the Phineas And Ferb intro still hits the spot. It tells you exactly what’s in store, doesn’t apologize for its wackiness, and welcomes you into the show’s vibrant, happy-go-lucky world.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Say those four words to an Avatar: The Last Airbender fan, and chances are they can recite most—if not all—of the remaining intro narration from memory.
I’m admitting my bias upfront on this one. Avatar is my single favorite show of all time, so I’m easily swayed into thinking this intro is unskippable. However, I think there are good, objective reasons for it’s inclusion here…
Let’s start at the beginning. “The Boy in the Iceberg” is the show’s first episode, featuring an extended intro that outlines the world’s history and lore. After that, a more truncated intro ushers us into the beginning of every episode. The tidbits of lore and Avatar history contained within this opener make it completely, utterly unskippable.
The more you watch Avatar, the more the intro clicks. Make it through season one, and you’ll notice the silhouetted waterbender looks a lot like Paku. The firebender bears a strong resemblance to a certain maniacal princess. When you reach the Ba Sing Se arc, those rings in the Northeast section of the map make a lot more sense.
The deeper you dive, the more treasure you find. Avatar: The Last Airbender has an intro that rewards dedicated viewing. Watch the series, learn about the world, and revel in the Easter eggs contained within the show’s certified unskippable intro.
Runners Up
My list originally started with ten shows, but I whittled it down to showcase the various reasons not to skip them. Though I’ve left a few on the cutting room floor, they still deserve a quick mention.
Fairly Odd Parents is tonally similar to Phineas And Ferb, both in terms of the show’s intro and general vibe. Timmy’s fairy godparents empower his wacky schemes in the same way that Phineas and Ferb’s imaginations fuel their own.
Adventure Time is another I hated to cut, but its intro has echoes of Avatar and Phineas And Ferb. It has a catchy tune and the visuals lay a foundation for the show’s worldbuilding. But the sheer episode count makes it hard to deem Adventure Time’s intro universally unskippable.
Finally, nods go to both Succession and Last Week Tonight With John Oliver. The former features a fascinating look through the past via video footage and photographs that packs a lot of personal punch before each episode of the satirical family drama. Last Week Tonight, meanwhile, shoves dozens of one-liners and inside jokes into the space of about 30 seconds. Lots of fun, don’t get me wrong…but the final list had some hard-to-beat competition. Let me know what shows make it on your own shortlist for best-ever intros!
Cole Rush writes words. A lot of them. For the most part, you can find those words at The Quill To Live or on Twitter @ColeRush1. He voraciously reads epic fantasy and science-fiction, seeking out stories of gargantuan proportions and devouring them with a bookwormish fervor. His favorite books are: The Divine Cities Series by Robert Jackson Bennett, The Long Way To A Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers, and The House In The Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune.
Totally agree with this list. I would also like to submit my no skip pick for Gilligan’s Island!
I was fond of the Milan Kymlicka’s theme and the opening credits for Cinar’s Night Hood. I did wonder how it was the same cast of nine people kept getting involved in every major crime event in Europe, though.
The Cowboy Bebop intro might be the single catchiest toon of all time. I also think Friends deserves a mention. We’re all waiting for the CLAP, CLAP, CLAP, CLAP!
Excellent choices!
Star Blazers. Those horns man, just can’t beat it.
The Expanse. The tune is haunting, and the imagery is excellent.
I’m sorry, but my choice for the most un-skippable intro (and one I’m amazed didn’t make this list) can be summed up in four words …
”Space, the final frontier …”
The new Netflix show Arcane might be climbing the charts for me, featuring Imagine Dragons.
True Blood’s intro was always the best part of that show
To a lesser extent, SonicX. I love the song, and the first episode set up several characters that seemed like interesting foils (for the genre at least). I watched about a dozen episodes and the show devolved into habitual reuse of footage unworthy of some Power Rangers series, and cookie-cutter plots with monster-of-the-day, just like some Power Rangers series. The frenetic opening is great and I listen often. The show … leave it.
@@@@@ #7- which one? ;-)
Also, I’d definitely pick “Mission: Impossible” as a show with an “un-skippable” intro
Awesome choices
It’s only just started, but I would add Wheel of Time’s intro to the unskippable list. Absolutely beautiful visuals and music.
