via evadne
There have been plenty of articles detailing which Doctor Who actors have shown up in the Harry Potter films and vice versa, but have you ever thought about what would happen if these two beloved worlds actually merged?
Accio the “Doctor Potter” meme! This brilliant Tumblr mash-up makes the perfectly reasonable case for the Doctor and his latest companion to drop the TARDIS into the wizarding world. The GIFs and photo manips are so expertly done that you can almost giddily imagine that this is a lost episode.
I came across these mesmerizing GIFs yesterday, of Daleks and other baddies laying siege to Hogwarts. It’s difficult to look away, partly because the editing is so crisp. But also because seeing the TARDIS on the Hogwarts grounds is one of those things that you never realized fit so well until someone made it so.
via kinghanalister
Hermione just can’t catch a break in this GIF set, as she seems to be the target of every intruder. And with Harry in a suit… are we supposed to imagine him as the Doctor’s next regeneration?
via we-reidentical
But while the above GIFs craft a pretty dark and dramatic narrative, mostly the “Doctor Potter” tag is a series of one-offs. The Silence pop up over and over as a punchline in this meme, probably because they most resemble a Potterverse creature.
via Tumblr
Even more popular is the TARDIS. Maybe because we’re already used to Harry and friends traveling through the wizarding world via portkeys and Floo powder, it doesn’t seem so strange to envision a blue police call box peeking out of the Tri-Wizard Tournament hedge maze (via zettephrasie), or spiriting our favorite characters away from harm.
via Jason Welborn
via Alex Ryan
And of course, the easy jokes:
via fyrefoxx
via morgick
via starchaser1874
Then there are the even better references, which have the added bonus of being canon. 3×02 “The Shakespeare Code” deals heavily in witchcraft and the Carrionites, whose power is based on the written word. So it’s no surprise that the writers dropped in various Potter references…
via marauders4evr
…including a spell that actually saves the day.
via decisionsandrevisionsreversed
Finally, perhaps my favorite: A recent photo shoot with The Times put Matt Smith and new companion Jenna-Louise Coleman into what looks like one of the wizarding world’s living photographs.
via am4t3ur
Natalie Zutter is a playwright, foodie, and pop culture blogger. Her writing has appeared on BlackBook, Ology, Bookish, and Crushable, where she discusses celebrity culture alongside internet memes (or vice versa). Weekly you can find her calling in to the Hunger Games Fireside Chat podcast, reviewing new releases at Movie Mezzanine, and on Twitter.