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Read an Excerpt From Shaun Hamill&#8217;s <i>The Dissonance</i>

Contemporary Fantasy

Cover of The Dissonance by Shaun Hamill. showing the silhouettes of two hands against a green and yellow background.

Read an Excerpt From Shaun Hamill’s The Dissonance

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Cover of The Village Library Demon-Hunting Society by C.M. Waggoner, showing an archway with bookshelves. Inside the archway is the title of the novel, a red cat, and some stars.

Read an Excerpt From C.M. Waggoner’s The Village Library Demon-Hunting Society

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Cover of Darker by Four by June CL Tan , showing three young people, one holding two pink glowing swords.

Magic, Death, and Bubble Tea: June C.L. Tan’s Darker by Four

Comment number: 0
Cover of Blood at the Root, showing a robed man standing in front of a tree. In front of him are five lit white candles and a book open to pages that show mysterious diagrams.

Read an Excerpt From LaDarrion Williams’ Blood at the Root

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Cover of Blood Justice, showing three faces, one with red eyes, a red key with a skeleton head, and a red moon, all against a blue and red background

A Chaotic New Orleans Mage Crew: Blood Justice by Terry J. Benton-Walker

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Cover of The Vanishing Station, depicting a golden tunnel surrounded by woods, with train tracks leading over water to a bridge.

Read an Excerpt From Ana Ellickson’s The Vanishing Station

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Cover of The City of Stardust

Portals, Secrets, and Curses: Georgia Summers’ The City of Stardust

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Evan: A Remainder

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Mermaids in the Desert: Kim Antieau’s Church of the Old Mermaids

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Read an Excerpt From Susan Dennard’s The Hunting Moon

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Read an Excerpt From Susan Dennard’s The Luminaries

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The Three O’Clock Dragon

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