I’d at least add to “runners up” the opening to “Quantum Leap.”
I can’t believe no one mentioned Good Omens!
No love for the iconic opening of Batman: The Animated Series?
Gotta add my love for Batman Beyond’s opening credits.
I heartily second the choice of @1 with GILLIGAN’S ISLAND. But not the original calypso-style theme written by John Williams (yes, that John Williams). The as-aired theme song will always be wrapped around my brainstem and is imminently re-watchable.
I might also suggest an honorable mention for LAND OF THE LOST. But none of the other Sid & Marty Croft shows. H.R. PUFNSTUF was particularly odious. Except maybe if you watch it while toking on a big fat doob.
The old X-Men cartoon on Fox had a pretty killer intro. I’d also vote for the intro from the first season of A Certain Scientific Railgun.
Game of Thrones seasons 1-6 only right?! Season 8 leaves a bad taste in everyones mouth but overall this is an awesome list!
I would also add Black Lagoon to this list.
Totally unmissable: Season One intro of Space: 1999.
Totally missable: Season Two intro of Space: 1999.
Westworld definitely fits this category, the combination of the unique visuals and Ramin Djawadi’s score work so damn well.
A lot of cartoons I watch lately I don’t skip the intros to. The new Ducktales, Owl House, Hilda, stuff like that just sets a mood so well!
The Sopranos, The Wire, and Deadwood all deserve a mention here.
Great- I agree! Of course, now it’s ear worming me for the rest of the day!
Personally, I love TV theme tunes and I never hit “Skip Intro”… Lots of great ones already mentioned here, but I think my pick for all-time best is the original intro for Hawaii 5-0. (A fair-to-middling cop show in its own right, but what an intro!)
@@@@@ 8. Austin
Most people love to point out that Imagine Dragons is the only thing WRONG with Arcane.
Needs more cartoons on the list…what about Animaniacs/Pinky and the brain? Or the 90s Disney shows like DuckTales, Gummy Bears, and Tailspin.
I see a lot of suggestions here that aren’t The Expanse. You’re all allowed to like other things, but…
No list of kickass theme music would be complete without mentioning Jonny Quest.
@30 – I guess that’s because that’s what the cool kids say? Imagine Dragons are the modern day Nickleback punching bag, which really baffles me because their music is very popular (and, IMO, much better than Nickleback’s).
Agree on classics like Hawaii Five-O and Mission: Impossible, and check out The Immortal and I Spy. In the modern era, some fabulous intros are season two of The Leftovers and all of Bojack Horseman — the house, the pool, that sax!!
My biggest gripe with Disney+ is the stupid skip intro button blocking the Simpsons for nearly the entire introduction. Simpsons has several new gags every episode: the appearance of the title has some character floating by, the billboard flashes a new message as we zoom in to Bart’s latest blackboard punishment, Lisa solos her way out of band practice and nearly runs down Homer on her bike while the family has another adventure with the couch. Who would want to miss any of that?
@@@@@ 29 – Despite singling out Smallville above, I actually agree with you completely: I would never skip any intro. To me, it helps set the mood of the show in question and of my viewing experience.
I think it’s a shame that so many modern TV shows forgo any proper intro altogether. For older shows I love, the intro music and visuals are the first thing that comes to mind when I recall them, and the thing that most readily invokes the pleasure of watching them.
80’s cartoon The Mysterious Cities of Gold. Still gives me chills.
I completely agree with #37 Joey: “I would never skip any intro. To me, it helps set the mood of the show in question and of my viewing experience.”
What about Buffy? Or Angel? Both of those shows have the perfect musical intro to get you set up for the mood of the show. Then there is the seasonal changing intro to Babylon 5! Each season’s intro captures the overall theme of that particular season.
Of Course, the wonderful brilliance of the Game of Throne’s intro – both that music and the delightful and informative map that helps consciously or subliminally get you located to where and what’s going to happen in that episode.
Now…how about a shout-out to staying to watch and listen to the credits? How can you not want to see and hear “Errr-arggh!” from that little cut-out monster at the end of every episode of Buffy and Angel?
I didn’t like the updated opening sequence for Game of Thrones season 8 as much as the original sequences, but I never skipped past any of them.
I love the opening credits to Law & Order
The Leftovers. All three seasons.
The Simpsons!!!!
Law & Order is unskippable – at least until the terrible version of the theme that airs on “Organized Crime.” I’m also going to recommend the “M*A*S*H” opener. Also, both Magnum, PI and the Rockford Files had great intros. Cheers is another one with both a great song and great images. Someone above mentioned Batman the Animated Series but I would also say the animated intro to the Adam West show is pretty un-bat-skippable.
Old school – Monty Python’s Flying Circus. No doubt.
New school – Rick and Morty, Archer.
The opening of The Prisoner. It tells an entire story. It is like a bonus episode in itself.
I’m surprised no one has mentioned American Horror Story?
All the ones I was going to mention have already been said.
I will +1 to Firefly, Buffy, Angel, Westworld, and True Blood.
@45 – Shame on me. The Prisoner should be at the top of the list. Great theme, great visuals, great introduction, and killer line. I can still play the entire intro in my head after all these years.
So many picks here with which I totally agree – the Simpsons, Game of Thrones, Firefly, Wheel of Time … From the top of my head, I would also add Into the West, Outlander, Black Sails, and WandaVision … I’m sure I’m missing some that hit me just as soon as I press “Post”. And I agree with those who think intros are for watching, not skipping.
Peter Gunn and Secret Agent (aka Danger Man) have two of the best theme songs worth hearing every episode
@41 – Totally agree with The Leftovers
Especially season 1… music and imagery are hauntingly beautiful…
seasons 2 and 3 intros, not so much for me. Music for 2nd season took me a little getting used to… Season 3 was definitely innovative, what with different music for each episode… some great, some not so much…
I gave up on GoT somewhere in the 3rd season when I realized that I was enjoying the opening intro a LOT more than what followed it, and I could just watch the You Tube clip of it if I had a hankering for it. The same thing happened with True Blood. I loved the intro, but the plot jumped the shark after season 2, so I eventually 86’d it.
Really old school: original Battlestar Galactica. Those horns!
One more for Smallville. Also, surprised no one’s mentioned Doctor Who already.
So happy to see the 5 greatest, utterly unskippable intros mentioned here, between the original post and the comments. If you don’t mind I’m going to go ahead and put them in order:
1. The Prisoner
2. Cowboy Bebop
3. The Expanse
4. Black Lagoon
5. Game of Thrones
Seconding the quirky, whimsical opening to Good Omens. I could watch that over and over.
It had been awhile since I watched the Cowboy Bebop intro, but did the Archer intro pay homage to/copy it, especially with the running against the red background and the legs against the yellow background at the beginning? Curious, went looking, and found this in the interview at https://www.artofthetitle.com/title/archer/:
“Neal: Almost every work by Saul Bass was a heavy influence on Archer. Many people have pointed to the similarities to Cowboy Bebop, but honestly, that was more sub-conscious than conscious.”
Not sure those shots at the beginning were all that sub-conscious …
Love intros, especially for Black Sails, Westworld, and GoT. Always interesting when similarities pop up: American Gods vs. Domina; Yellowstone and the True Detective intros, even though the color/tonal scheme is completely different; and recent The Walking Dead intros and the Chapelwaite intro.
True Blood had so much promise with that intro – it felt subversive just watching it!
Ramin Djawadi and Bear McCreary are so completely mind-blowingly excellent with intro scores.
I’d go with the intros to the Beatles cartoon series. I distinctly remember the last season used “And Your Bird Can Sing”.
+1 P&F, CB, and
weird it won’t let me type MASHed
Lotsa people here love their horns. So, how about the intro to Justice League, TAS?
I agree with some of these but not all.
Definitely Avatar & Phineas and Ferb!! Openings are so catchy! Stuck in your head!
I would add Wonder Over Yonder, Kick Buttowski (They get stuck in your head too)
Proud Family, My Life as a Teenager Robot, The Batman (2004-2005)
Pokemon Indigo League, That’s so Raven and few other great mentions.
Just felt like many got left out or unconsidered
I loved the WandaVision intros – they were so cleverly done for their era.
It was simple, but I never skipped the Stranger Things intro…I loved the synth-y beat.
The Mandalorian theme (which I believe does play as an opening, although you could have another category for ‘unskipable credits’) is just so, so, so good. It has that great space-western-opera feel that fits right in with Star Wars but also is distinctive from Williams’s style.
Space: 1999 1st series has already been mentioned, but other Gerry Anderson shows had great credit sequences – Stingray, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, and UFO (all with music by Barry Gray).
The Persuaders! had great credits with a theme by John Barry no less. Rather more obscure is The Zoo Gang which only ran to six episodes but had theme music by Paul McCartney (yes, that one). And who can forget Department S?
Staying in the UK in the ’70s we have for children The Tomorrow People and The Wombles.
I can do this all day:)
Like The Simpsons, Futurama has some continuously changing details in the intro that make it unskippable.
I never realized that about the GoT intro…!
I’m surprised nobody’s mentioned the theme to Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt! It’s just such an earworm and a great intro to series that admittedly has its ups and downs in terms of quality. That said, if you ever watch the interactive Kimmy Schmidt movie, you should definitely skip the intro to it… because it then forces you to sit through the longer version of the opening.
I’d say my other favorites are Futurama (for the same reason as Kimmy Schmidt) and Star Trek: Voyager. Voyager just has a gorgeous opening that perfectly fits the series and equally gorgeous visuals that looked simply amazing for a TV show in the 90’s. Very rarely do I skip those.
Evangelion, if you list bebop, how do you not have this immeadietly after
Okay, I may be showing my age here but,,,,
a) I challenge anyone to get the theme song from that trippy French-Japanese cartoon Ulysees 31 out your head for DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYs. It’s such techno-funky pulsating amazingness. It just is. Space ships! Space ships that combine into new, better space ships! Greek gods! Tragedy! That show was great.
I’d try to link to the opening credits on YouTube, but I think it might get munched by the mods.
b) the into to The Bionic Six is also astoundingly memorable and enjoyable. It’s also quite the banger.
Life is like a hurricane…
Most definitely The Persuaders!
1. The intro [and outtro] to The Protectors : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVcE-BxekMQ
2. Really? No-one loves this?!!? : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NToYkBYezZA
3. For a certain generation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u5NgC4lZ8s
4. Those who were glued to 70s Saturday daytime offerings can still sing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRLJYbXHAuI
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEYNuU6Xtms
6. For kids of the 80s [approx] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp8fg5G7jbc
Philippa Chapman @72, yes! I remember that Black Beauty opening! (Especially the music). I was also thinking of this.
And another which I might add to all here is the intro of Deadwood.
So many great theme songs, including some I’d forgotten about. (The Persuaders! especially — great stuff.)
I’ll note that Hawaii Five-0 is often considered the greatest TV theme ever. It’s difficult to argue with this proposition; the music and the opening visuals are unforgettable and the next thing to perfection. And it’s still the unofficial fight song of the University of Hawai’i.
That said, The Prisoner and Mission: Impossible are equally brilliant, and there’s just nothing like Patrick McGoohan striding down that hallway after having first navigated Westminster in that beautiful Lotus 7SII (who doesn’t want one of those?).
And then there’s the haunting, beautiful theme to Inspector Morse by Barrington Pheloung. My favourite detective series ever. God, I miss Oxford.
The Six Million Dollar Man, Ironside, The Name of the Game, The Mod Squad, Mannix, and UFO. And so many others. They don’t write ’em like that anymore.
The Johnny Quest theme music was always a favorite of little me.
Johnny Quest theme!!!
First, a fresh nominee from the ’70s-kids’-TV era (best secret organization acronym ever!).
Second, I had been going to recommend a particularly classy Henry Mancini theme from the 1980s, and then I ran across this item on YouTube, which is both fascinating and kind of scary. (Here’s a nice compilation of all the various arrangements of the actual Mancini music.)
Love this list. My animated addition was going to be Fairly Odd Parents so glad you mentioned it. My other additions would be… Friends – I love to skip around to random episodes and seasons, and I like watching the intro to set up where in their lives/series I am before watching. In more recent developments, I also really like the intro for Foundation. It doesn’t change but has stunning visuals and I like to watch. Finally, the best intro/score of ANY series is for Cosmos (both for A Spacetime Odyssey and Possible Worlds). Beautiful visuals, enchanting music, really gets you in the right headspace to get lost in a world of science and discovery.
The Christmas version of the Phineas and Ferb theme/opening is also great. And appropriate given the time of year
The opening credits to BLACK SAILS are awe-mazing! Hurdy Gurdy, percussive piano, and choir all over visuals of a macabre ivory carving full of mystery, blood and treasure. The ending on a haunting single-note drone of the Hurdy Gurdy totally puts us in the mood for PIRATES! So good!
Seconding True Blood! It was mesmerizing and really set a scene and tone, handling some key heavy lifting for a fantasy show.
I had a similar obsession with the intro to Good Omens.
I don’t think I ever skipped the curiously named Duvet, opening for Serial Experiments Lain.
Plus, of course, the “Present Day. Present Time. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA” that precedes it. I have heard that Lain originally aired at an odd time (like 11:17PM), so the sudden burst of static and the distorted laughter always seemed like hackers breaking into the broadcast.
The Dexter intro was stylish and winkingly clever. He’s just eating breakfast! It only looks like a murder scene!
Dexter. Breakfast never looked so sinister.
DOOM PATROL has a very strong intro sequence.
Glad to see I’m not the only one who remembered the intro to THE PRISONER. (But it took 45 comments to be mentioned?) One of the best. (Conversely, the intro to Patrick McGoohan’s 70’s medical drama RAFFERTY was one of the worst. Rafferty was a blunt, forceful, no-nonsense character in the show, and the intro showed him walking thru a peaceful park with utterly sappy, la-la-la, elevator-style music. Utterly off-kilter for both the show and character.)
I always watch the intro to Bob’s Burgers just for the new pun-store name of the neighboring shop!
@72 Philippa Chapman
The Protectors! I loved that show, and to a lesser degree, My Partner the Ghost. I tried to find the US intro to the latter but couldn’t find it online, just the original Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) intro from Britain.
How about Get Smart? The elevator/stairs sequence always gets me!
Bonanza? Any love
Warrior (cinemax/HBO MAX). LOVE that song!
Honorable Mention to “Weeds” and how every opener was sung by someone different.
One of the things I like about the new Star Trek shows is that their theme songs are all different but also immediately identifiable as Star Trek, with callbacks to the ST:TOS and ST:TNG themes often woven in. Not a tv show, but any time I rewatch a Harry Potter movie, that familiar theme music immediately makes me happy. Then there’s the original Avengers with Patrick McNee and the always amazing Diana Rigg.
The excellence of The Expanse has already been mentioned, but not the reason specific to the intro that makes it unskippable: it changes subtly from season to season adding bits and pieces that reflect the changes in the story’s universe.
Cheers for TV show intros! (Cheers‘s was pretty good come to think of it). And speaking of great theme songs…
The simple but clever animation and fabulously memorable theme music (composed by Richard Markowitz) of The Wild Wild West transfixed me in my childhood. I still hum it from time to time. As a bonus, the last frame image of each act was rendered into one box of the grid from the intro. I never got tired of that. Was TWWW the first sci-fi western?
The intro is on YouTube if you’d like to see/hear it.
Swat Kats.
Just a bitchin’ good track.
I agree with Phineas & Ferb and would like to add The Golden Girls, Kim Possible, My Roommate Is A Cat, How To Train A(or Your) Mummy, Tonikawa, Nobelese, My Love Story and Love Is War(season 1).
I would like to suggest some of the opening intros to The Drew Carey Show. My personal favorite is the Andy Griffith version, where Mimi kicks Drew into the creek.
If we count web series, the animated opening sequence for Critical Role Campaign 2 is fantastic.
I’d have to put Gravity Falls over pretty much any other animated theme. The song and the visuals are just an absolutely perfect guide into the show, and the song itself is so perfect I could never skip a note.